View Full Version : UTI or First Heat?

04-11-2013, 10:36 PM
My 9 month old female fox squirrel, Olivia/Livvy, has increasingly been acting off for a month. She started urinating a lot about two weeks ago, eating less, being cold even with tons of blankets and it being warmer outside, nipping and being cranky. All of that I've read are symptoms of going into heat. A week ago, she stopped eating altogether, started drinking a lot of water, sleeps constantly, and generally out of it. I took her to the vet on Tuesday after originally being told to try to get her blood sugar up on monday over the phone... and he said she had blood in her urine and probably had just gone into heat. So I took her home and just hoped she'd get better in a few days.

She continued not eating that day, and was a little livelier on wednesday morning but still pretty out of it. She kept wanting to come out of the cage and pee on everything, which was an activity change but still really sluggish so I could catch her before she got anywhere. I gave her fluids that afternoon- electrolyte/water/cranberry juice mix and put some cranberry juice in her water bottle just in case she was having a UTI and to try to get her blood sugar up since she hasn't been eating. A few hours later, she was climbing upside down super fast like Spiderman, spraying everywhere, generally acting crazy. She took a nut from me but just kind of picked at it. looked for food in her stashes but just picked at it. She seems warmer since yesterday. It dropped to freezing and she didnt bury herself under the blankets, just sat on top of them. Since she's been acting weird for a week now, I'm starting to wonder if she went into heat and then got a UTI. She was dragging her underside after would go to the bathroom and has been drinking lots of water. She had a UTI a few months ago so I guess she's prone to them?

I'm just wondering if shes just in heat or has a UTI too. The vet said to let him know if she didn't get better in a few days, but I wondered if you had any imput since know squirrels :)

04-12-2013, 12:14 AM
She sounds a little young to be going into heat and heat usually only last for a day or two....... I would have your doctor recheck her for an UTI
and maybe do other blood work. What is her over all diet like? --does she get plenty of water to drink on a day to day basis?

island rehabber
04-12-2013, 07:06 AM
Sounds like a UTI to me. 9 months is not too young to go into heat -- they can have their first heat at 5-6 months, i n fact. However this sounds chronic with your little girl and the excessive thirst and peeing all over is typical UTI. You should get her on Baytril ASAP, or if you can't get that you can try Sulfatrim or SMZ-TMP. We can help you dose if you need it.

04-12-2013, 02:50 PM
She's barely eaten in a week, sleeps tons, moves erratically, went from spraying everywhere to being unable to go to the bathroom and had white around her eyes last night so we are about to go back to the vet. She had her tail bitten in half by the dominant squirrel in december in her one adventure outside and had to have it amputated. Then got whacked in the head with a branch while playing on her play forest I built her in the spare bathroom (all branches have since been secured/anchored) and had a small concussion and nosebleeds for weeks. She has had sniffles once a week or so since but I figured it was a nervous habit or something... but vet now thinks might be something that was dormant from her head injury. And might have had her first heat, then gotten UTI. She was my first rehab squirrel so I've learned a lot but holy cow has she been a handful. Hopefully we can get my sweet girl back to wrestling her raccoon boyfriend, dancing to music and swinging in her hammock soon.

04-12-2013, 03:16 PM
This was her eye last night- I sat her on her branch jungle gym while I filled the sink with warm water to give her a bath because she couldn't stop itching. She was covered in goo from me giving her fluids and urinating on herself. I've read they create a milky substance when grooming but also that they do that when in pain or going blind :-/
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b236/profitina/squirrels/IMAG8443_zpsf0dd7b61.jpg (http://s20.photobucket.com/user/profitina/media/squirrels/IMAG8443_zpsf0dd7b61.jpg.html)

It was like this 30 mins later, after her bath:

http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b236/profitina/squirrels/IMAG8472_zps7b2ae652.jpg (http://s20.photobucket.com/user/profitina/media/squirrels/IMAG8472_zps7b2ae652.jpg.html)

She seemed like she was having trouble seeing- not quite blind but just off. She's been moving super fast but erratic around her cage. It's a change from not moving at all and just sleeping, but she's freaking me out and still barely eating. Let's see what the vet says...

04-12-2013, 03:21 PM
White tears are usually from severe pain. When is the vet? Something serious might be wrong.

04-12-2013, 03:27 PM
Soon as I get her in her kennel, put on my shoes and go. :)

04-12-2013, 03:33 PM
One thing that catches my eye here, "wrestling her raccoon boyfriend". I don't know alot on the subject but should it be allowed? Don't raccoons carry a parasite that can be fatal to squirrells? I'm asking as I don't remember exactly what I read on the subject but a red flag popped up in my head when I read that.

