View Full Version : Looking for rehab near St Louis

04-06-2013, 04:03 PM
Hi all. I live close to St. Louis and need to find a good rehabber to take on an apparent orphan grey squirrel. I've been watching this baby for 2 1/2 days and seen no sign of mom. It's maybe 1/3 the size of a normal squirrel with fur and a furry tail, but I don't think it's old enough to be completely on its own. It came down every day to my bird feeder to eat a little and then sat in a leaf pile in the sun to stay warm. The other squirrels ignored it or poked at it, but no one was taking care of it like they usually do with their babies.

I figured something would catch it pretty soon or it might starve so I caught the baby just now and have it in a safe place (cat carrier with heating pad under the back half) and put in some food (cheerios, freshly shelled walnuts, apple slice). I have indoor cats however, so there is no way I can keep this little guy for more than a few days.

I've been looking online and found a couple of nearby places that I can call tomorrow or Monday, but wanted to check here for recommendations since the people on this board seem to really care about squirrels in particular. Also, do I need to be supplementing with formula at this age still?

Nancy in New York
04-06-2013, 04:09 PM
Hi all. I live close to St. Louis and need to find a good rehabber to take on an apparent orphan grey squirrel. I've been watching this baby for 2 1/2 days and seen no sign of mom. It's maybe 1/3 the size of a normal squirrel with fur and a furry tail, but I don't think it's old enough to be completely on its own. It came down every day to my bird feeder to eat a little and then sat in a leaf pile in the sun to stay warm. The other squirrels ignored it or poked at it, but no one was taking care of it like they usually do with their babies.

I figured something would catch it pretty soon or it might starve so I caught the baby just now and have it in a safe place (cat carrier with heating pad under the back half) and put in some food (cheerios, freshly shelled walnuts, apple slice). I have indoor cats however, so there is no way I can keep this little guy for more than a few days.

I've been looking online and found a couple of nearby places that I can call tomorrow or Monday, but wanted to check here for recommendations since the people on this board seem to really care about squirrels in particular. Also, do I need to be supplementing with formula at this age still?

The other day someone was looking for help in St. Louis also, I believe they did find help but start looking at the link now and see who they found.

04-06-2013, 07:34 PM
Ok - I will call the place that took her squirrel in the morning. They have a great facebook page and website - looks like they are doing good work :)

PS - just peeped in at my little squirrel and it is checking out the food I left for it so yay!

Nancy in New York
04-06-2013, 07:37 PM
Ok - I will call the place that took her squirrel in the morning. They have a great facebook page and website - looks like they are doing good work :)

PS - just peeped in at my little squirrel and it is checking out the food I left for it so yay!

Wonderful do you have any pictures?
Are you feeding any kind of formula?

04-07-2013, 03:26 PM
Ok. Took the baby to a nearby rehabber today. It's a girl, about 7-8 weeks, with fleas and a little dehydrated but should be just fine.

Thanks for the advice :jump

Nancy in New York
04-07-2013, 08:19 PM
Ok. Took the baby to a nearby rehabber today. It's a girl, about 7-8 weeks, with fleas and a little dehydrated but should be just fine.

Thanks for the advice :jump

Perfect, thank you so much for the update! Glad this worked out!

04-07-2013, 08:20 PM
:grouphug :bowdown :Love_Icon :bowdown :grouphug