View Full Version : Dog-Attacked Baby needs help in TENNESSEE
03-11-2013, 01:24 AM
My name is Abby and my dog brought me a baby squirrel the other day. I'm trying very hard to keep it alive and i am hoping that someone can help me.
He isn't using his back legs at all, he gasps for air, and he hardly eats when i try to feed him.
I am using a syringe to feed him and i am feeding him goats milk mixed with water as well as pedialyte. I watched a video on here of a squirrel with Pneumonia and am afraid that he may have that. I have given him a shot of penicillin and its seem to help a little. I'm having a hard time getting him to go to the bathroom but he has pooped twice. although i have had to pull that out.
I'm really not sure how he is still alive this is going on day 3.
if anyone has any suggestions please let me know i would love to save his life.
03-11-2013, 01:37 AM
Where are you in TN? There are several members that be able to take this baby
But for now stop mixing the goats milk with pedialyte - and start using the goats milk receipe that is listed here on TSB
Keep checking back - some experts will be on to help
03-11-2013, 02:51 AM
My name is Abby and my dog brought me a baby squirrel the other day. I'm trying very hard to keep it alive and i am hoping that someone can help me.
He isn't using his back legs at all, he gasps for air, and he hardly eats when i try to feed him.
I am using a syringe to feed him and i am feeding him goats milk mixed with water as well as pedialyte. I watched a video on here of a squirrel with Pneumonia and am afraid that he may have that. I have given him a shot of penicillin and its seem to help a little. I'm having a hard time getting him to go to the bathroom but he has pooped twice. although i have had to pull that out.
I'm really not sure how he is still alive this is going on day 3.
if anyone has any suggestions please let me know i would love to save his life.
Have you read the threads on the home page about baby care. Heating pad, housing, etc.?
Dogs can cause crushing internal injuries that can they can recover from with medical attention.
Warm dark and quiet are the 3 basics for any squirrel that comes into your care.
Do you have him in a safe carrier with holes, lots of fleece, flannel or cotton baby blankets, tshirts? No towels as their nails get caught in the loops and could break a toe. Nothing with holes either as they can get caught up in and get strangled in the bedding.
Do you know how old this baby is? Is it furred with eyes open or closed?
Is it a gray, flyer, groundie?
03-11-2013, 02:55 AM
What medication did you give the baby and how much?
Do you have a gram scale that you could weigh him on?
All medications, amounts to feed and feeding schedules are based on their age and weight.
All fluids need to be warmed before you feed him/her.
They also need to be well hydrated before they are on formula. Did you do that before you started him on the formula?
They won't eat well if they are dehydrated. And it sounds like he is if the stool is not moving through easily. Dark stool is normal from a new baby intake until the formula turns it golden however since he was caught by a dog, he could have internal bleeding.
Not knowing what you have been doing, it's hard to give you much advice on what to do next.
We need some more information from you in order to guide you.
Please read the information on the welcome page regarding care of a new baby squirrel for now until we get more information from you.
I'm glad you found TSB. There will be others on eventually to read this so please post as much data on the baby as you can for us.
Hang in there sweet baby.
03-11-2013, 03:18 AM
What color is his urine? If he is sufficiently hydrated it should be clear to pale yellow with little to no odor. His stool will be small semi-soft golden pellets when he's been on formula a day or two and the old fecal matter has moved through.
Dark stool can be caused by internal bleeding.
What color stool is he producing?
03-11-2013, 03:22 AM
New Baby Directions for you to read if you haven't already. :)
03-11-2013, 03:31 AM
I posted this under life threatening help needed in hopes that you may get more help as the East Coast members wake up and start reading.
Thanks for rescuing this baby and reaching out for advice. You've come to the right place for that.
:grouphug Hold tight little one:grouphug
03-11-2013, 10:02 AM
Thanks for the advice,
I'll try to tell you everything i have been doing.
i spoke with a vet about what to do with him, although all the vets around here are pretty much livestock vets he tried to help a little.
