View Full Version : Newbie All The Way Round

04-12-2013, 01:43 PM
Hey. First let me apologize if I do anything wrong. I've never been on one of these before and am not sure what/how to do things.

I am the mom to Pip and two other 4 legged creatures who don't understand they are dogs, and two 2 legged ones (31 & 36) who don't understand why we refer to the four-leggers as their sisters or brothers.

Pip is 9 months old. Our neighbor brought her to us when she saw a nest fall out of her true. Pip was nude, no ears and only black circles for eyes. She still had her umbilicus attached. I tried to attach a pic of Pip but I kept getting something saying I was not signed in which obviously I am. Maybe someone can tell me what I am doing wrong.

I was the kid that every mother dreads having because every little being I found that was hurt, dying or orphaned, I thought it was my obligation to "save" them. Pip is the second animal I have been successful in "saving". The first were two little chimney sweeps who wound up in our fireplace last winter. Pip was MUCH easier, believe me.

I raised Pip on Esbilac. Every three hours with a dropper for the first 3 weeks or so then she began using the tiny nurser with rubber nipples.

Pip lives in two parrot cages that we "hooked together". Every evening when her bother and sister get in their crates for the night, she gets to come out and play for an hour or a little more. She spends that time running up and down her daddy and wrestling with him and climbing up the curtains. She will wrestle with me, but 70% of her time is with him, (never mind that I am the one who got up around the clock for weeks and weeks). Some days I put the dogs out if it is nice and not too hot and let her hang with me in the kitchen for a while.

I didn't know until reading on here this week that her diet was horrible. I thought we were doing the right thing with our acorns, pecans, peanuts and fruit and veggies. After reading this, I went yesterday and bought her blocks of rat food; a mineral block; a supplement to put in her water, and some more cuttlebones. I had been putting cuttlebone in there but this other stuff she had not been getting.

Our intention was to release her but by time she was old enough it was getting far too cold to put her out (in my opinion). I didn't hold her except to feed her and potty her because I was trying to not let her get too trusting. Had I known we would have wound up keeping her, I would have cuddled her and kept her in a pocket during those "little bitty days".

I am hoping she is going to accept her new diet. I'm going to take ya'll's word for it that she won't starve herself if we don't give in....


04-12-2013, 04:38 PM
:Welcome to TSB!

This is one lucky little one, finding you to take care like you do. :) And it's great that you saw to change his diet. Nice job on that too.

Re. the nutrition and blocks, you may want to make sure to get some blocks specifically for squirrels; their nutrition requirements are very specific and when they're indoors we cannot provide all that they find in the wild. The calcium also doesn't get absorbed as easily. You can use the TEKLAD blocks, or the HENRY'S HEALTHY BLOCKS (a member here sells them and/or even the vitamins to make your own).

Check the nutrition thread and you will find tons of great info as well as the links for those. :)

You cannot post a picture yet because you don't have the privileges yet; however, if you want to email the pic(s) to me, I'll be happy to post them for you.

04-12-2013, 05:36 PM
:Welcome Pip!

04-12-2013, 05:44 PM
Here are the pics of cutie pie Pip. Isn't she a doll?



04-12-2013, 07:07 PM
I've been the tough love route with
my first squirrel. It was harder on
me than her. Lol How a one pound
animal can make you feel so bad is
Hang in there the very happy, healthy
squirrel on the other side is rewarding.
TSB will offer all the support they can
to make this easier on you.
They will eat....stay strong!

04-12-2013, 10:22 PM
Wow! You did great with a pinkie squirrel!

Yep, fix the diet, and your squirrel will be fine. The Nutrition Board has a wealth of information.

Good luck, Pip!