04-12-2013, 03:49 PM
She probably has MBD. See her other thread:


Can someone please do the informing about proper diet? I have to go away fro several hours in 10 minutes.

04-12-2013, 04:09 PM
Gotcha, thanks.

04-12-2013, 04:12 PM
Profitina, I posted some info on your other thread about diet. This girl is going to need alot of TLC.

04-12-2013, 07:20 PM
Vet says Livvy has an infection of some sort because various symptoms point that way and gave her clavamox. He ran a urine test on monday and there was no bacteria or crystals so he doesnt think she has a UTI, but just in case she'll have the antibiotic and that should help whatever else is making her act weird. He said that some of her symptoms are typical of the hormone surge of puberty and changes squirrels go through naturally in spring. I'm not entirely convinced that's all there is to it, but she pulled her usual "Oh hai! Im totes feeling better, no need to inspect me Mr Tail Chopper!" the moment we entered the exam room act so we will see.

He checked her hips, joints, etc and said she looked good for a female squirrel her age. He also said even if she only got her calcium supplement a couple days this week when I was forced to give her fluids, she is old enough not to get MBD that quickly and looked fine. He attributed her loopiness to not eating and low blood sugar and said to give her electrolyte/vitamin/water mix again if didn't eat tonight. I get dizzy and run into stuff when my blood sugar gets low too so it would make sense. She ate a spinach leaf and half a grape when we got home and ran a lap around her cage then flopped and huffed.

04-12-2013, 07:46 PM
One thing that catches my eye here, "wrestling her raccoon boyfriend". I don't know alot on the subject but should it be allowed? Don't raccoons carry a parasite that can be fatal to squirrells? I'm asking as I don't remember exactly what I read on the subject but a red flag popped up in my head when I read that.
Her STUFFED raccoon :) :rotfl
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b236/profitina/7ae6cad1-7429-4d64-b59e-9cf412e44cd9_zps0468c902.jpg (http://s20.photobucket.com/user/profitina/media/7ae6cad1-7429-4d64-b59e-9cf412e44cd9_zps0468c902.jpg.html)
She loves him. She has a fox she plays with too.

04-12-2013, 08:13 PM
This girl is going to need alot of TLC.
You're telling me! She's had surgery, been on antibiotics 3 times now, and been to the vet 5 times since I got her at the end of November >.< She's so smart but does really dumb things, like leaping into walls.

04-12-2013, 08:47 PM
Hope she starts feeling well soon..... I can see in her eyes that she is having a bad day and that her little body is going through some thing awful --maybe try giving her a drop or two of Motrin for pain, no need for her to suffer any more than she already is..... (((hugs))).

04-12-2013, 09:25 PM
Can she take motrin and clavamox? I'm assuming the baby motrin. She's definitely lost her sparkle in her eyes and fluff in her tail. What little bit of tail she has.

She weighed 1lb 5oz at vet today. What is the dosing for that? :thankyou

04-12-2013, 10:46 PM
Can she take motrin and clavamox? I'm assuming the baby motrin.Wait for some one to confirm if you can give infant Motrin and Clavamox together...... and if they say you can then the dose for the Motrin is 1,000 grams - .25 cc.

04-12-2013, 11:20 PM
Poor baby looks to be in severe pain. I think heat only last a day.have you started mbd protocol just to be safe. Her diet does not look too good. MBD can cause severe itching and maybe that's what's causing the itching. Have you tried letting her sleep on a heating pad and see if the warmth helps. Supposed to help with MBD and also even if it's not you said she was cold. Just don't put in with her so she can't chew the cord. I don't think any squirrel likes rodent block or factory food. Can you get some Henrys blocks. They have all the nutrition she needs daily if fed correctly and squirrels love tthem. Guarantee she mist likely won't turn them down. Even my wilds eat them. Not sure where you are in Texas but I live in Texas as well and maybe can mail you a few to see if she will eat them and then you can buy a bag. Poor thing. I hope you and the vet will figure it out. Are you licensed to rehab or just lucky to g et a vet to see her? Those are hard to find in Texas I know. If you want to PM me about the Henrys blocks please do. I'm sure you don't want to give your location on a public forum. Get well little girl. :Love_Icon

04-12-2013, 11:41 PM
I'm working with a licensed rehabber and looking into getting my own. She works for my vet, that's how I managed to find one. He sees all the ferrets at the ferret rescue my friend got her ferrets from so it was just a weird stumbled into it thing. I originally just fed the ones in my backyard and had them where they would come eat out of my hand. I live near Dallas :)

