View Full Version : Squirrel PT help??

04-15-2013, 03:15 PM
Ok so this is my first post and I hope I don't get too lengthy here. I have had only 3 litters that I have rehabbed and released but this is my first litter of EGS and boy are they different from Fox squirrels. A little background on my current litter. The mother was transferring the babies from one nest to another when the neighbors dog grabbed and killed the mom and baby she was carrying. :osnap
2 hours later the last two babies ventured from the nest, looking for mom I assume, one boy made it down most of the way before falling on the grass and was fine. The other boy fell from the nest and onto the street on his head. The neighbors came and got me then and explained everything to me and I gave them both some pedialyte and set up a home for them (after warming them up of course). They were about 4 weeks old at that point. (One had his eyes open and the other did not.) The one without his eyes open was the one that fell into the street and was in a coma when I got him. He had a heart rate and breathing but no other movement for 3 days! He did have a swallowing reflex so I kept him fed and hydrated VERY carefully and VERY slowly. It would take me 45 min to feed him every time, drop by drop. So the one with his eyes open has thrived and I have no issues with him. However, my little head injury baby has survived many set backs. Here is the list of them... head injury from fall, coma for 3 days, woke up and was still slow to eat and very sleepy, hypoglycemic seizures that Karo helped with, then pneumonia (probably from when he was in the coma) that antibiotics has fixed (now with some diarrhea from the antibiotics)

Now they are about 6 weeks old and my head injury baby is neurologically not intact. His eyes unfused 1 day after he came out of the coma and he is a voracious eater now. He doesn't walk yet but he crawls and mostly in the direction his head is pointing. He holds it to one side mostly and he doesn't support much of his weight on his legs but crawls on his belly with his limbs tucked under him. I can stretch his legs out, and do frequently to make sure he doesn't get contractions, with a little squirrel massage. His balance is off and he topples over frequently even while crawling. We work on strengthening his muscles with every feed and he doesn't seem to mind. He is not gaining much weight despite my best efforts and is about 2/3rds the size of his litter mate. He still looks like a 4 week old and the other is looking like a little adult. He is missing all his milestones and I'm not sure that saving this boy was a good idea in this case.

I also try to carry him in a pouch on me several times a day to stimulate his brain with the swaying and movement while he sleeps. Other than what I am doing anything else I can do to help this boy recover and increase his chances of release??

:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

04-15-2013, 03:59 PM
After reading some other threads I feel inclined to also let you know that he is very lethargic and will sleep till stimulated to wake and eat. He has absolutely no interest in solid food at all, is very small for his age and physically looks 2 weeks younger than he is. hes 6 weeks and tail and face still look very babyish about 4 weeks. Soft cottony fur not the fur like his brother. Any help or information would be appreciated.

04-15-2013, 04:16 PM
I posted a link in the ER section....... hopefully some one will come along to help.

Jackie in Tampa
04-15-2013, 04:18 PM
:grouphug :Welcome
Hello and welcome...
awe..do you think he is paralysed?
does he pee on himself? do you express his bladder? does he pee as normal sq would, all at once or does he continuously dribble? urine scald?

Ideally he would have had steroid treatment to reduce the brain swelling... actually too late for that now and it does not always change the outcome anyway...

can you post a video of him?
soft sparse fur is usually diet related... understandably so in his case..
If I were you, I would try to find a sq in the same age so that the healthy of the two has a release buddy... from the way it sounds, your wee one is non releasable..
many peeps will keep these special babies, others will euthanize...
sometimes HEAVEN is a gift...:grouphug
{I have many NRs... and have been in a position as you are many times, I have a vet that helps me make the right decision, and prayer}
tough call, there are members that want an NR/forever sq...
so adoption is a possibility...if you are not in that position...
glad you found TSB... alot of sq experience and knowledge here...

poor momma and sibbling...RIP

:Welcome :wave123

04-15-2013, 04:20 PM
Thank you so much for your help. I'm am still muddling my way around the SB so this question may seem silly but since you posted a link in another forum will the replies post here or do I need to go there to see the responses??

:goodpost :dono :dono

04-15-2013, 04:28 PM
Thank you so much for your help. I'm am still muddling my way around the SB so this question may seem silly
but since you posted a link in another forum will the replies post here or do I need to go there to see the responses??

