View Full Version : Using Lactating Tame Flyers as Milk Cows for Orphan Squirrels

04-09-2013, 12:18 PM
OK, you got some flyers, you breed them as baby season approaches. Now you can sneak in the occasional orphan squirrel on the Mamma Flyer, she don't notice??

Would this work? I assume one would have to rub the flyer babies all over the new "addition". Gotta get the smell right.

This would be a wonderful idea for rehabbers, might be super great for pinkies??

Use Flyers as Milk Cows!!!!

anyone try this yet? I have switched baby calves on unsuspecting Mother cows.... it worked.

why not try this idea let me know if it works.

AND since we control the diet of the captive mother Flyer, we can give her extra nutrients so she has plenty of milk to go around....

please comment on this idea and let me know what ya'll think of it. Hormones are high in new momma flyers, and they can't count... hahahahahaha I think it will work.