View Full Version : refresher:
03-24-2013, 10:18 PM
The crew is good potty time is very easy know all solid again. Ordered fv today. Just a couple of questions, how do you tell species? And when it comes to feeding 2 of my three are very greedy 1 just kind suckles for a while then stops and goes into a trace like state. The last squirrel I raised was years ago in my science class and I just don't remember that squirrel eating like that it was just a suckler til food was gone.
Milo's Mom
03-24-2013, 10:21 PM
Species of squirrel? Greys are grey, Foxers are sable, orange and black, and reds are little and red. I'm surprised Lydia did not tell you what kind they were when she saw them the other day.
Yes they can go into a trance like state when feeding. Did Lydia have any recommendations about this?
03-24-2013, 10:28 PM
She told me to reengage them by rubbing their head, move the nipple around in the mouth, just something to get their attention back on the task at hand. As far as species I havent asked her about that but I'm positive I have 3 greys. They are getting fatter and moving around more after eating. Fox valley is on its way and I am excited to see them put on weight they are very small but getting plump thanks in part to the gm. With fv I can only imagine the difference. Esbalic was so bad for them with the watery stools and all. Feel horrible for not brushing up faster then I did but they have recovered. Thanks for all of your advice everyone we are on our way to a beautiful and happy family life.
Milo's Mom
03-24-2013, 10:32 PM
If you post pics of them I'm sure we can tell you for sure what you have.
Yes, reengaging them is correct.
03-24-2013, 10:36 PM
Her advice seems accurate for the most part but I decieded to double check with everyone here before I do anything. Better to be safe than sorry
Milo's Mom
03-24-2013, 10:46 PM
Her advice seems accurate for the most part but I decieded to double check with everyone here before I do anything. Better to be safe than sorry
Especially since she continues to use and recommend puppy formula!:shakehead
03-24-2013, 10:49 PM
I agree. Lol. Funny right that someone who has been doing it so long still doesnt know or won't change their method to something that is proven to be far better.
Nancy in New York
03-24-2013, 10:53 PM
If she is an old time rehabber, she may be so set in her ways, and she may not even have internet. Seriously, you take the test once, and you never have to take any kind of refresher courses....:dono at least in NY that is. :D
The rehabber I was under years ago, still doesn't have a kidding.
Milo's Mom
03-24-2013, 11:01 PM
Sorry guys, in this day and age there is no excuse. Don't you have to earn CEU's annually to maintain a license? Do they not have trade shows and conventions with vendors? Do old time rehabbers live under rocks and speak to no other rehabbers? Are they aware that Baytril replaced Chlora? Are they still feeding dog food to juvie squirrels too?
Unless they have absolutely no contact with the outside world whatsoever and they have not renewed their license, I simply cannot comprehend.
It should be the responsibility and a requirement for all licensed rehabbers to be current in their practices.
and I'll get off my soapbox now...:shakehead
03-24-2013, 11:20 PM
Having trouble posting pics from tablet any idea how?
03-24-2013, 11:26 PM
I had started my first baby on Esbilac before I found TSB... The yellow diarrhea, lack of energy, not gaining weight, and overall failure to thrive convinced me that she wouldnt live long. Thank God for the TSB and Nick at Fox Valley ! What a difference in 24 hours...amazing! Thats when I decided to name my baby, after I was confident she would live. As far as price goes, I dont think theres much difference... I cant wait to get updates on these babies after FV is flowing... Post some pics soon!!:D
03-24-2013, 11:27 PM
email them to me... I will post them for you ...
Nancy in New York
03-24-2013, 11:48 PM
Sorry guys, in this day and age there is no excuse. Don't you have to earn CEU's annually to maintain a license? Do they not have trade shows and conventions with vendors? Do old time rehabbers live under rocks and speak to no other rehabbers? Are they aware that Baytril replaced Chlora? Are they still feeding dog food to juvie squirrels too?
Unless they have absolutely no contact with the outside world whatsoever and they have not renewed their license, I simply cannot comprehend.
It should be the responsibility and a requirement for all licensed rehabbers to be current in their practices.
and I'll get off my soapbox now...:shakehead
Well the one that I mentored under is in her 80's now and never drove a day in her life.
