View Full Version : Zupreem primate chow???

03-11-2013, 08:22 PM
I have 4 baby squirrels that are approx. 6 wks old today I found them when they were a week old. I just found this site yesterday don't know why it didn't pop up in my searches before this...
So the info below is from a licensed rehabber & it mentions the primate or puppy chow which I haven't seen mentioned anywhere on this site....
so much info I am in a quandary about what to start feeding them I can't afford the HHB said 1 squirrel could go through a bag per month I have 4.... 4X $20 I can't do
I have been using the Esbilac powder & ordered FV today...had no idea:shakehead ... my squirrels have been thriving though...pic in avatar
My question is any thoughts or experience with those things below?
We plan on releasing them when the time comes 4 has been a handful

6 to 7 weeks;
Offer Zupreem primate chow (or if unavailable in your area, use dry Science Diet for Puppies), fruit, and a couple of small slices of avocado in nest box;
Feeding amount: at 5 to 6 weeks, the squirrel's intake will rise beyond the weeks of age guideline; give about 6 to 8 cc's per feeding, or all the baby wants if the stool remains firm.
7 to 9 weeks - formula 3 times a day plus solid food listed above;
Add broccoli stems, green beans and other veggies except corn and sweet potatoes.
Feeding amount: all he wants.
9 to 10 weeks - 2 times a day;
Plus food above and now add a small piece of fresh corn and a couple small pieces of sweet potato, other veggies.
Feeding amount: all he wants.
10 to 12 weeks - will reject formula during this period;
Add to food list a couple of almonds or pecans a day, and a small handful of large stripped sunflower seeds.

Milo's Mom
03-11-2013, 08:35 PM
I totally understand what you are saying, I REALLY do, but I have a question for you.....is a squirrel considered a primate?

The diet you posted, not awful, but far from ideal. Have you had a chance to read the Healthy Diet in our Nutrition Forum? http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39275

Chances are you have, since you just posted in the Nutrition Forum.

I might be sticking my neck out here, but have you called Henry's and talked to the owner, Leigh? Explain your position with feeding 4 of them. She may be able to work something out with you. Also, have you registered on the Henry's site? I believe there is a standing discount for all registered TSB members....I am NOT 100% positive of this.

EDIT: I take back what I said about the diet. It sucks! No corn, No sunflower seeds, 1-2 pieces of fruit a day MAX and a nut or 2, that's it. No dog food! Do not wean the squirrel from formula, allow them to wean themselves.
Broccoli is very good for them!

Start with the veggies listed in Group 1 of the Healthy Diet, then when they love them, add a couple from group 2....

03-11-2013, 09:31 PM
what Milo's Mom said.

I'll just add that if ready-to-eat HHBs are too expensive for you, which is very understandable, have you considered purchasing Henry's vitamins and protein powder from Henryspets and making homemade HHBs? - there is a recipe here.

Since I live in another country, buying HHBs is too much for me, too.
So, instead I buy bulk vitamins and protein powder and make them myself: so far so good.

If you can find a good solid whey protein powder in a healthfood store where you live - even better. But it has to be only protein, no soy, no sweeteners, no various sports-type additives for muscle building, nothing else - just whey protein.

But even buying protein from henrys can be affordable if bought in bulk.

On average, one bulk protein and one bulk vitamins last 6 months for one squirrel when fed 2 HHBs per squirrel per day. For 4 - that's about 1.5 months, which is rather good costwise.

Do check it out. And as Milo's Mom suggested - do talk to Leigh at henryspets.

03-12-2013, 01:19 AM
Thanks for the feedback ladies! So what do you think about the HarlanTeklad Rodent Block these are alot more economical & I came across a few ways on TSB to make them more appealing with olive/coconut oil & peanut butter cooked into them. Also came across some posts saying to be putting these in their box now so they can start getting aquainted with them...??? yes/no/maybe...they're 6wks old 3 girls 1 boy

03-12-2013, 01:45 AM
yes, you could use harlan teklad.

Yes, once their eyes open - put block with them.
Block should be the first solid food they try.
Only after they start eating block happily and willingly, should other things be added, such as good greens, veggies etc.
Block being their first solid food will ensure solid good eating habits in the future - block should be eaten.
They may not eat it right away - they will nibble, play with it, pee on it, toss it and whatnot, but eventually, they will eat it.

as for infusing it with oils and butters - at this point it is totally unnecessary.