:goodpost :dono :donoNo stay here.... the link was to bring the people to you.
and there they are..... Jackie, she is good and can help. :)

04-15-2013, 04:32 PM
I do have a video on my phone and will try to post it. I don't think hes paralyzed I think it may just be his brain not firing correctly to tell his limbs to work. He voids on his own like a normal squirrel without issues. I'm not sure I explained his fur correctly though. sorry... it is abundant just much softer than his litter mate. Still like a little 4 week old. Just wondering if it may be Down Syndrome now?? Watching a video from last week he seems to be getting worse since he got his bout of pneumonia. He was up and walking a week ago after coming out of the coma albeit slow and shakey. Then he got pneumonia and he was soooo sleepy and didn't want to do anything but eat and sleep so I let his little body recover and now his gait is more wobbly and he tends to spin in a circle. I'm ok if he can't be released as I am prepare with a huge cage for him if need be but I really want to increase his chance of release if at all possible. Out in the wild running through the trees is best if at all possible... I'm just not sure it is possible.

04-15-2013, 04:48 PM
ok so clearly I don't know how to upload photos or videos. they are on my iPhone and should be easy to do but I am at a loss. sorry any suggestions??

04-15-2013, 05:02 PM
uploading to youtube and will post a link when it is done in 20 min or so. He seems to be using his legs better just now...:wahoo but still holds his head to the side and spins in circles mostly. perhaps I just need to let his brain heal more and my PT and squirrel massages must take time to help???

04-15-2013, 05:37 PM

ok I hope you can view, this let me know if there are any issues.

:jump :wott

Jackie in Tampa
04-15-2013, 05:58 PM
circles can be visually related as well as brain trauma..
however after watching video, thinking head trauma has left him nuerologically damaged..
he is cute as all get out... :crazy
do you have a small cage for him?

finch flight cage...Petco $38 1/2 inch bar spacing, springy bottom, lightweight..nice sized main door for easy access.
You don't want a large cage... this is plenty for awhile...:thumbsup
Aquariums/tanks are so isolating and lack the bars for climbing skills and security... and the sound in a tank is cold too...
PM me your address and I will send him some sweet fleece to sleep in..
what is his name? I am in love already...oh lala, he has my heart.:Love_Icon
PM/private message , upper right hand corner!
I could suck the fur right off him, a d o r a b l e!!!!!

I recommend HHBs..
Henry's Healthy Blocks are made for squirrels.. to a science!!!
I see you are feeding rodent block:bowdown but please try these!!!!!
he darling, really!!!!:wott

04-15-2013, 06:13 PM
:Welcome to tsb. I too am in Columbus and have raised several neuro babies. I agree that he definitely looks neuro, but already seems to be pretty high functioning, great job getting him through his 3 day unresponsive state. He looks pretty thin and may benefit from tube feeding. If you are looking for a rehabber, I may be able to help you out. Do you have a video of his sibling?

If you want some help with them, another question is would you be willing to keep the neuro guy long term if he is NR? I have one NR and possibly another (just won't grow) and really can't take on another. I could probably find him a home on tsb though. Let me know, you can message me or post here if you would like help. Depending on how close you are, I'd be willing to tube him for you and then you take him back as well. Just thought I'd offer if you're looking and he could probably use several tube feedings til he gets a little stronger.

04-15-2013, 06:39 PM
:Welcome to tsb. I too am in Columbus and have raised several neuro babies. I agree that he definitely looks neuro, but already seems to be pretty high functioning, great job getting him through his 3 day unresponsive state. He looks pretty thin and may benefit from tube feeding. If you are looking for a rehabber, I may be able to help you out. Do you have a video of his sibling?

If you want some help with them, another question is would you be willing to keep the neuro guy long term if he is NR? I have one NR and possibly another (just won't grow) and really can't take on another. I could probably find him a home on tsb though. Let me know, you can message me or post here if you would like help. Depending on how close you are, I'd be willing to tube him for you and then you take him back as well. Just thought I'd offer if you're looking and he could probably use several tube feedings til he gets a little stronger.

I can not thank you guys enough for all your nonjudgmental and caring approach to my dilemma. I have named him Noggin (cause he hurt his noggin and his brother is Frenzy because he does everything in such a frenzy) I do love them whole heartedly and will welcome any and all help I can get to help these guys out. I am in Hilliard and I hope you are close because I'd love to get together and work as a team to help little Noggin out so he has the best life we can give him. I am willing to keep him if he turns out to be NR. Right now I have a box I keep him in cause he isn't very active but will purchase a cage very soon. They are in the box sleeping most of the time and the aquarium is for a holding place while the other eats and I clean out the nest. I put toys and food and water for them to have stuff to do while waiting and when they start to fall asleep they get put in the nest. I will PM my address to you guys and am in tears at the help you guys are giving me. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

04-15-2013, 10:04 PM
What a sweetie. :Love_Icon

04-15-2013, 11:16 PM
:Welcome wow Jackie is right.. he looks as if he has nero issues.. check his ears to make sure there are no mites.. some times it can be missed.. they will cause the symtoms same as nero. also if he is nero he is young and sometimes their little brains heal but we never know for sure how much till they are older.. just love him and keep him safe as possible.. and glad you are open to help, you will need alot of help..lol beleave me I still need help sometimes..lol we all do:rotfl welcome to our large furry family.. :wave123