He told me to get goats milk and mix it with water. He also told me to give him pedialyte to help hydrate him. He is dehydrated and i guess that's why he isn't take much formula. I was also told to give him some saline solution under the skin to hydrate him since he isn't taking to the syringe very well. I haven't done that yet. The vet told me to give him a little penicillin as well to help with any infections i'm not sure how much i have given him but i can tell you its basically little to non. I know he is a very small animal and just a drop of penicillin would be enough.
I don't know if he has peed at all or not i haven't seen him go or smelt anything where he has went. His stool is dark color and hard i see he has some and have to pick it out.
I try to keep him as warm as i can wrapped in blankets and in my sock drawer. (I don't shut the drawer but i do have 2 cats and 2 dogs) My animals don't seem to bother him any but i don't want to take any chances.
I have been keeping everything body temp before i feed him and i have been feeding him while he lays on his belly.
This morning he took to the syringe and goats milk a little. usually he fights me over it.
He is a gray squirrel and his eyes are open. I think he is a month old maybe he has little teeth coming through.
He is strong in his front legs and he crawls like that.
I'm nervous though that he might be paralyzed. The vet seems to think that the reason he isn't using his back legs is due to trauma, but i'm not thinking so.
Is there anything i am missing for you to help me?
Oh, I'm in Murfreesboro TN.
Nancy in New York
03-11-2013, 10:25 AM
Thanks for the advice,
I'll try to tell you everything i have been doing.
i spoke with a vet about what to do with him, although all the vets around here are pretty much livestock vets he tried to help a little.
He told me to get goats milk and mix it with water. He also told me to give him pedialyte to help hydrate him. He is dehydrated and i guess that's why he isn't take much formula. I was also told to give him some saline solution under the skin to hydrate him since he isn't taking to the syringe very well. I haven't done that yet. The vet told me to give him a little penicillin as well to help with any infections i'm not sure how much i have given him but i can tell you its basically little to non. I know he is a very small animal and just a drop of penicillin would be enough.
I don't know if he has peed at all or not i haven't seen him go or smelt anything where he has went. His stool is dark color and hard i see he has some and have to pick it out.
I try to keep him as warm as i can wrapped in blankets and in my sock drawer. (I don't shut the drawer but i do have 2 cats and 2 dogs) My animals don't seem to bother him any but i don't want to take any chances.
I have been keeping everything body temp before i feed him and i have been feeding him while he lays on his belly.
This morning he took to the syringe and goats milk a little. usually he fights me over it.
He is a gray squirrel and his eyes are open. I think he is a month old maybe he has little teeth coming through.
He is strong in his front legs and he crawls like that.
I'm nervous though that he might be paralyzed. The vet seems to think that the reason he isn't using his back legs is due to trauma, but i'm not thinking so.
Is there anything i am missing for you to help me?
Oh, I'm in Murfreesboro TN.
How close are you to Signal Mountain?
Milo's Mom
03-11-2013, 10:26 AM
alb8x - do you want us to find someone to take this baby? Someone with all the right stuff and experience?
Cillian meds are not the best for squirrels....Baytril is better, far better.
Jackie in Tampa
03-11-2013, 10:38 AM
How close are you to Signal Mountain?
Baxied and Virgo are about the same distance.:dono
different directions..
1.5 hours'ish.
03-11-2013, 10:43 AM
Are you helping the baby go to the bathroom by stimulating the genitals with a tissue dampened with warm water? They can not go by themselves until some time after their eyes are open. I hope your baby will be okay, sending positive energy your way.
03-11-2013, 11:21 AM
I can't get Baytril around me cause no vet will proscribe to a squirrel.
i have already tried and the vet i talked to said not to use it cause it could cause cartilage damage.
I have been trying to stimulate him to go. i have used a warm wash cloth, a warm cotton ball i have even let warm water run down him. nothing has been working.
i would like to try and do this. I am a college student and i drive a gas hog so i dont really have a way of driving somewhere to drop him off.
I'm an animals science major and i'm not completely oblivious as to what i am doing i just have never took care of 1. a squirrel and 2. such a small animal.
i also have never heard of that mountain before.
