View Full Version : Help, I need some suggestions, I'm at a loss please.

03-01-2013, 06:04 PM
About two and half weeks ago I found my squirrel sleeping on my bed where she always sleeps. I checked on her and saw that her nose was swollen I don't know how this happened but I think she hit her nose. I gave her metacam for the swelling and the swelling went down but now she has white discharge and puffy eyes and also her ears are bothering her. The right ear started out bothering her shortly after the injury 2 weeks ago and now both of her ears are bothering her. She itches them and tilts her head to the right, the ear that started bothering her first. I started her on baytril 3 days ago and her nose is so congested that it is hard for her to eat. Also she has been having bloat for a couple days and when I rub her belly the bloat goes down. I also started her on childrens benadryl today for congestion. She is a year old fox squirrel that I had since she was two weeks. Can someone please help me she is miserable.

03-01-2013, 06:09 PM
Can you tell us where you live? Town and state would be best. It would be nice if she could be seen firsthand by a friendly vet or rehabber...

03-01-2013, 06:13 PM
I live in grand rapids michigan. No vets will see her here and the rehabbers will only help if I hand her over.

03-01-2013, 06:39 PM
OK, first, is she getting any kind of probiotics? Antibiotics kill the GOOD bacteria in the gut that digest food, this may be why she is havng bloat/cramping. You can see if she will take some yogurt; if not, pic up some Benebac at any chain pet store - it is sold in little foil packs in the aisle with pocket pet stuff. Do not heat the probiotics - you can warm the yogurt to about 105-110 for feeding but no higher or the good bacteria will be killed.

We need some info about your squirrel - this may be elsewhere but lets consolidate it here.

How old is she? How long have you had her?

Please tell us her diet - everything she eats.

Does she have any other issues healthwise? Like is she neurologically damaged or physically handicapped in any way?

You will get attention in this thread. Try to answer all the questions - since we can't SEE her we need you to be our eyes.

03-01-2013, 06:55 PM
OK, first, is she getting any kind of probiotics? Yes I give her proviable its a probiotic. Also she HATES yogurt, I will buy some benebac. For the benebac do you get the powder or gel?

How old is she? How long have you had her? She is a year old and I've had her since she was 2 weeks.

Please tell us her diet - everything she eats. carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, peach, pear, lettuce, celary,cherry, blueberry, Cherry tamato, henry block, penuts.

Does she have any other issues healthwise? Like is she neurologically damaged or physically handicapped in any way? She was totally fine prior to the accident which I don't know what happened.

You will get attention in this thread. Try to answer all the questions - since we can't SEE her we need you to be our eyes.

03-01-2013, 07:28 PM
That probiotic is fine. I usually use the benebac powder just because it is easy to hide in other foods but what you are giving is fine so no need to switch.

Lots more people here at night plus it is the weekend. You will get some eyes on this - keep an eye on the thread.

Does she go out at all or is she strictly a house squirrel?

It seems reasonable to think that the damage to the nose and the sinus stuff and ears are linked one frequently aggravates the other. All the questions I keep asking are trying to rule other things out.

Nancy in New York
03-01-2013, 07:42 PM
CritterMom.....I just wanted you to know that I have been in contact with devmorales123 myself and trying to come up with answers to what could have happened.
I think the thing that has me stumped is that she is on Baytril now for 3 days and the other ear is starting to itch.
I also suggested that a cool humidifier should be added to her room, which she has.
I looked up some info on a rat site and found this.

Just wanted some thoughts on the aritcle above.

How long should she give with the Baytril before switching abs. or stacking them?

This is above me, I'm stumped......and I know that any help is greatly appreciated.

03-01-2013, 08:16 PM
I asked about the going outside wondering about mycos but it just seems more likely that something got hurt in there...baytril is usually pretty fast so if it isn't working yet I wonder that it shouldn't be changed to a different or additional abx.

Has she had any ear drops of any kind?

03-01-2013, 08:45 PM
She has not had any ear drops because I don't know what kind to give her and what type of ear flush should be recommended for relief.

03-01-2013, 09:13 PM
Crittermom no she does not go outside. Shes been outside twice and freaked out and wanted back in the house as soon as possible.