It is done:
1. for wild squirrels to entice them to eat block for extra nutrition during cold season especially;. wild squirrels will not eat block normally - hence, the pb and other stuff;
2. for very, very, very picky eaters.

BUT if you start them on block early - as their first solid food - they will not be picky regarding block. That's why early introduction to block is so crucial.

It is best to try and help them learn to eat block in its 'natural' state without all the peanut butter enticings and such.

Also, as with all commercial block, you will need to keep a bowlful of HTs at all times in their cage.
If you compare it to 2 HHBs per day, in the long run you get much more for your money when you make your own HHBs in terms of nutrition, because while HT is a decent rodent block, HHBs were formulated specifically for squirrels and are made of human-grade ingredients.
and you only need 2 HHBs per squirrel per day compared to several pieces of HTs.

In any case, first try to teach them to eat HT without any add-ons, otherwise, you may end up with 4 very picky squirrels (and squirrels are picky by nature ;). And infusing HT blocks for 4 squirrels daily will turn into a rather demanding task, because again - with commercial block they need to have a bowlful of it at all times in their cage, because they should be eating more pieces of commercial block per day.

others will chime in.

03-12-2013, 01:50 AM
:thankyou astra!

Milo's Mom
03-12-2013, 05:35 AM
Sure feed the HT and spend hours adding all sorts of stuff, not to mention all the money. (which in the long run WILL cost you more, we've done the math....) Make sure you turn to the left in front of the kitchen sink 4 times and only ever put them in the cage with your right hand after you've shaken them over your right shoulder 6 times while standing on one foot and whistling Dixie.

Or, talk to Leigh at Henry's and feed each squirrel 2 HHB's per day...buy them or make them.

Milo's Mom
03-12-2013, 07:09 AM
I hope my last comment is taken as it is meant...funny.
I have tried feeding Zupreme Primate Chow & Primate O's, several different kinds of HT, Kaytee...the list goes on. Some liked some, a few liked none, but never did all like the same. I wasted a huge amount of my time and money and spent numerous days and nights worrying about whether they were getting all of everything they needed nutritionally so that they would be healthy and strong for release.
All of this was done in an attempt to "save money". I have raised and released 16 squirrels over the past 2 years...all while being UNEMPLOYED. I REALLY understand where you are coming from related to dollars and cents.
At the end of the day, HHB's are made specifically for squirrels, by a squirrel lover and I have not yet met a squirrel that does not like HHB's. Even my wilds love their HHB's. My releases still come home for their HHB's and some have brought their kids and they too now eat HHB's.
Squirrels are one of natures finest creations...they adapt to everything and they thrive on nature and natural things, feeding them something that contains ingredients that I cannot pronounce and have chemicals just goes against what squirrels are about. I've eaten HHB's, they are 100% natural and contain no preservatives, each bag is made to order. You could not pay me to eat Zupreme, HT, or Kaytee.

I guess what I am trying to say....before you spend all the time (which is worth something), call Leigh at Henry's, talk to her, explain your position and then if you are still not satisfied....carry on.

03-12-2013, 08:05 AM
A lot has to do with whether they will be released. If you have an NR that will be spending it's life with you I would absolutely pop for the HHBs to be all or most of it's basic diet (plus veggies, of course). I feed my squirrel HHB's (3 a day - he's a big boy) but he also gets Harlan Teklad and likes their hard texture.

A squirrel that is going to be released at 16, 18, 20 weeks can certainly get by with the Harlan Teklads providing they EAT them. They will be out and about eating their wild diet so quickly that they should be fine. But by eating their blocks I don't mean 1 a day - they are NOT HHBs and they need to consume a fair number of them daily to get a good start on life.

If I were you I would compromise if it is a money issue and feed both - make sure they all eat an HHB a day and then also ensure that they are consuming thier Harlan Teklads after that...

03-12-2013, 10:41 AM
If I were you I would compromise if it is a money issue and feed both - make sure they all eat an HHB a day and then also ensure that they are consuming thier Harlan Teklads after that...

I seem to see this particular configuration a lot. Many people, especially people with multiple squirrels, can't really afford nothing but HHBs, so they do maybe one HHB a day coupled with various other rodent blocks to fill out the daily diet (of course with lots of veggies). I honestly think that this might actually be more common than not.