04-12-2013, 11:45 PM
You are very lucky to have vet access. My foxers are released but I always worry if something happened where would I even take them. :dono and your talking about feeding squirrels out of trees right? :rotfl not ferrets. I know I'm eight hours south of Dallas but I've never seen a ferret living wild in a tree. :rotfl

04-12-2013, 11:54 PM
Definitely don't have ferrets running around in my backyard. I wonder if ferrets even climb trees? I bet if you hypothetically asked an exotic vet about it and made sure they knew you would pay and not just leave it there, they would see it. Like look up vets that see rodents/ferrets/whatever in your area. When people find orphan squirrels, they take them to vets so they have to have some interaction with them.

Milo's Mom
04-13-2013, 12:37 AM
MBD will cause itching. With MBD her bones ache and the ache is interpreted as an itch...something is bothering her and she is trying to reach it.

Please at least try the supplemental heat and MBD protocol that others have suggested. If it works, great and keep at it for a very long time. If not, the protocol will NOT hurt her.

MBD will also cause loss of appetite.

AND, change her diet ASAP. No Spinach either.

04-13-2013, 01:56 AM
I'm trying to find the heating pad I used for the baby squirrel to give to her. I can't change her diet if she won't even eat her favorite foods- as soon as she's back to eating again, I'm going to change it, I promise. I gave her pedialyte with her calcium powder for dinner since all she's eaten today is half a grape and a nibble of orange and spinach.

04-14-2013, 01:36 PM
Her appetite is back and she is a big fan of the heating pad. Making boo balls today.

http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b236/profitina/IMAG8815_zps300a7f17.jpg (http://s20.photobucket.com/user/profitina/media/IMAG8815_zps300a7f17.jpg.html)

04-14-2013, 02:14 PM
Great news Emily. :thumbsup Continue with the 500 mg/day of Calcium for a week. By the way, don't give her more than 500 mg because more is NOT better. You can actually overdo it the other way also. On week 2 you can begin decreasing the amount of calcium slowly per the protocol. I truly believe you will begin to see Livvy like she has never been before.

I saw Livvy's video. She looked great. You said she loves music. Does she spontaneously dance? The reason I ask is because there was a squirrel here, that recently passed away that danced. Could Livvy be our next, dancing with the squirrels star? :D

04-14-2013, 02:22 PM
She spontaneously dances, but she prefers music. She has a bounce bounce pounce jazz paw roll move :)

Anything with a repetitive beat she'll hop to. I need to get a better video of it.


04-14-2013, 03:07 PM
You might want to visit this thread of Squarlet. She passed away in February. Post #19 has a few videos of Dancing Squarlet.


04-14-2013, 07:58 PM
She danced just like Livvy does!

04-15-2013, 01:49 PM
Hey MM or anyone know?

Does MBD or something else cause her eyes to be so red, especially in the corners? It may just be the way the pic (beautiful pics btw) looks but she looks like she has really red eyes..Like what mine look like after allergy attack or when you get soap in them. Could be nothing. Just curious. :thankyou

She is going to be a dancing star :jump

04-15-2013, 02:15 PM
She does get red eyes, and she has her little sneeze. I'm kind of hoping that the antibiotic will take care of that as well if it isn't allergies. I'm not entirely convinced she didn't do something to her sinuses when she got hit by that branch. She hesitantly took a HHB growth this morning and turned it around and nibbled on it. I know she's eaten at least one whole one.

04-15-2013, 02:17 PM

04-15-2013, 02:28 PM
She'd do little nibble nibbles then grunt at me to see what else I had but that's all she got so she went to town. If she hated them, she would have thrown a fit... or it back at me.

04-15-2013, 04:38 PM
If Livvy has sinus issues (sneezes) you need to check her teeth. Sometimes overgrown teeth can actually puncture the roof of the mouth. Also, sometimes a fall can cause a tooth to puncture the palate. You should check her teeth and the roof of her mouth. This might not be her problem but it definitely DOES need to ruled out. :thumbsup

04-16-2013, 10:06 PM
If Livvy has sinus issues (sneezes) you need to check her teeth. Sometimes overgrown teeth can actually puncture the roof of the mouth. Also, sometimes a fall can cause a tooth to puncture the palate. You should check her teeth and the roof of her mouth. This might not be her problem but it definitely DOES need to ruled out. :thumbsup
I'm paying attention to this thread and the possible UTI. I have a foxer who has Urinary Tract Issues. Baytril finally ended her pain and returned her to eating and acting like her normal self, I really thought I was going to lose her and that was after several rounds of SMZ.
Praying for a speedy recovery for the beautiful dancing Livvy :grouphug :grouphug

04-24-2013, 06:21 PM
She's back to almost completely normal. She still sniffles a little and moves a little clumsy but I let her out to play yesterday and she was happy hopping and exploring.

