View Full Version : Not eating veggies or block????

03-21-2013, 10:37 AM
Squirt is now 8 months old and is just starting to wean himself from his FV. I kind of wished he stay on it forever but hes done pretty good with it being how old he is. He's also not eating his veggies like he used to and only takes bites out of his Henry's blocks. Ive tried Picky blocks, the growth blocks and the adult blocks but get same result. I find the blocks hidden/stashed and theyres usually more than half of what I gave him left. He gets his block in the morning at 630am. Then his veggies at about 11am-12pm which consist of cauliflower, broccoli, chayote, snap peas, romaine, brussel sprouts, red cabbage, arugula and a carrot and cherry tomatoe every other day. He gets some more veggies at 530pm and then his block at 830pm. He will usually get a small piece of mango or 2 small blueberries after dinner when he eats all of his food. And about 1-2 nuts/day. However ive stopped giving him fruit within the last couple days. The last 3 days he is more playful and is literally chewing everything in sight. He doesn't even want to play that much he just wants to chew and I mean chunk after chunk after chunk of the wood we have in his room. Hes got plenty of chew toys and sticks and toys. I thought maybe his teeth again but im not so sure because of the way hes been chewing everything and they way he chews the nuts. I dunno maybe he's just wilding up or getting bored. Any new tips and tricks for giving his block in a new way or giving FV sprinkled onto stuff would be much appreciated. :D I have read a few things on here to try but I just wanted to see what everyones opinions would be as to trying new things with the block and FV powder.

03-21-2013, 12:03 PM
Cut out all "junk food" (nuts/fruit) and give only block and veggies. Squirrels won't starve themselves so perhaps cut back on the amount of veggies you give him so he is forced to eat his block (blocks are very important so they don't develop MBD) after a short while he will get hungry and eat the things he's supposed to, then you can start adding back in nuts and fruit, just make sure he keeps eating his block. If he doesn't, remove junk food items again and repeat the process. As for getting him to take FV, you could try making him boo balls? When Hiccup started weening himself off his FV that's what I did and it worked for a few more months, but eventually he just started not eating them. He no longer gets FV, but I'm not worried about it because he loves his blocks, it's the first thing he goes for when he gets fed.

03-21-2013, 12:20 PM
Here is a sticky of "Dealing with Picky Eaters" - its worth reading.

03-21-2013, 12:35 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone. Im starting to do some tough love today:dono Hopefully it works. No nuts or fruit. I even cut back a little on the veggies to see if he'll try and eat more block. His cage is cleaned thoroughly 2x/day so I know he has no stashes.

Are there current recipes for boo balls?

Ive also read about taking the blocks and crushing them and adding applesauce and almond butter and roll into balls??? I cant remember where on here I read that but it sounds good.

Can I sprinkle FV powder onto anything or mix into anything? He will eat yogurt. Can I sprinkle FV powder onto the yogurt and mix it in?? He only gets about 1/4 tsp maybe 1-2x week.

Im trying to get some recipes that include henrys blocks or FV.

I am so ready to start getting creative and hopefully these new things will spark his interest again. Thanks again:D

03-21-2013, 08:59 PM
Anyone have any recipes:dono

03-22-2013, 11:40 AM
Here is a link to boo balls ---> http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?p=642771

Also yes, you can add FV to yogurt I'm not positive, but I think the ratio is the same as if you were making it with water.

03-22-2013, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the link xHiCCUPx:thumbsup

03-23-2013, 12:55 AM
No problem :) Hiccup LOVED the boo balls when I first introduced them to his diet so I think you will have great success when giving them to Squirt :) Hiccup also couldn't get enough of the FV and yogurt concoction, so much so that I actually had to cut IT out of his diet because he wouldn't eat anything else. Now he only gets yogurt (without FV) every so often cuz he's like a crack addict with that stuff! :rotfl