View Full Version : How do I get Daisy to take her medicine?

03-04-2013, 11:30 PM
Hello, first time posting here. I have a 7 month old grey. She lost a toe a week and a half ago that resulted in infection. I got her to the vet today, we have baytril. I mixed half of a crushed pill in applesauce, not interested. Then I mixed a half crushed pill with mashed avocado, nadda, I tried to spoon feed it off a pecan, nope, I broke the pecan into small pieces and mixed it in, not having it, I added a bit of syrup, still she wont take it. What has been your best cocktail to get these babies to take their meds? I bought butter pecan ensure but I don't want to mix antibiotics with calcium if that doesn't work. What are your thoughts? Her toe doesn't look horrible, a little swollen, appears to have healed closed though there is a possibility that the bone is sticking out of the stub, it's terribly small to tell but a tiny something right on the tip. The vet couldn't get a good enough look since Daisy was not coming out of the pet carrier. If it is bone, the vet can file or cut it. My concern right now is how do I get her to take her meds?

Nancy in New York
03-04-2013, 11:47 PM
Hello, first time posting here. I have a 7 month old grey. She lost a toe a week and a half ago that resulted in infection. I got her to the vet today, we have baytril. I mixed half of a crushed pill in applesauce, not interested. Then I mixed a half crushed pill with mashed avocado, nadda, I tried to spoon feed it off a pecan, nope, I broke the pecan into small pieces and mixed it in, not having it, I added a bit of syrup, still she wont take it. What has been your best cocktail to get these babies to take their meds? I bought butter pecan ensure but I don't want to mix antibiotics with calcium if that doesn't work. What are your thoughts? Her toe doesn't look horrible, a little swollen, appears to have healed closed though there is a possibility that the bone is sticking out of the stub, it's terribly small to tell but a tiny something right on the tip. The vet couldn't get a good enough look since Daisy was not coming out of the pet carrier. If it is bone, the vet can file or cut it. My concern right now is how do I get her to take her meds?

Did the vet give you this Baytril?
I guess I don't understand why he didn't give it to you in a suspension?
What mg. is the pill?
A half of a pill sounds like WAY too much.
Did he give you instructions with the Baytril?

03-05-2013, 12:39 AM
Yes, the baytril is from the vet, it's 22.7 with instructions to give 1/2 the tab 2 times a day, may crush and mix with food. Daisy weighs 605 grams.

Nancy in New York
03-05-2013, 12:43 AM
Yes, the baytril is from the vet, it's 22.7 with instructions to give 1/2 the tab 2 times a day, may crush and mix with food. Daisy weighs 605 grams.

WOW, I hate to go against what a vet tells you, but by my calculations, that is WAY off.
So he wants you to give her a half of a tablet 2 times daily?

The book doses it at 10mg/kg

03-05-2013, 12:53 AM
I am not a vet/doctor and certainly no expert on dosing, I questioned him about the amount as I thought that might be too much. Can you tell me then how much of the pill and how many times per day is sufficient?

Nancy in New York
03-05-2013, 12:59 AM
I am not a vet/doctor and certainly no expert on dosing, I questioned him about the amount as I thought that might be too much. Can you tell me then how much of the pill and how many times per day is sufficient?

I sent you a pm with dosing info. and instructions.
If you have any questions, I will answer early in the morning.
ALSO please note that the dosing chart reflects the total daily dose.
So you cut that in half and give two times daily, 12 hours apart.
Also, when the baytril is mixed, place it in the refrig in a glass jar with a lid (like a babyfood jar with a top and discard after 10 days.) Before using the next time, shake shake shake that jar.:)

Also remember to give probiotics when giving Baytril. Either benebac (from any pet store) or yogurt. The squirrels seem partial to yobaby full fat vanilla.:thumbsup

03-05-2013, 01:05 AM

03-05-2013, 01:06 AM
On the ball Nancy! :bowdown
Sure glad you caught that... :thumbsup

03-05-2013, 01:06 AM
We find that lots of vets aren't really familiar with squirrels, but half a tab? Wow! Trust Nancy, she's an expert at this. Your squirrel will probably take to this dosage a lot better too. It'll be a lot easier to flavor!