03-02-2013, 03:23 PM
She has been on AB for 4 days now and her nose is so congested that its hard for her to eat and drink and also her eyes look bulgy and both of her ears are bothering her now. This is very strange I don't no whats going on I need help. Please any suggestions on what might be happening.

03-02-2013, 03:28 PM
Is it Amoxi? Might she be having an allergic reaction? Maybe benedryl might help? Any members have any thoughts on that?

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 03:41 PM
Is it Amoxi? Might she be having an allergic reaction? Maybe benedryl might help? Any members have any thoughts on that?

I can answer that she is on injectable baytril. She has been sent Baytril tablets with instructons on how to dose, along with the guide from WBM just for reference.:thumbsup :)

03-02-2013, 03:46 PM
Is there a chance that Benedryl might help since it sounds itchy?

03-02-2013, 04:03 PM
She is on benadryl now.

So does anyone have any feelings about prednisone? I keep going back to the nose injury...and wondering if there is internal swelling that is pressing on and aggravating the sinuses.

Prednisone is a pretty commonly prescribed drug for upper respiratory issues and for muscle injuries - it is usually dosed in a decending manner - day one you take 5 or 6 of them day 2 a few less, day 3 less than that - they come in little blister packs in 4mg or 5mg size pills. Why don't you see if anyone you know has some = people often don't finish all of them because they work so well...

Is she still on the metacam? What all is she getting now - we know baytril and benadryl - anything else??

03-02-2013, 04:03 PM
I haven't had a chance to give her the benadryl since I bought some yesterday. She seems to hate it more than the baytril. Maybe I can mix the benadryl with something sweet like I do with the baytril. Do you think the benadryl will take the itchy ear and congestion away and puffy eyes??

03-02-2013, 04:06 PM
This should be children's benadryl - and it is available as a sweet tasting syrup. I would get some of that - it is the dosing we have info for plus it already tastes good.

03-02-2013, 04:08 PM
I have no metacam left but I have Predisone 20mg and 50mg. I havent gave her the benadryl yet because she hates it I'm going to try adding flavor like I do with the baytril. And also her congestion has never been this bad until the last 2 days and her eye are bulgy looking which they never were before and both ears now too. This boggles my mind I have no idea whats going on.

03-02-2013, 04:11 PM
I have the childrens 12mg/5ml cherry flavor. I tasted it and it is bitter. I should of gotten a different flavor.

03-02-2013, 04:13 PM
Just throwing this out there since I don't see it mentioned...
What condition are her teeth? Too long could cause so many of the same symptoms.

03-02-2013, 04:18 PM
Her teeth look fine to me she grinds them herself.

03-02-2013, 04:22 PM
Has she had any of the Benedryl since you got it?

03-02-2013, 04:28 PM
No I'm going to mix it with flavor and see if she will not mind it. I tried to give it to her and she ran around rubbing her face everywhere.

03-02-2013, 04:30 PM
If you have the dose just draw it up and give it to her. She will get over it before you know it.:D

03-02-2013, 04:37 PM
Okay will try again!

03-02-2013, 04:40 PM
I have the childrens 12mg/5ml cherry flavor. I tasted it and it is bitter. I should of gotten a different flavor.

Ah. You can add anything sweet to it - jut make sure you have the exact amount of the med first...grenadine, karo syrup, maple syrup, you can even make your own sugar syrup... I would get a few doses in her and see if there is any improvement. If this is an allergic reaction of some kind, benadryl is pretty effective.

Stepnstone brings up something REALLY IMPORTANT!!! How are her teeth? Try to see the roof of her mouth behind her front teeth - you will need a flashlight and likely some help...but if she punched a hole in her upper palate with her lower teeth in a fall, it would cause a lot of this and her teeth wouldn't even have to necessarily be overgrown to have it happen...

03-02-2013, 04:43 PM
Okay I will check that again I checked before and didn't see nothing but it never hurts to check again and how long should I give the baytril for 7 days or 3 to 6 weeks long term treatment?

03-02-2013, 04:50 PM
Bendryl is as needed. Be very concious of whether she s better after she has it.

03-02-2013, 04:56 PM
Okay I will check that again I checked before and didn't see nothing but it never hurts to check again and how long should I give the baytril for 7 days or 3 to 6 weeks long term treatment?

