View Full Version : New to this site

Scooter's mom
03-22-2013, 09:22 PM
I'm new to this site. I have a male that was brought to me at about a day old (from what I could tell) he is now about 9 months and very spoiled. I will try to figure out how to put some pics on here.

03-22-2013, 10:16 PM
:wave123 Scooter's mom
:Welcome to TSB

I almost asked what his name is :thinking but I think I figured it out. :jump
Yes, we will be needing pictures. Tell us about Scooter.

Just as a heads up, the board is scheduled to go down for maintenance/ upgrade soon (maybe tonight). Don't give up on us, we will be back.:thumbsup

03-22-2013, 10:21 PM
:wave123 and :Welcome
Scooter, I like the name. :D
Had a dog named Scooter...

03-22-2013, 10:52 PM
Also, could you please tell us what you're him. There's lots of really bad info on what to feed, and the most frequent problems we see are diet related.

You won't be able to post pics until your account is approved. You could post links if they're on a website somewhere or you could email me and I'll post them for you. It'll probably be a few days until your approval. farrelli-at-rcn.com


Laurie R
03-24-2013, 09:57 AM
Good morning Squirrel Lovers!
I am new to this site and love looking at all the pics and reading all your stories!
I need help to figure out how to start a new post, I think my rehab eastern grey may be pregnant and I would like some advice!
I have been rehabbing for over 20 years and my girl Savannah is blind in one eye and not able to be released. I am not actually sure if she is indeed preggers and maybe some of you can help me with that!

03-24-2013, 01:32 PM
:wave123 Laurie R
To start a new thread, go to the category that it would best fit in. In this case, Non Life Threatening Help Needed would be the place to go. Click on that section and you will see towards the top (above the posts~left side) a line that says NEW TREAD (of course it should say NEW THREAD). :o Click on that and start typing away. While you're at it you can go to the INTRODUCTION section and tell us about yourself and Savannah. :thumbsup

:Welcome to TSB :D