View Full Version : Revolution?
04-12-2013, 10:38 PM
How fast is Revolution supposed to work? I got a baby in this evening that was covered in fleas and lice. I gave her a Dawn bath and then put one drop of Revolution between her shoulders. It's been a few hours and the parasites are still looking quite healthy around in the bedding.
04-12-2013, 10:41 PM
Hmm... I have always felt it worked almost immediately on cats. It seems to me it worked that fast on Sammy too. How big is the baby? How much did you use?
04-12-2013, 10:48 PM
You should see a big difference in a few hours....... maybe the animal has mites instead of fleas.
04-12-2013, 10:57 PM
The baby is 110g and I just squeezed one drop out of the "small cat" tube. I've now added another drop and one drop to the bedding (because it made me feel better).
MITES!!! :eek: Are they tiny but visible to the eye? And Revolution doesn't work on them? How do I treat?
The baby had two parasites that I could see. Fleas for sure and something else that was much smaller. I just assumed lice but maybe they are mites.
04-12-2013, 11:03 PM
The Revolution will take care of both the fleas & the mites...... just might take a little longer than if it was just fleas. The two drops will be enough to kill them, please do not place any more of the Revolution on the squirrel as we do not want to poison it. This treatment will last for 30 days and should only be used on squirrels 6-8 weeks of age or older.
04-12-2013, 11:07 PM
Rhapsody :thankyou so much for this information. Very important not to poison my baby! I hope I haven't already. I was just so freaked out by seeing them still in there after a few hours when I have seen it work almost instantaneously on kitten fleas. And this baby had SO many fleas and her gums are really pale. I'm worried about her. And the other baby I got this evening has the mites too, even though they were kept separate. :shakehead :yuck
04-12-2013, 11:09 PM
What is Revolution?
Revolution is a safe and simple monthly topical medication used to protect your pet from heartworms, fleas, and ear mites. It also protects dogs from ticks and sarcoptic mange and cats from roundworms and hookworms. Revolution for Dogs and Cats requires a prescription from your veterinarian. (3 Pack = 3 doses which lasts 3 months.)
Dogs (6 weeks of age or older and no weight requirement)
Cats (8 weeks of age or older and no weight requirement)
• Protects your pet from heartworms and fleas
• Fights both internal and surface parasitic infections• Treats Sarcoptic mange in dogs
• Treats and controls ear mites•
Controls American Dog Tick infestation
• Treats and controls roundworms and hookworms in cats
• Only administered once a month
• Safe and easy to use
How it works:
Revolution works by penetrating the skin and entering your pet's bloodstream. Concentrations of selamectin, the active ingredient, in the tissue and bloodstream prevent heartworm disease. Selamectin also redistributes into the skin from the bloodstream and kills adult fleas, American dog ticks, and ear mites, and prevents flea eggs from hatching. It is also an anthelmintic, which means it fights to expel parasitic worms. Parasites ingest the drug when they feed on the animal's blood. Revolution is safe for pregnant and lactating pets.
Side effects are uncommon, with less than 1% of dogs showing signs of digestive upsets. It is not advisable to use Revolution in pets that are ill or underweight. Collies and herding dog breeds may have a reaction to the ingredient selamectin if given over the recommended dosage amount. If your dog is a collie or other herding dog breed and your veterinarian has prescribed Revolution, we urge you to monitor your pet for 8 hours and call your vet if your dog displays any signs of weakness, staggering, dilated pupils, trembling, drooling, or pressing his or her head against a wall.
What are the possible side effects of Revolution:
Side effects of Revolution that may occur include temporary hair loss at the site of application, loss of appetite, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and muscle tremors.
04-12-2013, 11:20 PM
I would keep changing out that bedding until you see they are gone. I am pretty sure that it should work on mites too. Once the baby is hydrated and getting some nutrition they will not be so apt to overwhelm him. They really are attracted to the sick and malnourished babies.
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
04-12-2013, 11:50 PM
Revolution is for an ongoing flea problem. There is something else vets use when a stray is brought in that kills the existing one instantly but the poison only last a day. Anyone know the name? I've forgotten.
Do you have a flea comb? Dawn and a flea comb alone will take care of them. I comb them while soaped up, and any I miss later, I use this method:
Fill a disposable jar with water and pour a little dawn ( or any detergent) in it. Don't do the reverse order, because you don't want suds. The detergent creates a barrier on top of the water and prevents fleas from escaping.