In my opinion, if you don't see improvement in a few days with an antibiotic; something different is needed.

The benadryl is 3 times a day or every 6 hours - get some in her now and more before bed.

03-02-2013, 05:00 PM
Okay thank you for your help. When should the benadryl start working? Also I will take a look at the roof of her mouth and posted back.

03-02-2013, 05:15 PM
If it is an allergic reaction, you should see some improvement fairly quickly - a few doses.

Can you take a pic of her so we can see her face?

03-02-2013, 05:30 PM
So I looked in her mouth and there is no holes but there is this white color spot that was not there the two other times I checked her mouth and I checked her ears and there is more build up of wax. She was not like this two, three days ago it is really getting worse and I don't know what to do. The spots look like when you burn your mouth on the side and it turns into a white spot.

03-02-2013, 05:34 PM
If she doesn't improve I think I might give her to a rehabber that can have access to a squirrel vet for the betterment of Rosie I'm just concerned because I wont know what they will do with her and she cant be released because she will never adapt to the outside.

03-02-2013, 05:39 PM
Well, that is not a very good solution... The white spot...where is it? You said you were giving probiotic, right? Are you giving it properly - not heating it and killing the beneficial bacteria?

03-02-2013, 05:43 PM
And how far could you drive if you needed to?

03-02-2013, 05:55 PM
probably a hour but I'm just not going to give her to any body. If there is nothing left that I can do for her then I will have to look for a rehabber for the sake of her own well being. There is only two rehabbers here in GR and I don't get a good feeling about it. The white spot is on both sides of her upper lips on the inside. I know it has to be the liquid baytril because she was Not this bad prior to giving the liquid baytril. She just had discharge and some congestion and her right ear but now its both ears and the congestion is so bad that it is hard for her to eat and drink and there was not NOTHING in her mouth two, three days ago before starting the baytril. I feel so bad for my little girl.

03-02-2013, 05:57 PM
And I just found out this morning when looking at the date on the probiotic that it expired over a year ago that's what probably caused the bloat. I'm going to buy bene bac.

03-02-2013, 07:13 PM
No, I am trying to think of someone who can HELP you, not make you surrender. Is an hour the max? We have an ex-TSB member outside Chicago; another rehabber SW of Chicago...

Look, you know your baby. If you think the baytril is an issue, stop giving it, get her on the benadryl and see if there is any change in her condition.

You initially said you found her on the bed and her nose was swollen. Does she have free range of the house? And was there any other signs of injury - any blood, anything?

03-02-2013, 07:30 PM
She has free range of the upstairs which is my room, her room I always leave her door open so that she can come in my room if she likes. She sleeps in my room at night. When I found her she had to rings of blood around her nose holes with a swollen nose. And I'm not sure how far Chicago is from me. I took her off the liquid baytril but I have her on the pill baytril. I know she is not allergic to baytril because she was on it before. It is only that particular liquid baytril for some reason because that's when all of the other things started happening and everything got worse when starting that baytril.

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 07:34 PM
The liquid Baytril that is being referred to is injectable Baytril, and the pill is 250 mg diluted down according to the WMB book and dosed accordingly.
Where did you get the injectable Baytril from? If it's a member, don't say their name, I'm just wondering.

Is there anyway that your girl could have gotten electorcuted? Are their any frayed wires around??????????????

03-02-2013, 07:37 PM
She has free range of the upstairs which is my room, her room I always leave her door open so that she can come in my room if she likes. She sleeps in my room at night. When I found her she had to rings of blood around her nose holes with a swollen nose. And I'm not sure how far Chicago is from me. I took her off the liquid baytril but I have her on the pill baytril. I know she is not allergic to baytril because she was on it before. It is only that particular liquid baytril for some reason because that's when all of the other things started happening and everything got worse when starting that baytril.

OK, well, that is as close to a smoking gun as we are likely to get - it sounds like she took a nose first fall. That means that her problems are likely related to injury rather than an infection of some kind. A bad enough infection *could* result in blood being blown out her nose but that wouldn't appear so suddenly - she would have been showing sick symptoms, not being fine and then BAM, bloody nose.

I am thinking that she probably has some injuries in there causing the other symptoms.