04-15-2013, 11:50 PM
Ohwiseone:bowdown you truly are:thumbsup Noggin is precious and moving much better than I thought from description :crazy I'm glad he's in some sort of nest he looked frightened to me and trying to find a place to hide...my healthy babies love to find cover in their fleece:grouphug Once again wonderful job ..you're a hero for not giving up on Sweet Noggin...I think he's already won everyone's heart:Love_Icon :thankyou :Welcome you will love it here :grouphug Squirrelsrule&bunniestoo:bowdown

04-16-2013, 08:48 AM
Thanks for all the encouragement and I usually don't put him in the tank as he just wants to eat and sleep at this time. When he's more mobile I'll put him in a different cage that's more appropriate for him to climb on. Frenzy just found out today that he can sit up all by himself and eat with his front feet!!!:squirrel1 yay for him. he also learned to jump. :crazy Hes so cute and feisty and should do just fine out there in the wild world of my backyard. I am meeting with squirrels rule and bunnies too today so she can look at him and she can be my mentor!!:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :wahoo I was leary about posting but I am so glad I did. Thanks again


P.S. Frenzy is his littermate without any issues. The baby in the video is Noggin... cause he hurt his noggin . :crazy

island rehabber
04-16-2013, 09:27 AM
Just got here but ohwiseone you are in the BEST four hands I can think of -- Jackie in Tampa via the Squirrel Board and squirrelrule&bunniestoo in person. Noggin is going to get the best advice and care he could ever want....:thumbsup

As far as P/T, I have a partially handicapped 8-month old grey named Krista -- her thread is in the Squirrel Infirmary section. I do exercises with her (I call it "Squirrelates", like pilates? :D) where I get her to push against my hand with her weak hind legs, make her walk up inclines, etc. Maybe something in her thread would give you some ideas for Noggin.


04-16-2013, 09:57 AM
Just got here but ohwiseone you are in the BEST four hands I can think of -- Jackie in Tampa via the Squirrel Board and squirrelrule&bunniestoo in person. Noggin is going to get the best advice and care he could ever want....:thumbsup

As far as P/T, I have a partially handicapped 8-month old grey named Krista -- her thread is in the Squirrel Infirmary section. I do exercises with her (I call it "Squirrelates", like pilates? :D) where I get her to push against my hand with her weak hind legs, make her walk up inclines, etc. Maybe something in her thread would give you some ideas for Noggin.


Thanks I will check it out. I have been doing squirrelcise with him and he seems to be better. He is not crawling today but actually up and walking!! It gives me hope.

:thankyou :thankyou

04-16-2013, 09:59 AM

Here are the photos I uploaded today. I just love them and the yawning pic of Noggin is my absolute fave!!

Jackie in Tampa
04-16-2013, 10:10 AM
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=201337&stc=1&d=1366123428:Love_Icon

Jackie in Tampa
04-16-2013, 10:20 AM
Great that you can meet up with SRBT...
however, I WOULD NOT TUBE FEED this baby or any sq...jmho.
not stepping on toes...:peace

04-16-2013, 05:58 PM
Ohwiseone I love your new thread and look forward to more pics :flash:crazy

04-16-2013, 06:10 PM
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

04-16-2013, 06:10 PM
Great that you can meet up with SRBT...
however, I WOULD NOT TUBE FEED this baby or any sq...jmho.
not stepping on toes...:peace
I didn't tube because he is very much responsive and eating. He's pretty thin and a little weak and dehydrated, but he's been through a lot.

I am a HUGE fan of tube feeding. Any species can be tubed and tubing saves lives! My little guy who is now over 200 grams likely wouldn't have survived without tube feeding, he was unresponsive for a few days and just not doing good. Mikey, my NR is alive because of tubing, Princess Ellie was tubed for over a week and little Tiff was also tubed for a couple days. Hundreds of cottontails owe their life to the tube as well because I certainly wouldn't have time to care for 20 at a time if hand feeding and any that I can't take get euthanized. I agree that squirrels that are weak but trying (like little Noggin) shouldn't be tubed, but in some instances it's the best choice by far and if I could choose just one skill for rehabbing to keep, it would definitely be tube feeding.

04-16-2013, 08:47 PM
Thank you everyone for your help and information. We ended up not tubing him since he is eating just fine. :wahoo I will get him fattened up and up to fighting weight in no time at all.... :crazy Thank you for your help and mentoring SRBT. you are totally awesome!!:thumbsup