View Full Version : Does anyone know?

04-09-2013, 07:57 AM
The neighborhood kids found a baby squirrel on 3/21 with obvious deformities. She had nubs instead of legs and feet, hence her name Nubbins. She was quite healthy and didn't appear to have any injuries from the fall. They toted her around for over a week before they finally gave her to me on 3/29. Unbelievably, she still appeared quite healthy. I had her for 9 days before she suddenly got sick and died. She had just started sitting up on her own, I figured her to be about 7-8 weeks old. She had a stumped tail as well, so I had a difficult time with her age. She was active, eating well then Sunday morning refused the formula. I just assumed she was getting to that age where she didn't want as much of it. She ate a pecan, so all appeared well. Through the course of the day her pooh started turning like a black tar and got worse. I offered her pedialyte and she took it then started vomiting. Within the hour she passed away. Has anyone seen these symptoms before? I was totally shocked and of course broken hearted.

04-09-2013, 08:06 AM
Black stool can mean internal bleeding. Had her deformities changed? What do you mean when you say "nubs"? How did she eat and sit up?

Nancy in New York
04-09-2013, 10:28 AM
What formula was she on, and what was her typical diet?
Sorry about your loss, they sure do take our hearts. :shakehead

04-09-2013, 10:42 AM
It is my theory mother squirrels will kick out the deformed, sometimes the genetic malformations are on the inside too.

So sorry you lost your baby. Stick around and I'm sure you will be ready when the next baby comes along. Once you are chosen for a squirrel momma, more squirrels will come. You've been CHOSEN.

p.s. would love to see any pics of your little one. RIP little nubbins.

island rehabber
04-09-2013, 11:07 AM
They toted her around for over a week.....

This certainly sounds like death from internal injury -- either something that began when she fell from her nest, or she was accidentally injured by the kids who had her for an entire week. (It is my personal contention that children should NOT handle baby squirrels, ever. I've seen too many injuries, via threads on this Board, from kids handling squirrels. They squeeze too tightly, and when the squirrel nips, they fling.:shakehead)

Poor little one. At least she had some peaceful time with you...with good food, warmth, formula and love. You have been initiated now, you're one of us. :D