Begin around the eyes, and comb towards the tail. Fleas are very tuned in to what is going on on the animal's body. If the animal chews his tail, they all head for the head, and vs vs. so you want to drive them towards the tail, Cowgirl. after the eyes, they head for behind the ears and the neck area. Next they go to the armpits, and then down to the genital area. These are natures hiding places. They don't want to go out the tail because it has little blood and is easy for the animal to reach and bite. But that is where you want to herd them, because it's easy to comb. Comb-catch any you can along the way, and dump them in your detergent water. Then flush it.
I've treated hundreds of kitten rescues this way, and never ended up with fleas on my own cats. But you have to get right down to business, because for every flea you see, there are -how many is it? - all the ads say. taking a break on your carpet. When I have a fleabag rescue, our first stop is the bathroom (no carpet or hardwood floor to hide on) and there they stay until they're flea free. I'm not suggesting they not be hydrated and fed, of course - do what you have to to stabilize them, but do it in the bathroom or whatevr room you have that you can keep fleas from infesting.
I know you're past a lot of this, but the information may help the next fleabag someone gets. mjs
04-13-2013, 01:05 AM
There is something else vets use when a stray is brought in that kills the existing ones instantly but the poison only last a day. Anyone know the name? I've forgotten.
Capstar! :thumbsup
04-13-2013, 01:20 AM
Capstar! :thumbsup
That's it! :thumbsup Thanks :)
04-13-2013, 06:06 AM
Sammysmom, that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm happy to report that as of now, there were no fleas on Calliope although there were still a few alive in the bedding. So that's been washed in hot water and new bedding put in. I also didn't see any mites alive in Calliope's bedding.
There were still mites walking around Penelope's bedding so I threw that towel away and added a second drop of Revolution right behind her ear. I'm afraid the first drop didn't get past all of the fur because she's about 8 weeks old. She's pretty healthy so I'm surprised there were so many mites, which I've never seen in the thirty or so squirrels I've raised.
Acorniv, where were you when I had three flea infested kittens last summer? :poke I gave them Dawn baths but didn't have a comb and submerged their bodies so that the fleas ran up to their heads. :yuck I used tweezers to get all of the rest. It was pretty awful. And oh, did I mention the power was out and I did all of this by candlelight?
Capstar is amazing! And safer for the young ones, I believe. I don't want to overwhelm these babies with chemicals but do we know if Capstar works on mites? I might need it for Penelope.
04-13-2013, 01:56 PM
Capstar is amazing! And safer for the young ones, I believe. I don't want to overwhelm these babies with chemicals but do we know if Capstar works on mites? I might need it for Penelope.
The active ingredient in Capstar "nitenpyram" is safe to use on the young ones and will
drop/kill any living flea on them within 30 mins, it is also safe to be repeated the following
day if necessary.
Unfortunately, nitenpyram has not been shown to be effective against mites but the revolution
should take care of that. :thumbsup
04-13-2013, 04:28 PM
Thanks Stepnstone! :)
04-13-2013, 05:31 PM
How's it going in the battle against bugs? The combo of the two things is what we did for kittens too. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
04-13-2013, 05:43 PM was going great. I got all of the bugs off of Calliope and Penelope and the Revolution killed the mites. Then I got two more babies this afternoon and they were covered in fleas. I thought I did a great job de-flea-ing but I just found one in my hair and it jumped away before I could kill it. I was super careful to throw out all of the bedding and never let it near my carpet. Now I'm freaking out that I'll get an infestation in my apartment.
04-13-2013, 05:50 PM
Do the same treatment for the newbies and you should be fine...:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
04-13-2013, 06:17 PM
But the one in my what a disgusting feeling. It makes me feel so sorry for any orphan with fleas. More sorry than I originally felt, I mean. So the one that made it into my living room won't multiply? (Just lie and say it won't :thankyou )
04-13-2013, 06:20 PM
Nah... you're all set! :D :Love_Icon :D
04-14-2013, 03:21 AM
But the one in my what a disgusting feeling. It makes me feel so sorry for any orphan with fleas. More sorry than I originally felt, I mean. So the one that made it into my living room won't multiply? (Just lie and say it won't :thankyou )
I'm betting just the thought made your head itch
to where you just had to go wash your own hair too... :rotfl
:poke Am I right??