03-05-2013, 01:18 AM
I so appreciate the quick response. I have read enough here since I have joined and trust that the experts here know better than my vet. I have been giving Daisy plain yogurt 1-2 a day for several days now and will continue during her course of treatment and for 2 weeks following treatment. This is my first time having to treat a squirrel on antibiotics. Thanks again everyone.

03-05-2013, 10:59 AM
I mixed a dose of her medicine with 1 cc of applejuice, too strong so I added more apple juice to dilute it further, I can't get her to take this. Any suggestions on what has worked for you?

Nancy in New York
03-05-2013, 11:08 AM
I find that the absolute best way to dose is quickly.
Get two syringes ready, one with the proper amount of medicine. AND one filled with something sweet, applejuice, molasses watered down, anything.
When giving the ab. put the syringe between her cheek and gum/teeth and squirt it FAST.
Grab the next syringe and give her the juice or whatever you have that will take the taste away.
If she is difficult to dose, you may want to dose her only once daily. AND that will be the amount on the chart I sent.
Also if you get her and kind of burrito her in a blanket, quickly and dose, that sometimes works since they don't know what "hit" them.
Is she fairly easy to handle?

03-05-2013, 11:17 AM
She's difficult to handle as active as she is, otherwise sweet as pie and lovable, I just can't get her to sit still for one second. I did just now try coating a pecan with a dose of the med, she ate it. :multi

03-05-2013, 11:19 AM
How long after taking the ab do I wait to give her yogurt?

03-05-2013, 11:54 AM
How long after taking the ab do I wait to give her yogurt?

Hours. It works best with as much separation as possible - for example if you are giving meds morning and night, give her some yogurt at mid-day.

03-05-2013, 12:04 PM
She's difficult to handle as active as she is, otherwise sweet as pie and lovable, I just can't get her to sit still for one second. I did just now try coating a pecan with a dose of the med, she ate it. :multi
Good job Monipenny :thumbsup
I recently had to give my girl Baytril and I know how hard it can be... Keep up the good work. :grouphug

03-07-2013, 12:08 AM
I always place Mosses meds in a piece of a banana. Always eats it up. Also dry cranberry worked great too.

03-09-2013, 11:29 PM
I have been giving Daisy her meds twice a day since Tuesday morning, I was wondering how long should she be taking baytril for? The vet said 10 days but apparently he was off on the dosage. Also when should I see the swelling go down. It hasn't gotten any worse, looks slightly better, just still a little swollen. Thank you.

03-11-2013, 06:18 AM
Ten days seems about right. If you are having problems getting the baytril into her, there is a solution. There is a veterinary ( and human ) compounding pharmacy in Jersey.That can take most medicines and compound it into flavors, cremes, etc. My squirrel is pretty much impossible to medicate with baytril so we use this pharmacy, they compound it into a creme, it comes in a " pen " preloaded with your specific dosage, you twist the pen the prescribed amount of times and the creme comes out, you rub it on the inside of the ear ( not in the ear canal but the ear lobe ) it is absorbed through the skin like a nicotene patch. The name is Enrofloxacin (chemical name for baytril ) Transdermal Gel Pen. Your vet gives them the prescription and they ship it, but he MUST have the dosage exactly right, so maybe one of the rehabbers can help you with the dosage so you can tell him.My squirrel is 9 and chubby, her dosage wouldn't be what you need. Even if you don't need it anymore right now, maybe your vet would order you one to have on hand. The shelf life is pretty long.I pay $35 for a pen. It's literally been a lifesaver on several occaisions. Here is the link for the pharmacy

Hoping your baby is recovering ( my squirrel is missing a finger, she was found on the ground as a newborn with birds starting to eat her they are a finger off :(

03-11-2013, 10:32 AM
Thanks for sharing the video *L <3 VE* I love watching these. I assume Andi is your squirrel? She's beautiful! Looks just like my Daisy. :) Thank you for the information about compounding meds, great idea. The only way I could get Daisy to take her meds is on a pecan. Do you know if Daisy is still releasable with a missing toe? I plan to release her in a couple of months.

03-12-2013, 02:17 PM
Yes, Andi is my :Love_Icon unreleasable ( tooth problems ).Great news that the pecan is working for your meds , and I wouldn't think one toe lost would interfere with a normal life.Andi has never been impeded by a missing finger.:crazy