I did feed him this morning some pedialyte and some milk
he actually wanted it and drank on his own a little. He has yet to do that. He is looking a little better his eyes are more alert and he is posting up on his front two legs.
But as far as going to the bathroom its not looking good and he is still dragging his back legs behind him.
I don't know if he has peed at all or not, a blanket was unexplainable wet yesterday but if had no odor and was color less like water. but if he is dehydrated i don't think he would be able to produce that.
What kind of vet would proscribe baytril to a squirrel?
is it oral or a shot?
Nancy in New York
03-11-2013, 11:29 AM
Did you call any of those numbers that I pm'd to you?
Even if they are not close, they may be able to refer someone.
Would you want someone to take him, or to guide you while you raise?
Can you post pictures?
03-11-2013, 11:35 AM
i have not called anyone yet i just saw the numbers.
i'm not sure how to post pictures i would love too.
i would also love to take care of him myself.
03-11-2013, 11:40 AM
If you can't get Baytril, can you get Cipro? It's essentially the same thing but prescribed for humans. It's VERY common, especially with women because it's one of the go-tos for UTIs. Can you call around?
03-11-2013, 11:41 AM
would you get that from a doctor?
or can you get that at a drug store?
Nancy in New York
03-11-2013, 11:41 AM
He told me to get goats milk and mix it with water. He also told me to give him pedialyte to help hydrate him. He is dehydrated and i guess that's why he isn't take much formula. I was also told to give him some saline solution under the skin to hydrate him since he isn't taking to the syringe very well. I haven't done that yet. The vet told me to give him a little penicillin as well to help with any infections i'm not sure how much i have given him but i can tell you its basically little to non. I know he is a very small animal and just a drop of penicillin would be enough.
Is there anything i am missing for you to help me?
Oh, I'm in Murfreesboro TN.
To me this is a little bit scary that a vet would say give him a little penicillin, this is not recommended for squirrels.
Baytril is prescribed for squirrels all of the time.
His poops are probably hard due to dehydration.
I would not give pedialyte, I would use water and sugar and NOT the salt.
Have you ever sub q'd a squirrel or any animal. Again, I'm surprised that a vet would suggest to give him some saline without giving instructions on the amount etc.:dono
3 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
1 quart warm water
Keep refrigerated.
Nancy in New York
03-11-2013, 11:43 AM
i have not called anyone yet i just saw the numbers.
i'm not sure how to post pictures i would love too.
i would also love to take care of him myself.
You can email them to me and I will post, going out for a couple of minutes, but I will post photos when I get back.
03-11-2013, 11:48 AM
I have administered many shots sub q and intramuscular.
just not to a squirrel.
I haven't done anything with saline.
he has been drinking the pedialyte but won't really drink much water
I was also told to mix some kero syrup in with some water to give him to help with his sugar level.
03-11-2013, 12:33 PM
When I first got Lily. I was told that she was found on a wood deck, the owners dog scooped her up in his mouth, there was no apparent damage from the dog, however the baby had bled from her nose, when I got her there was a tiny amount of blood on the napkin she was resting on and clearly came from her nose. I brought her home and placed her in the carrier on a heating pad, other than dehydrating her I left her alone until morning. At this time is when it was noticeable that she drug her back end when she moved around. Within 2 days, she was able to move her tail and left leg, no changes in her right leg and she's 7 months old now. Hopeful your baby will be alright.
03-11-2013, 04:11 PM
I meant hydrate, not dehydrate. :sanp3
03-12-2013, 10:25 AM
Luckily progress is being made.
He is starting to eat now and go to the bathroom!!
He is also starting to move his tail and back legs.
But, this morning when i got him to feed him i noticed his nose was bloody. I have no idea what happened he is in my sock drawer where non of my other animals can get to him.
I have also noticed that he has blood stool and urine.
I was so excited to see him doing better.
I feel every time we take a step forwarded we take a step back.
What do i do about the blood?
03-12-2013, 11:54 AM
He might have internal injuries. Is there any chance you can take him to a vet? If not, hydration is key along with nutrition. He needs to keep up his blood pressure and flush out the toxins, but be also needs to rebuild tissue.
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