03-16-2013, 10:29 PM
Thanks for all the feed back ladies. I'm going to start with the HT & I will be calling Leigh at Henry's to scope out the possibilities there will probably end up making the HHB. We plan on releasing our squirrels but would love to keep up a relationship with them...so easy to get attached to them especially when you've had them since they were a week old & will be 7 wks old next week!:thankyou

06-11-2013, 08:47 AM
I am very late to this, but was searching for a new place to buy my ZuPreem Dry Primate Chow locally, my place is closing and this came up.

Anyway have been using it for years and have NEVER had a squirrel not eat the balls I make, adults and babies love them.

I make about a gallon of powder at a time and keep in freezer. Throw chow in food processor with a few pecans(just for flavor) and make a powder. I use an almost heaping 1/3 cup of powder with one of the small cups of Mott's Strawberry Applesauce and make marble size balls..keep in frig. It will seem very thin when first mixing, but by the time all balls are made it will be perfect. I use the Strawberry/banana Applesauce if I can find it.

06-11-2013, 05:29 PM
MilosMom you ATE the HHB :eek: NOW that is dedication :shakehead :bowdown :poke :jump :Love_Icon

island rehabber
06-11-2013, 05:46 PM
For what it's worth, 70% of my rehab squirrels' diet now is block: I feed both Mazuri and Zupreem primate chow -- always available in their bowls -- AND 2 HHB's a day. Yes, the HHB's are expensive but that's how it is when you can't bake anything to save your life :sanp3 , but now I know my little ones are getting all the calcium & vitamins/minerals they need every day. Giving them a choice of blocks keeps them from getting bored and it's funny how each one has his/her preferences. The most important thing is that it keeps me from buying huge amounts of exotic veggies every other day and then throwing half of them out because they rot in the fridge, not to mention another quarter of the amount gets scraped off the bottom of the cage when I clean it :shakehead. Blocks, HHB's, a few HIGH-calcium leafy veggies like kale and escarole and we're good to go. :)

07-27-2016, 04:40 PM

I have 4 baby squirrels that are approx. 6 wks old today I found them when they were a week old. I just found this site yesterday don't know why it didn't pop up in my searches before this...
So the info below is from a licensed rehabber & it mentions the primate or puppy chow which I haven't seen mentioned anywhere on this site....
so much info I am in a quandary about what to start feeding them I can't afford the HHB said 1 squirrel could go through a bag per month I have 4.... 4X $20 I can't do
I have been using the Esbilac powder & ordered FV today...had no idea:shakehead ... my squirrels have been thriving though...pic in avatar
My question is any thoughts or experience with those things below?
We plan on releasing them when the time comes 4 has been a handful

6 to 7 weeks;
Offer Zupreem primate chow (or if unavailable in your area, use dry Science Diet for Puppies), fruit, and a couple of small slices of avocado in nest box;
Feeding amount: at 5 to 6 weeks, the squirrel's intake will rise beyond the weeks of age guideline; give about 6 to 8 cc's per feeding, or all the baby wants if the stool remains firm.
7 to 9 weeks - formula 3 times a day plus solid food listed above;
Add broccoli stems, green beans and other veggies except corn and sweet potatoes.
Feeding amount: all he wants.
9 to 10 weeks - 2 times a day;
Plus food above and now add a small piece of fresh corn and a couple small pieces of sweet potato, other veggies.
Feeding amount: all he wants.
10 to 12 weeks - will reject formula during this period;
Add to food list a couple of almonds or pecans a day, and a small handful of large stripped sunflower seeds.

07-27-2016, 06:08 PM

Thread was from 2013 :)

09-28-2016, 01:32 PM
Does anyone have the recipie for Hebert blocks using their vitamins and that powder thing. There was a link to one on the squirrel board in this thread but it will not load. Also what is the squirrel board foods to eat list? Please thank u in advance

09-28-2016, 04:35 PM
Does anyone have the recipie for Hebert blocks using their vitamins and that powder thing. There was a link to one on the squirrel board in this thread but it will not load. Also what is the squirrel board foods to eat list? Please thank u in advance

There are several variations on this site. I can honestly say I've tried making them and concluded that by the time I ordered all the ingredients and spent hours making them and then cleaning up it really worked out to be cheaper to just buy them. That's even factoring in the pecans I had were free.

Here is the link for the healthy diet.