Have you given her the benadryl? It may make her sleepy.

I am wondering if the white spot in the mouth is thrush...from the antibiotics killing off the beneficial gut bacteria and allowing a yeast overgrowth. Happens to people, too. I would get her on yogurt or benebac or some other probiotic ASAP.

03-02-2013, 07:48 PM
Does anyone else think that stopping the Baytril might be okay? It seems like it should have at least begun to clear the symptoms up by now. It seems like it is so much more likely that it is an injury.:thinking

03-02-2013, 07:50 PM
I got the baytril from this site. http://www.allbirdproducts.com/newproductpages/baytril.html
I haven't checked any cords but I will check around. Do you think she Is having symptoms of being electrocuted?

03-02-2013, 07:53 PM
Have you given her the benadryl? Yes I gave her the benadryl.

Since it is so late I cant go to a pet store but can I give her flavored yogurt with fruit in it?

03-02-2013, 08:01 PM
Do you think that the the thrush will go away when I start giving her the good bacteria. How do you take away thrush?

03-02-2013, 08:05 PM
She sure can - she might like it more than unflavored. I usually grab the Stoneyfield Yobaby just cause it is full fat - but it is flavored. You just want the probiotics in it.:thumbsup

Cords are always an issue but no, she does not sound like an electrocution - there is almost always two injury sites - the mouth, which sometimes has char marks and somplace else - where the electricity went to ground. I think she jumped and missed, either slamming into something or falling on her face.

03-02-2013, 08:09 PM
Do you think that the the thrush will go away when I start giving her the good bacteria. How do you take away thrush?

First, I don't know it is thrush. But sudden white spots showing up in the mouth while taking antibiotics is often thrush. It is a yeast infection - the yeast is always in your body but the gut bacteria keeps it in check. Antibiotics kill the gut bacteria. If she is in generally good health, replacing that bacteria will give her body a chance to deal with this without further meds.

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 08:15 PM
Does anyone else think that stopping the Baytril might be okay? It seems like it should have at least begun to clear the symptoms up by now. It seems like it is so much more likely that it is an injury.:thinking

I totally agree with you about it just seeming like an injury, however there is an odor from the drainage out of her nose. I asked devmorales about an odor, and she said yes there is, and she herself gets sinus infections herself, and she knows what the odor is like. And her squirrel has that odor in her discharge.
I wonder if the ab she got were the problem? I have never used injectable myself, but she has the good stuff now.:)

03-02-2013, 08:44 PM
I got her to eat a quarter of a teaspoon of yogurt do you think that is enough? The injury did happen about 2 and half weeks ago so do you think hat was enough time to develop a infection? And how long should I give the baytril for I still have no idea about that?

03-02-2013, 08:49 PM
It's enough to start. Keep trying and get some benebac tomorrow - I like the powder just because it doesnt seem to have any flavor so you can hide it in ANYTHING. Baytril is usually 5-7 days I think.

03-02-2013, 08:54 PM
I will buy the benebac tomorrow. What if the baytril doesn't take the infection away its been 4 days now. Nancy found a article that had the same symptoms that Rosie has been having and it said to give long term treatment of 3 to 6 weeks.

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 08:55 PM
CritterMom is correct with 5-7 days for Baytril. It says that on the page that I pm'd you. It also says that if a longer course is needed, switch to another antibiotic.
So my question now would be do we include the other Baytril that she had in with the 5-7 days? How long was she on the other Baytril?

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 08:56 PM
. Nancy found a article that had the same symptoms that Rosie has been having and it said to give long term treatment of 3 to 6 weeks.

Do you happen to have that link? I can't seem to find it?

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 09:09 PM
OK I found it. I was looking around the internet the other day, trying to come up with answers, and I stumbled across this. Granted it's for rats, but I sent it to dev. because the symptoms sound similar.


03-02-2013, 09:09 PM
Here is the article. http://ratguide.com/health/auricle_ear/otitis_media_otitis_interna_labyrinthitis.php

03-02-2013, 09:11 PM
The liquid injection she was on for 3 days and I started the pills today.

03-02-2013, 09:13 PM
Does anyone possibly know of any vets that will see her around where I live that will be okay with seeing a squirrel and giving her back.

