View Full Version : First real bite from the baby

04-10-2013, 08:20 PM
I got a message loud and clear from Critter today. He meet someone new and jumped right on their shirt ran up and latched on his ear. I was watching very close so I grabbed him as he was biting and I took the bite. He never vocalized before he did this. As a matter of fact he only makes a purr like noise when he is happy. If this a what he can do as 13 weeks I can only imagine the bite at full grown. The outside cage is almost done and I guess it's time to cut back as much human contact so in a few months he is ready for release. I truly believe when I grabbed him I scared him because as soon as it was over he was rubbing his head on my hand purring.

04-11-2013, 07:10 AM
Welcome to the Bite Club. Many squirrels will react by biting new people or their handler when strangers come about. Happened to me a few times in the past and to the people I was showing the squirrel to. Didn't happen every time though. No matter how friendly and loving they may be, there still wild in there lurking away, just waiting for the right opprotunity to show itself.

04-11-2013, 08:31 AM
Even my friendliest squirrel-(of 6)- the Cruiser Dude--will retreat to a corner if any strangers come in the room. They are only comfortable with RamaMama and me.

04-11-2013, 03:50 PM
Here's the problem. I still have to handle him at times and I am not wanting to get bit again. Ha ha. He still comes running for me and acts like a baby that needs reassurance but I find myself not wanting to pick him up. Which I have to do to return him to his cage after playtime. If he would have warned me which some kind of vocal sound I would know what to look for but he didn't. So how do I watch for the next bite

04-11-2013, 05:22 PM
Squirrels raised in captivity do not do weel in the presence of strangers; particularly those raised alone. Strangers to them mena new smells, new voice, new manners... all of which can meant trouble for a prey animal. It's his survival instinct kicking in.

I would let him relax, take it easy, talk to him as if this never happened, act like your good old self without showing fear, just be calm and sing in a soft voice even. He WILL calm down ... if not today then tomorrow he will have all forgotten about this. If he's coming to get reassurance now, and if the stranger is gone of course, then do pick him up... he needs the lovin' to know he has a safe place.

Now you know: do not bring in strangers to show him off :)

Males in fact witll get that way when they get randy... thank goodness it doesn't happen often. When Hami gets "his time to be man" I can tell by that sort of stiff attitude, a certain look in his eyes and his position of his ears... and when hat happens I figure, OK, today you're staying inside your cage. Usually by the next day or 2 he's back to his old sweet self again. :D

04-11-2013, 06:52 PM
So this morning when I let him out he was sweet and quiet and his normal self. This afternoon when I let him out everything started out great and then when he had been out for about 2 hours I went to get him and put him up and as I approached him he started Barking real Barking for the first time. He had been running all over me for 2 hours but it was him coming to me not me approaching him. I stopped at the bark and stood still, he watched me and after about 10 more barks he lowered his tail and started the sideways walk towards me like he was unsure. He walked up and bite my shoe, play nibble and then ran off. My husband came in who has NEVER been his main care giver and walked right up to him picked him up and started rubbing him all over and Critter just shut his eyes and went to sleep in his hands. I HAVE BEEN TRADED. I am a little hurt by his sudden change of heart in his favorite person but I think my husband is pretty great so I cant fault the little guy but I did bottle feed him every few hours for weeks. Sad in Florida

04-11-2013, 08:37 PM
Did you change your shampoo, hand cream, soap, diet? Getting traded isn't super common.

04-11-2013, 08:58 PM
No, I haven't changed anything. I have been really careful about that since I have read that question many times in reading other posts and trying to educate myself on the best care for him. I believe I scared him yesterday when I saw the bite happening and as he was latching onto the ear of the stranger I grabbed him and thats when I got bit. Maybe he doesn't trust me. I didn't him to get hit or thrown by the person he was on as a reaction. I was trying to protect the squirrel but I can only believe I scared him.

04-11-2013, 09:09 PM
If so, he'll probably get over it and forgive you in a day or two. Just keep your normal routine, talk to him, etc.

04-11-2013, 09:33 PM
I HAVE BEEN TRADED. I am a little hurt by his sudden change of heart in his favorite person but I think my husband is pretty great so I cant fault the little guy but I did bottle feed him every few hours for weeks. Sad in Florida
My RamaRota did that ---My first squirrel and my first Squirrel LOVE--and will only let RamaMama play with him...and it's been 2 1/2 years that way.