Her husband was a conservation officer, and he died about 15 years ago.
She always fed Goats Milk Esbilac and multi milk. Her success rate was astounding.
She took in any critter that came her way, she has rehabbed them all.
She could tape a wing, cast a leg, help with any birth, and work rings around most a third her age.
I'm just saying some of the old time rehabbers are set in their ways.
Her continuing eduation was her daily life, hands on.
The rehab world was blessed to have Marcia Kent, and so was I.
03-25-2013, 12:07 AM
Emailed you the pictures thanks for helping me identify these little brute! 1st is a boy, then girl, then boy.
03-25-2013, 12:08 AM
We need squirrel pile prints:grouphug Nancy in NY Marcia Kent would be so proud of you:Love_Icon Milo's Mom I'm proof an old dog can learn new tricks:) 54 and just released into the wilds of the internet:jump Motherofthree:) trust what you hear here:grouphug :thumbsup it's the real deal:thumbsup
03-25-2013, 12:11 AM
Did you email them to me ? I havent gotten anything.....
03-25-2013, 12:20 AM
Have you gotten them?
03-25-2013, 12:24 AM
just checked again... nothing ...
check the address you sent to... should be
marcia and gary @ netnitco. net
03-25-2013, 12:29 AM
Resent them just now. Hope you get them.
03-25-2013, 12:32 AM
got it... they are huge... gonna resize (hopefully).. then post
03-25-2013, 12:34 AM
When these pictures post can you all please help my identify species and age? Just want to be sure.
03-25-2013, 12:44 AM
03-25-2013, 12:45 AM
last pic looks like a foxer.... but Im really not positive :dono
03-25-2013, 12:46 AM
20-25 days old ?
03-25-2013, 12:49 AM
I've been trying to figure out what they are. There really is no way I can tell except that very dark line on there nose. I thought for sure eastern grey but what do I know only my second time doing this. Any other geusses? And how do they look as far as weight haven't a scale yet in process of getting one.
03-25-2013, 12:55 AM
You're probably gonna have to wait till their fur grows out a little more to tell. Usually foxer babies are bigger than grays, but that also varies by location,
Smaller squirrels in the south, larger in the north....
03-25-2013, 12:55 AM
They all look a little thin to me... first pic especially (ribs) . Could be due to stretching out tho... How much are they eating? How often?
03-25-2013, 12:57 AM
They are eating 2cc every 4 hrs.
03-25-2013, 01:07 AM
Hmmm... I think maybe the fox valley will help. Can you see a milk line after feeding ? Im not one of the experts, but if they were mine, I would feed a little less, but more often. ... Hopefully, someone will chime in soon. It could just be the baby stretching out, so dont worry about it just yet.
03-25-2013, 09:20 AM
It's probably cause they are stretched out. They look ok to me. They always look at little unhealthy to me at this age. I just want them all to be butterballs like Chickenleg's Tickles, :rotfl
03-25-2013, 10:33 AM
What is an average weight for a 2 and half 3 week old possible fox squirrel?
Nancy in New York
03-25-2013, 10:36 AM
This was just posted yesterday. Not sure, but this may be for a grey squirrel.
Healthy Baby Squirrel Weight -
Based on --Wild Mammal Babies 2nd Edition
Birth ---: between 15 & 25 grams
1 weeks: between 25 & 60 grams
2 weeks: between 60 & 70 grams
3 weeks: between 70 & 80 grams
4 weeks: between 80 & 120 grams
5 weeks: between 120 & 150 grams
6 weeks: between 150 & 250 grams
7-8 weeks: 250 grams and greater
*weight may vary depending how long the orphan baby squirrel has been away from mom and or food.
03-25-2013, 10:43 AM
Thanks Nancy, looking at those pics, those are my babies. In your opinion how are they looking? And what species would you guess?
Milo's Mom
03-25-2013, 10:51 AM
I think you might be right in your guess of a grey. It seems that Foxer skin is just darker in general. I do know that initially all feet are pink, but at some point the pads on Foxer feet change to black. So, looking at the pads on their feet and the color of the hairs on the tail will probably prove to be the most reliable.