03-02-2013, 09:13 PM
If the injectable Baytril is being given orally, it must be diluted by at least 2x with sterile water or some liquid flavoring like apple juice or something else. It can cause severe burns if not diluted. I have seem this happen several times. Just a thought...:dono. If given as an injectable it will also cause severe burns if not diluted with a sterile injectable diluent.


03-02-2013, 09:18 PM
Marty might that be what the white marks in her mouth are?

03-02-2013, 09:21 PM
I drew up 0.04 in a syrnge and I diluted that with that same amount of 0.04cc. Does that sound okay? She is now on the pills that is diluted with 10cc of water. The white spots in the mouth did look like burn spots. I explained that is what it looked like earlier in the forum so maybe I wasn't diluting it enough. Could the injectable baytril also cause other symptoms like severe congestion and ear irritation?

03-02-2013, 09:22 PM
Yes, it sounds like it. Is this squirrel acting normally otherwise????

03-02-2013, 09:23 PM
I was googling exotic vets and I found housecall veterinarians. Do you think that they will be more comfortable with seeing a squirrel since it will be at my house?

03-02-2013, 09:23 PM
It sure seems like it might have irritated her sinuses too. I am curious to see what Marty thinks.

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 09:27 PM
I was googling exotic vets and I found housecall veterinarians. Do you think that they will be more comfortable with seeing a squirrel since it will be at my house?

You have to explain to them that you have a squirrel....I'm not sure if they will confiscate it since they are illegal. This can be a really sticky situation, not sure if that is the way to go......:dono

03-02-2013, 09:28 PM
I drew up 0.04 in a syrnge and I diluted that with that same amount of 0.04cc. Does that sound okay? She is now on the pills that is diluted with 10cc of water. The white spots in the mouth did look like burn spots. I explained that is what it looked like earlier in the forum so maybe I wasn't diluting it enough. Could the injectable baytril also cause other symptoms like severe congestion and ear irritation?
You would need to double the dilute to 0.08 . You were only doing 1to1 dilution. The other symptoms sould like an allergic reaction to the meds. Is the Baytril 100mg/ml or 22.7/ml???

03-02-2013, 09:32 PM
You could call the housecall vet (with your number blocked) and without saying who or where you are ask the questions. What is the vet's name?
Generaly you just have to dial *67 before the number and your number doesn't show on caller ID.

03-02-2013, 09:34 PM
Okay, I'm just trying to find a way to help her. This is making me feel really bad :( I dont think that she is acting normal because she doesn't want to eat as much because her nose is very congested which it wasn't that congested prior to using the baytril injectable and both of her ear are bothering her now and she has the white marks in her mouth that she also didn't have prior to using the injectable.

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 09:37 PM
Okay, I'm just trying to find a way to help her. This is making me feel really bad :( I dont think that she is acting normal because she doesn't want to eat as much because her nose is very congested which it wasn't that congested prior to using the baytril injectable and both of her ear are bothering her now and she has the white marks in her mouth that she also didn't have prior to using the injectable.

OK well she is no longer on that, so we need to breath and relax. Have you been hydrating her a lot?
I saw that the probiotic that you had was out dated, so you have to get the benebac that I mentioned a while back, that will help her tummy.

How long has she been off the other Baytril?

03-02-2013, 09:37 PM
Offer her a piece of ice. It might be good to try freezing some veggie puree into small cubes for her. Maybe soothing as well as nutritional. Sammy LOVES ice!

03-02-2013, 09:39 PM
Yes it is a 100mg per 1 ml. Sammysmom I will call them tomorrow there is only one where I live. I will ask them questions and determine if they will be okay. Vets around where I live usually don't help wild lif.e

03-02-2013, 09:41 PM
Not here either... If those are burns in her mouth though, she might like the ice chips. It would also help hydrate her.
You are doing a great job! Don't get discouraged!:Love_Icon

03-02-2013, 09:46 PM
Nancy, Have you been hydrating her a lot? Yes she has been having water and fruit juice in the morning.

How long has she been off he other Baytril? I stopped the liquid baytril this morning. Also with the pill you told me to dilute it with 10cc of water can I dilute it with fruit juice in the place of water to give it a better flavor then after I draw it up in my syringe add something else that is sweet also because I diluted it with the 10cc of water and drew in a syringe then added fruit juice with some sugar and it still taste really bad.

