View Full Version : Recovering squirrel MBD (picky eater help?!)

04-13-2013, 01:21 AM
I first of all want to say thanks to this squirrel board!

This is where I first learned what was wrong with my little man, and that my little flying squirrel had MBD, and I am so thankful there was something I could do! I am about a month and two weeks into his recovery and he is doing great! I have him on henry's picky squirrel blocks ( he doesn't like the protein ones..) and peanut snacks, mushrooms, yogurt, and also still giving him about 75 mg calcium a day...

My problem is that I try to give him leafy greens and all kinds of veggies, he just doesn't go for it.. I unfortunately spoiled him on nuts...

I would like to give some nuts back but I am scared that he won't eat his picky blocks and the won't be getting the nutrition he needs, buts he also seems very unhappy about his selections of food..

I would love some advice from anyone that has some picky eaters out there... :Love_Icon Should I give him his nuts back? And what kind is the best? Or any other treats u can think of?!
Thank you!

04-13-2013, 01:29 AM
No, do not give the nuts back, especially if he is recovering. Maybe one or two a day, as treats. Most give them at night as a reward for a good day. If he's healthy, he will not starve himself. Stick with the blocks (two a day for a grey, three for a fox), veggies, and some fruit. The blocks are the most important part. If he neglects his veggies for awhile, that's unfortunate but won;t be the end of the world. Just keep trying different kinds, over and over. The P Stix should just be a treat and not confused for a block.

04-13-2013, 06:21 AM

so glad you have been reading about nutrition.

if your flyer has had mbd it will take a long time for his bone density to get back to normal .... probably a couple of months ... so don't lose hope and don't give in to him.

nuts upset his ability to absorb calcium and then his bones break really easily.

just to make sure.....

the flyer diet link is below it is different from the normal squirrel diet. There is a small but very important difference between flyers and other squirrels....flyers need enough meat protein everyday.


ps: i'm not sure how many nuts are ok for a flyer, especially one with mbd, maybe you'd need to check. (also give them something like hazelnut - very hard shell that takes them forever to open rather than a shelled nut).

:Welcome :D