View Full Version : 11 to 12 week old grey squirrel

04-05-2013, 01:41 PM
I am new to the board and have a 11/12 week old grey squirrel that was found by my son. I have bottle feed the little guy and he is now on a large variety of food. I have been following your guidelines for foods for he eats rodent blocks plus seeds and fruits. He still gets one bottle at night. In the last day he seems a little more sleepy. He goes out everyday into the oak trees for at least 4 hours and runs and climbs like crazy but when he is in the indoor cage is just rests. Is this him just adjusted to being in his cage and sleeping when he is in? He is eating fine and going to the bathroom fine and when he is up and out he is a crazy man. We will be moving him to a large outdoor cage this weekend that is 6 x 6 by 8 for the next few months along with is free outdoor playtime while he learns to be a real squirrel but since I have only rehabbed birds I didn't know if the sleeping for a few hours in the day was normal.

04-05-2013, 01:49 PM
Here is his picture

04-05-2013, 01:58 PM
The experts should be around shortly to answer. Just thought I would touch base with you. My son also brought home our little fuzz butt, we are in florida and the ages are close. I would be blown away if these 2 were possible siblings. I am In Inverness, Florida. Are we close?

04-05-2013, 02:02 PM
I am in Davie Florida ( South Florida) so we are quite a few hours away. There was 2 babies being attacked by birds on the ground and my sons girldfriend came and got them from him while he was working. The little female didn't survive even an hour and he brought the little male to be after he got off work. He is the cutiest thing

04-05-2013, 02:06 PM
Well shoot :( Was hoping for possible play date :) LOL

island rehabber
04-05-2013, 02:50 PM
I didn't know if the sleeping for a few hours in the day was normal.

Squirrels' normal schedule is to be most active at dawn and dusk. They take big long siestas during the day -- often from 10:00am until almost 4pm or later! As your little guy matures he will be doing this more and more. Nothing to worry about.

Jackie in Tampa
04-05-2013, 02:55 PM
:Welcome :wave123
no seed please... I don't think you read anything on TSB about seed as part of a sqs diet... reason being, seed is high in phosphorus. too much depletes calcium.. calcium is very important in a sqs diet...
thre is a sq nutrition forum with the calcium to phosphorus ratio list, there are many list of the good and bad foods.. sqs have their own food pyramid:)

:peace just my opinion, once you let go of a baby sq outside, he is free.
You have lost control. at that point, he had better be ready to be independant. he had better know how to build a nest and forge for food...
I think your little one is a wee bit too young for field trips... :)

Also recommend a syringe over a pet nurser bottle..
gee, I sound like the gestapo... :sanp3
on a lighter note..
he is a cutie...:Love_Icon

others will be along soon to welcome you:wave123

04-05-2013, 03:03 PM
Cute bugger! You mean he goes outside free and still comes back to you??? He loves you or you are just really lucky. I couldn't trust mine out free when I had them. There isn't a guarantee he will come back. I'm no expert but mine took naps during the day. Even out free I see them at daybreak, once or twice in the day around noonish and then again before sunset. :Welcome

04-05-2013, 05:26 PM
Yes Critter, thats his name goes out and plays in the oak tree while I am out side with the horses and pigs and comes back to me when called. He is very attached to me and follows me everywhere I go. I watch him closely when he is outside and he doesn't try to leave if he gets scared at all by a bird he runs down and climbs up me and hides under my shirt or hair. He is learning by playing in the tree to climb and maneuver, eat things in the tree. He always keeps me in sight. He also comes down and hides things in my sons sand pile at the bottom of the tree. As soon as he is tired or scared he comes running to me and climbs up in order to be held. I will cut out the seeds I thought the sunflower seeds were okay and I will reread the nutrition posts. He is awake now and is running through my living room because it has been raining here all day and attacking my hands. That has been the only bad thing my hands look like they have been through a shredder from his nails.

04-05-2013, 10:37 PM
He is beautiful but yet still too young to be out having free roam time. They do tend to take off. Keep your schedule and put him in your release cage but I would not do the out time like that he is just too young. I do not release mine until they are 6 mths old after being in the release cage for 6-8 weeks depending on the squirrel. If something were to happen you wouls just never forgive yourself.