03-02-2013, 09:52 PM
Yes it is a 100mg per 1 ml. Sammysmom I will call them tomorrow there is only one where I live. I will ask them questions and determine if they will be okay. Vets around where I live usually don't help wild lif.e
The usual strength for squirrels is 22.7/ml. I would need to check the dosing on 100mg/ml in order to determine any over dose symptoms. I am thinking more of an allergic reaction , however. You may need to switch to another antibiotic... but not sure which one. I would need to check with some others on this.


03-02-2013, 09:52 PM
How about if I puree fruit since she likes fruit better and freeze into cubes and see if she will like it and I also keep some her vegetables in a bag frozen, the broccoli and cauliflower and I unthaw them for her to eat maybe I can see if she will eat them frozen. Do you think that will work also?

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 09:54 PM
What you might want to do is have two syringes ready. One with the med in it all measured out, and one with something really great tasting that she likes. Remember how I told you to put the syringe in her mouth near her cheek and teeth and push fast, then immediatley get the other syringe and "shoot" that in as well. Do you have anyone that can help you?
I don't like mixing the pills with anything other than water. Remember to refrigerate and shake it really well before giving.

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 09:56 PM
The usual strength for squirrels is 22.7/ml. I would need to check the dosing on 100mg/ml in order to determine any over dose symptoms. I am thinking more of an allergic reaction , however. You may need to switch to another antibiotic... but not sure which one. I would need to check with some others on this.


dev. can you post the link where you got the dosing for the Baytril? That will help Marty.
I think you actually included it in one of your other threads....because that is what I went by.

03-02-2013, 09:56 PM
I think that freezing fruit puree is okay for now and frozen veggies for sure!

03-02-2013, 09:57 PM
She likes to try shaking it out of her mouth. Im scared that if I give her the full amount at once then she might aspirate it since its hard for her to breathe through her nose right now.

03-02-2013, 09:58 PM
Marty this is the chart for the 100mg per 1 ml. http://www.ratballs.com/RatTails/Tails106-c.html

03-02-2013, 09:58 PM
Yes, you can dilute it with juice instead of water. If you first draw up the correct dose that has been diluted in juice you can still dilute it further with more juice but your squirrel will need to take the entire amount that you draw up in order to get the correct dose.

03-02-2013, 10:00 PM
What is her weight?

03-02-2013, 10:00 PM
Marty I'm no longer giving her the injectable. I'm giving her baytril pills now because all of the symptoms that she was having on the injectable.

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 10:02 PM
What is her weight?

We estimated her weight to be about 800 grams.
She most likely is larger, she is a BIG fox squirrel.

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 10:02 PM
Marty I'm no longer giving her the injectable. I'm giving her baytril pills now because all of the symptoms that she was having on the injectable.

I found the link.


03-02-2013, 10:02 PM
I haven't weighed her but I posted pictures of her and Nancy determined how much I should give her based on how much it looked like she weighed The gram scale wouldn't work for her.

03-02-2013, 10:05 PM
Do you guys think that she will improve over time if she did hurt her nose or if it is a infection?

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 10:05 PM
I haven't weighed her but I posted pictures of her and Nancy determined how much I should give her based on how much it looked like she weighed The gram scale wouldn't work for her.

I think that you said that your gram scale went up to 1000 grams and it kept reading error, which could have indicated that she is larger than 1000 grams. She looked close to two pounds to me, and perhaps a little more.:D
Since we couldn't get an accurate weight on her, I figured go safe and go lower.

03-02-2013, 10:05 PM
She surely should!:grouphug

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 10:07 PM
Do you guys think that she will improve over time if she did hurt her nose or if it is a infection?

Is there still an odor to the discharge?

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 10:09 PM
Here's Rosie....:D

03-02-2013, 10:09 PM
She is laying on my back right now and I don't want to disturb her so I will check her nose for a smell in a minute.

03-02-2013, 10:10 PM
She will be fine. According to the chart, the dosing is correct...... so no overdose symptoms. The pills should be better. That injectable stuff is NASTY tasting.