04-14-2013, 07:14 AM
Washed your hair and popped a Capstar didn't ya'? :D :poke :rotfl
04-14-2013, 09:20 AM
Stepnstone you are correct! And Sammysmom I certainly thought about taking a Capstar but hoped it was just the one flea that I eventually caught biting me again. Now I'm not so sure. How much damage can one flea do because I have seven bites. Do I need to flea bomb my apartment?
Totally freaking out. :hidechair
flyer girl
04-18-2013, 09:18 AM
Two thing and I hope this is helpful there is a spray called Sihpotrol plus you can get it at the vet to spray your apartment I swear by it cause I have 5 dog that like to bring me fleas sometimes, the best part is you only have to leave the area you spray for 30 minutes and repeat 3 weeks later but 1 can will do your apartment at least 2 times..The other thing is mycodex shampoo it to can be purchased at the vet as well it is safe for very young animals and it kills fleas and mites I use it on my flying squirrel rehabs all of the time so I don't bring home fleas and it is a lot less drying to the skin then dawn.. Oh and I use mycodex on my own head from time to time when I to have fleas (ha ha) I know how you fell.. Hope this helps Flyer Girl:poke :wave123
04-18-2013, 10:31 AM
flyer girl, that is most helpful information! :thumbsup
06-08-2013, 04:44 PM
I need to deflea my little Tommy. Does anyone know the dosing amounts? I have the dosages for rodents - is it the same? Has anyone used Advantage? I wont use anything but Revolution or Advantage and we generally consider advantage to be the safer of the two because it isnt absorbed as internally as Revolution (which has to be because it kills roundworms and heartworms).
Anyone used it?
06-08-2013, 05:21 PM
I don't think Advantage is used for rodents. Revolution is one tiny drop as a dose. Same as a cat, between the shoulder blades on the skin. How old is Tommy though?
06-13-2013, 07:19 PM
Tommy is under 6 months - thats the closest I can tell anyway. I looked it up in our exotic animal medicine book and there are much clearer instructions for using Advantage for prairie dogs. There are vague instructions for dosing Revolution for rodents. It just says to use the kitten size of Revolution - the entire tube. I feel better giving a measured amount then just guesstimate a tiny drop which is why i was wondering if anyone has ever used Advantage. Thankfully i havent seen fleas on him since he was first found.
06-13-2013, 07:31 PM
Get yourself an oversized ziploc (or generic solar store kind) and store used bedding in it until you are ready to launder it in hot water. That way you'll seal it off should there be any remaining hitchhikers (larva/eggs from before revolution treatment). As for your question about mites... If you look closely, you might be able to see harvest mites (red). However some mites are microscopic and cannot be seen by the human eye and get under the skin (scabies, etc).
Thus, have separate clothes for taking care of them for a couple days; which you'll also wash with the bedding. White t-shirt pants is good to see stuff crawling on you.
06-13-2013, 07:37 PM
I don't think Advantage is used for rodents. Revolution is one tiny drop as a dose. Same as a cat, between the shoulder blades on the skin. How old is Tommy though?
From what I've heard, I believe there have been reports that advantage shouldn't even be used on the animals it's intended for.
06-13-2013, 07:44 PM
Go to the dollar store and get a bottle that resembles those ketchup/mustard pointy-end shape bottles. Fill with salt; cut end to a size the salt will actually poor out. Poor salt along walls/baseboards and over carpets. Intention is to dehydrate larvae. Leave for three days then vacuum. Then, repeat. Do this 3 times (thus, 9-day cycle).
Hard surfaces:get clean spray bottle. Fill with 50/50 mix of vinegar and water. Clean floors with Dawn and soap. Careful, too much is slippery. Rinse. Then put the vinegar spray. Leave a moment;then wipe up.
06-13-2013, 10:13 PM
If you read the research documentation on Revolution you will find that it is one of the safest treatments available for mites, fleas, and roundworms ( it is actually safe at many times recommended dosage). It is the best possible treatment for mites in animals of any size in my opinion. Works great for fleas too. I would not worry about two drops doing any harm to a 6 week plus little one. I have used it on my squirrels as well as my dogs with great results.
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