She slid off of things a few times and scared me to death but seemed to know she wasnt 100% back to normal and didn't try any big leaps.

04-24-2013, 06:26 PM
I'm paying attention to this thread and the possible UTI. I have a foxer who has Urinary Tract Issues. Baytril finally ended her pain and returned her to eating and acting like her normal self, I really thought I was going to lose her and that was after several rounds of SMZ.
Praying for a speedy recovery for the beautiful dancing Livvy :grouphug :grouphug

Thank you! She's finished her antibiotics and UTI is gone. I vaguely remember her acting like this the first time she had one- the cranky, not eating, just wanting to sleep thing. But she had it then when she had had her tail amputated and had a cone on so she was pretty pathetic all around. I'm going to keep giving her a little cranberry juice in her water from now on to help prevent that from happening again. She seems to like it and drinks more water like that so good all around. What is SMZ? Probably not something I should mess with if it doesn't work? Good luck to your girl too :) :grouphug

04-24-2013, 07:26 PM
If Livvy has sinus issues (sneezes) you need to check her teeth. Sometimes overgrown teeth can actually puncture the roof of the mouth. Also, sometimes a fall can cause a tooth to puncture the palate. You should check her teeth and the roof of her mouth. This might not be her problem but it definitely DOES need to ruled out. :thumbsup
I've been checking her teeth since she fell in mid Jan. Hers are the top two in this post: http://emilylovessquirrels.tumblr.com/post/43786605366

Photobucket is misbehaving, I was just going to upload the pics here >.<. They seem to have straightened out since then and are fine. Her gum just above the front ones is puffy sometimes though.

04-30-2013, 11:16 AM
Miss Livvy is back to her dancing self :). Her teeth are a little wonky, might have the vet check those out next time my friend takes a ferret in. Kicking myself for not remembering to do that last time I was in. But here is a new vid of her in action :)

04-30-2013, 11:47 AM
I'm glad she's feeling better. What is her diet now? Are you giving supplemental calcium?

04-30-2013, 11:16 PM
She's been getting the 500mg calcium chewable for a week, I made her my own squirrel biscuits and her henrys blocks should be in tomorrow :). I did have a question about her teeth... should I add it to the one someone already has going?

05-01-2013, 12:00 AM
Just create a new thread, under non-Emergency. It'll get more attention.

05-02-2013, 09:01 PM
Vet says Livvy has an infection of some sort because various symptoms point that way and gave her clavamox. He ran a urine test on monday and there was no bacteria or crystals so he doesnt think she has a UTI, but just in case she'll have the antibiotic and that should help whatever else is making her act weird. He said that some of her symptoms are typical of the hormone surge of puberty and changes squirrels go through naturally in spring. I'm not entirely convinced that's all there is to it, but she pulled her usual "Oh hai! Im totes feeling better, no need to inspect me Mr Tail Chopper!" the moment we entered the exam room act so we will see.

He checked her hips, joints, etc and said she looked good for a female squirrel her age. He also said even if she only got her calcium supplement a couple days this week when I was forced to give her fluids, she is old enough not to get MBD that quickly and looked fine. He attributed her loopiness to not eating and low blood sugar and said to give her electrolyte/vitamin/water mix again if didn't eat tonight. I get dizzy and run into stuff when my blood sugar gets low too so it would make sense. She ate a spinach leaf and half a grape when we got home and ran a lap around her cage then flopped and huffed.
Please correct me if Im wrong but I remember a blog stating that spinach is not good for squirrels. Also on the diet pyramid as bad food. If my memory serve me right I believe spinach causes UTI/crystal in urine

05-02-2013, 09:07 PM
I'm trying to find the heating pad I used for the baby squirrel to give to her. I can't change her diet if she won't even eat her favorite foods- as soon as she's back to eating again, I'm going to change it, I promise. I gave her pedialyte with her calcium powder for dinner since all she's eaten today is half a grape and a nibble of orange and spinach.
Please change her diet now!!! A squirrel will NOT starve themselves. She will eat when she gets hungry enough. I know I had to do it with Pixie:shakehead

05-03-2013, 01:39 AM
Her diet has been changed now, she's eating Henrys. And she very rarely got spinach, maybe a few leafs a week but doesn't any more :).