03-02-2013, 10:11 PM
Beautiful girl! She is a "big boned" girl for sure...:D

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 10:12 PM
She will be fine. According to the chart, the dosing is correct...... so no overdose symptoms. The pills should be better. That injectable stuff is NASTY tasting.

It is nasty, I have never used it before, but I know some that have.:shakehead
Just wished I had sent the other Baytril sooner.

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 10:14 PM
Beautiful girl! She is a "big boned" girl for sure...:D

Isn't she something! And she is only a year old......can you imagine.....:D
I love these little chunky monkies.:Love_Icon Oh, I'm sorry I mean big boned girls.

03-02-2013, 10:21 PM
Aww thanks guys I try to be the best mommy that I can be to her. I want the best for her and most importantly for her to be happy. Nancy she does still have an odor but it might be old blood or something or an infection. I know the baytril should have worked by now.

03-02-2013, 10:27 PM
I'm going to try to explain this the best I can. Okay when I looked in her right ear before I started her on liquid baytril There is this spot in her ear that stuck out and she had brown ear wax and the left ear was fine. Now both ears looks exactly the same where this spot is sticking out like a really bad infection and both ears have brown wax residue it looks like. I'm told Nancy about taking the calcium with the baytril how it prevents the baytril from working and since she hasn't been wanting to eat as much as she used to I was giving her calcium power. What do you guys think do you think that possibly made the infection worse?

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 10:28 PM
Aww thanks guys I try to be the best mommy that I can be to her. I want the best for her and most importantly for her to be happy. Nancy she does still have an odor but it might be old blood or something or an infection. I know the baytril should have worked by now.

We may need to think of a differnt ab. for her.
Has she eaten anything else?
You know what else they love, watermelon, and that is good for hydration too.
You know she might not have a good appetite due to the injectable Baytril
and no "good" probiotic, it can upset their tummy. So tomorrow get the benebac, ok?

03-02-2013, 10:31 PM
Have you guys used Zyrtec for congestion?

03-02-2013, 10:33 PM
Well she tries to eat and drink but when she does its like she sucks it into her nose. I think because she is breathing through her mouth while she is eating?

Nancy in New York
03-02-2013, 10:37 PM
Have you guys used Zyrtec for congestion?
No. I would stick with the benedryl.

03-02-2013, 11:19 PM
Nancy did you read what I posted about the ears on page 5. What do you think about that?

Nancy in New York
03-03-2013, 12:03 AM
I'm going to try to explain this the best I can. Okay when I looked in her right ear before I started her on liquid baytril There is this spot in her ear that stuck out and she had brown ear wax and the left ear was fine. Now both ears looks exactly the same where this spot is sticking out like a really bad infection and both ears have brown wax residue it looks like. I'm told Nancy about taking the calcium with the baytril how it prevents the baytril from working and since she hasn't been wanting to eat as much as she used to I was giving her calcium power. What do you guys think do you think that possibly made the infection worse?

Are you sure that it's brown ear wax, and not dried blood? Did you try taking a damp q tip and gently getting it out? Can you get a picture of her. Also can you get a picture of her head on, not tonight, but perhaps tomorrow?

I have heard of calcium preventing Doxy from working, but I have not heard that about Baytril. Can you send me the link? I would NOT give her extra calcium if that is what you read. A couple of days without additional calcium is not going affect her if in fact it does prevent the Baytril from working.

03-03-2013, 01:36 AM
This what it says on the article and on a other article it says to not use calcium but I cant find the other one right now but it says, "Cipro should not be taken with antacids containing calcium, magnesium or aluminum. Do not take any other products, such as vitamins, containing calcium, iron, or zinc with Cipro. If it is necessary to take these antacids or vitamins, take them 6 hours before or 2 hours after taking Cipro. This is because they may prevent the body from absorbing the antibiotic." in this article -> http://www.consumer-health.com/services/cons_take20.php

03-03-2013, 01:50 AM
"Are you sure that it's brown ear wax, and not dried blood? Did you try taking a damp q tip and gently getting it out?" I didn't try that yet. I still don't know which flush product to use. Also her ears looks very tender, when I just look in her ear it bothers her and she starts sneezing.

"Can you get a picture of her. Also can you get a picture of her head on, not tonight, but perhaps tomorrow?" Yes, I will post a picture up later.

