View Full Version : Squirrel Play?

04-13-2013, 10:59 AM
My almost 8wk olds Boris and Natasha are doing great! Putting on weight, eating, enjoying their Henry's blocks. They have so much fun (I think my husband and I have more fun) playing and using us as trees when we let them out. They are super fast and super sweet, except when they get to rough housing. They are typical siblings!! :poke I have been under the weather the past couple days so I haven't had much playtime with them. My husband has been doing a wonderful job caring for the babies. He came to me last night with a concern though. He heard Natasha sounded upset and when he checked on them, Boris was being very rough and "mounting" her. He got worried and separated the two. Now I know they don't usually reach sexual maturity until around 10 mo - a year, so is this just kids being kids. Rough housing and exploring? What's funny is they were so sad being separated. They both slept near the cage doors so they could see/be closer to each other.

04-13-2013, 11:02 AM
I think that at that age, there is no worry. Mounting is a dominance thing even when they are bigger in many cases.:shakehead
As long as nobody is getting hurt, they should be able to hash it out themselves...:Love_Icon

04-13-2013, 12:18 PM
unless one is mutilated and/or bitten badly, they should be together. They rough house and usually it works out fine. I would be concerned that they don't have each other. They might get depressed. They know nothing but each other.......