Here are some pics of a Foxer that is around the same age.
And one of your pics for comparison sake.
Does your little one have a name?
03-25-2013, 10:57 AM
Those three pictures are my new babies 2 boys and a girl.
1 boys has no name yet the other is jaw non because his jaw is non stop.
And the girl is maria. Sorry for so many questions just time has past since I've done this. Do all babies twitch? Like all the time?
Milo's Mom
03-25-2013, 11:00 AM
Yes, they twitch all the time. Isn't it cute?
Nancy in New York
03-25-2013, 11:00 AM
Those three pictures are my new babies 2 boys and a girl.
1 boys has no name yet the other is jaw non because his jaw is non stop.
And the girl is maria. Sorry for so many questions just time has past since I've done this. Do all babies twitch? Like all the time?
Most babies twitch, almost like they are dreaming, or having a nightmare. :D
Jackie in Tampa
03-25-2013, 03:29 PM
They are eating 2cc every 4 hrs.
I taught myself and I consider myself old school...
if goats milk wasn't so dang stinky and expensive..
it's all I would ever use..
I love FV , don't get me wrong.. good results and affordable, stores well etc..
If type O neg is universal blood type, goats milk is universal nutrition...:)
I feed without a scale etc...
and I still to this day say the minimum you feed a 3 week old sq is 3cc every three hours.. and some that age will take double.. and at 4 weeks, they had better be taking 4cc every 4 hours..old school..
southern eastern greys weigh 1.25 normally.. and that's what I thnk you have ... baby greys... maybe:dono
I have never taken a test to rehab either.... and I have alot of friends out in the trees... alot!
the first time I ever emailed was to save a sq...5.5 years ago.:)
27k posts later.. I am still old school...:tilt
Please try to get a wee bit more formula in them each feeding... rhey need it...:Love_Icon
03-25-2013, 03:57 PM
Auntie Jackie, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!:Love_Icon
I taught myself and I consider myself old school...
if goats milk wasn't so dang stinky and expensive..
it's all I would ever use..
I love FV , don't get me wrong.. good results and affordable, stores well etc..
If type O neg is universal blood type, goats milk is universal nutrition...:)
I feed without a scale etc...
and I still to this day say the minimum you feed a 3 week old sq is 3cc every three hours.. and some that age will take double.. and at 4 weeks, they had better be taking 4cc every 4 hours..old school..
southern eastern greys weigh 1.25 normally.. and that's what I thnk you have ... baby greys... maybe:dono
I have never taken a test to rehab either.... and I have alot of friends out in the trees... alot!
the first time I ever emailed was to save a sq...5.5 years ago.:)
27k posts later.. I am still old school...:tilt
Please try to get a wee bit more formula in them each feeding... rhey need it...:Love_Icon
Jackie in Tampa
03-25-2013, 04:08 PM
Auntie Jackie, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!:Love_Icon I don't have time to do anything fancy and fandangled...
wish I did...
djar took the test in twenty minutes, so I can't use that excuse anymore...:rotfl
but it is an hour drive each way... that's COUNTS!!!:D
can you imagine if I were on a public list... oye..
I would not be able to keep washing machine struggles now.. there are no vacant places for nest boxes either...
and possie and coonies stink:nono
don't like birds and reptiles...
yeah, backyard sq wrestler is good enough!:tilt
oh shoot, late to pick up fred...:wave123 :sanp3
03-25-2013, 05:35 PM
Thanks sammysmom, sounds like it works for you. I am going to get some more formula in them.
03-28-2013, 11:31 AM
Doind good. Eating 3cc every 3 to 4 hours. Gaining weight. How much is too much poop? Lol. They are going to the bathroom after every feeding. Seems like a lot of poop to me. It is also a golden color but fully formed. Normal or not? Are starting to cry around feeding time. Are they asking to be fed? Or what? Stop crying once in my hands maybe they are just calling mommy? Hair is getting a golden color on head back and tail. Under chin is turning white is that from formula? Light hair visible on belly but hard to tell color. Looking more like foxers to me. Black line on nose more visible. What's your opinions?
