View Full Version : still new to rehab need help with my personal flyer..

flyer girl
04-15-2013, 06:17 PM
Not sure what is going on with Sebastian my 6 year old flying squirrel,I hate to take him to the vet it is so stressful for him. I had him out a few minutes ago loving on him but he wont stay still long normal for him so he left me to go back to his cage and he missed his cage and ran into my closet again not uncommon for him but when I went to get him he was acting strange kind of jutting forward in my hand but not trying to get a way his pupils were large even though it was bright in my room then he was just still like he could not see or he was confused so I gave him some karo syrup and held him for about 3 minutes and he was back to his normal let me back in my cage self..He is on a good diet eating and drinking well getting good amounts of calcium I even use a vita light when they are a sleep to help with calcium absorption.. If anyone as any ideas please share.. p.s. he does not show any signs of MBD.. Thanks Flyer girl:dono

04-16-2013, 04:51 PM
:wave123 flyer girl
Sorry no one answered your post. How is Sebastian today? Do you think he injured himself when he 'missed'. You gave him Karo syrup. Do you think he was having a seizure?

FG, I'm really not familiar with the vita light. If I were you I would PM Mrs Skul and ask about the light. It seems unnatural to me to be exposing a flyer to light. They have such huge eyes and in nature they don't get much light exposure at all. Being nocturnal, they don't get Vitamin D from sunlight exposure. They get it from their diet. We feed mushrooms for Vit D. Doesn't Sebastian sleep in some type of pouch or cube or nest box?
The reason I'm a little sensitive about light is because my flyer Bonzai has a history of seizures. I got him as an adult. Every time he came out of the cage he had a seizure. The problem didn't seem to be related to diet. I noticed how sensitive he was to light. When a light was on he would stay in his cube ... when the light was off he came out and was completely normal. I decided to have out of cage time in muted light (lamp only). He has NOT had a seizure since. It has been almost a year since his last seizure. :wott I really feel that light is a 'trigger' for him. I would definitely ask Mrs Skul about the light. She will know. She knows everything about flyers. :peace :)

I hope Sebastian is feeling better today. :thumbsup

flyer girl
04-16-2013, 11:49 PM
Thank you for answering my post:) .. Sebastian is better today,this has only happened 2 times and he is back to his normal self with in 5 minutes..The vita light I only use it in the day time while they are a sleep and I use it because the vet said it would be good for calcium absorption, it only stays on for 4 hours about 2 times a month there sleeping boxes have holes drilled in them so the light comes through but they can always hide from the light in another pouch..I have heard about freezing spells and I wonder if that is what is happening to him or maybe can flying squirrels be diabetic..:dono I will ask Mrs skul what she thinks as soon as I get a chance..:thinking Thanks again for the help FlyerGirl