03-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Doind good. Eating 3cc every 3 to 4 hours. Gaining weight. How much is too much poop? Lol. They are going to the bathroom after every feeding. Seems like a lot of poop to me. It is also a golden color but fully formed. Normal or not? Are starting to cry around feeding time. Are they asking to be fed? Or what? Stop crying once in my hands maybe they are just calling mommy? Hair is getting a golden color on head back and tail. Under chin is turning white is that from formula? Light hair visible on belly but hard to tell color. Looking more like foxers to me. Black line on nose more visible. What's your opinions?
03-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Doind good. Eating 3cc every 3 to 4 hours. Gaining weight. How much is too much poop? Lol. They are going to the bathroom after every feeding. Seems like a lot of poop to me. It is also a golden color but fully formed. Normal or not? Are starting to cry around feeding time. Are they asking to be fed? Or what? Stop crying once in my hands maybe they are just calling mommy? Hair is getting a golden color on head back and tail. Under chin is turning white is that from formula? Light hair visible on belly but hard to tell color. Looking more like foxers to me. Black line on nose more visible. What's your opinions?
03-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Doind good. Eating 3cc every 3 to 4 hours. Gaining weight. How much is too much poop? Lol. They are going to the bathroom after every feeding. Seems like a lot of poop to me. It is also a golden color but fully formed. Normal or not? Are starting to cry around feeding time. Are they asking to be fed? Or what? Stop crying once in my hands maybe they are just calling mommy? Hair is getting a golden color on head back and tail. Under chin is turning white is that from formula? Light hair visible on belly but hard to tell color. Looking more like foxers to me. Black line on nose more visible. What's your opinions?
03-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Doind good. Eating 3cc every 3 to 4 hours. Gaining weight. How much is too much poop? Lol. They are going to the bathroom after every feeding. Seems like a lot of poop to me. It is also a golden color but fully formed. Normal or not? Are starting to cry around feeding time. Are they asking to be fed? Or what? Stop crying once in my hands maybe they are just calling mommy? Hair is getting a golden color on head back and tail. Under chin is turning white is that from formula? Light hair visible on belly but hard to tell color. Looking more like foxers to me. Black line on nose more visible. What's your opinions?
03-28-2013, 11:33 AM
Doind good. Eating 3cc every 3 to 4 hours. Gaining weight. How much is too much poop? Lol. They are going to the bathroom after every feeding. Seems like a lot of poop to me. It is also a golden color but fully formed. Normal or not? Are starting to cry around feeding time. Are they asking to be fed? Or what? Stop crying once in my hands maybe they are just calling mommy? Hair is getting a golden color on head back and tail. Under chin is turning white is that from formula? Light hair visible on belly but hard to tell color. Looking more like foxers to me. Black line on nose more visible. What's your opinions?
03-28-2013, 01:45 PM
All the babies are doing good. Feeding 3cc every 3 to 4 hours. They are gaining lots of weight. Question about poop... Should it be golden brown or mustard color? It is fully formed and they poop after every feeding. Hair on tail is now sticking out, kinda getting bushy. Getting a golden grey color all over. Belly has fine hair, chin is white could that be from formula? Still don't know what they are. The black line on their nose is darker now and they really look like that foxer pic I was sent. But everyone I ask says grey so...... Idk.
03-28-2013, 01:47 PM
Sorry for the same thing listed so much computer messed up. Kept submitting over and over
03-29-2013, 11:53 AM
Ha! I finally figured out how to post pic! Go me! Here they all are after their feeding. :jump
Milo's Mom
03-29-2013, 12:06 PM
They are greys.
Yes, golden nugget poops at every feeding is right on par.
How much do they each weigh?
Are you cutting them off at 3cc's or are they stopping themselves?
03-29-2013, 12:09 PM
My scale is arriving today. As soon as it comes I am weighing. They all stop at three I have tried to give another 1cc but they don't want anything to do with it and their milk lines look good after so I don't force.
Milo's Mom
03-29-2013, 12:21 PM
My scale is arriving today. As soon as it comes I am weighing. They all stop at three I have tried to give another 1cc but they don't want anything to do with it and their milk lines look good after so I don't force.
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