You know that liquid baytril was really bad stuff. Her stomach is not bloating no more and when I was giving her the baytril some got on her check yesterday and there is a little bald patch there now. I don't want to think of possibly what it might have done to her stomach and stuff. Praying there is no further damage from that liquid baytril.

Nancy in New York
03-03-2013, 08:56 AM
She really should have been on probiotics, so get them today!
I know that you said you had some from your vet, and I also know that you realized after they were expired, but did you give her any.
On the dosing chart that you posted the link to, it even speaks of rats tongues getting burned from the injectable baytril, so I'm not surprised that it may have burned her cheek fur.
Push fluids. With the new baytril, perhaps you will see a better outcome, or the ab. will have to be changed all together.

Is she eating any of the mix I sent you? If so, stop the additional calcium.
Personally, for now, I would not give extra calcium with the Baytril since the ariticle suggested either 6 hours before or 2 hours after IF it is necessary.
She has had a healthy diet right along, so if that is the case, the extra calcium is NOT needed for these few days that she is on Baytril, and may in fact restrict absorbtion, so why risk it?

03-03-2013, 01:18 PM
I having been giving her strawberry flavored yogurt until I buy the benebac today. And your right about the calcium I think that I should not give it with the baytril. And would you possibly know what a squirrels ear is supposed to look like on the inside so that I can compare with Rosies ear to see and differences?

03-03-2013, 02:07 PM
I reread the article today about the ear infection and it says "to use systematic antibiotic and a corticosteroid to reduce the swelling of tissue, the head tilt will disappear in a matter of days." So should I start her on pred. so that any swelling in her ears and congestion in her nose will go away?? I think I should start her on pred to bring the swelling down in the ears and nose. What would the dose be??

03-03-2013, 03:32 PM
I don't disagree with you, BUT, we need two things to dose it for you - we need an exact weight for your squirrel and we need the exact size in milligrams of the prednisone you have. I know you are having scale issues but pred is a very powerful drug and you don't want to guess at the dosage. You may need to buy a new scale. I would look at both food scales AND postal scales and get the least expensive one that will go up high enough to weigh her.

03-03-2013, 03:35 PM
Okay Ihave 20mg and 50mg inpred. When I go to the store later I will look for a scale. Is there anything that I can give Rosie so that she won;t get constipated. Some turds are large and some are normal size but I want to prevent her from becoming constipated.

03-03-2013, 04:25 PM
Okay Ihave 20mg and 50mg inpred. When I go to the store later I will look for a scale. Is there anything that I can give Rosie so that she won;t get constipated. Some turds are large and some are normal size but I want to prevent her from becoming constipated.

Pumpkin and prunes help with constipation, as would some juice. Fiber from th fruit helps but so does the sugar in them and from juice. The sugar pulls water into the intestines to soften the stool.

03-03-2013, 11:31 PM
Hi devmorales123
You have some of TSB's best helping you with Rosie. I read your thread tonight about Rosie and thought I would throw something out there for the rehabbers to consider. I believe the consensus is that Rosie took a 'face dive' and injured her nose. You know, it might have actually been broken. Maybe ... maybe not. When you found her she had blood around her nose.

This is what I'm thinking. The upper respiratory tract is colonized with bacteria. Actually, all mucous membranes are colonized with bacteria and have 'usual or normal flora'. If the natural barriers are compromised and these 'normal' bacteria get in areas other than where they are supposed to be they can cause infections. It is a possibility that Rosie might have compromised these barriers when she fell. The fact that she had bleeding from the nose would indicate that this is a good possibility. If that is the case, you would want to treat for these organisms. Streptococcus makes up a significant amount of these bacteria. They are in the group of organisms called the 'Viridans Streptococcus'. Based on one study the VS group was 55% resistant to Ciprofloxacin. Of course this percentage does vary from population to population but it does show the potential for resistance with Baytril. Another group of organisms that are 'normal' in the upper respiratory tract are anaerobic bacteria. These are organisms that grow without oxygen. The significant thing about anaerobic bacteria is that they STINK ... bad. The infection they cause stinks also. When an infection has the potential to be associated with a mucous membrane and it has an odor, an anaerobic infection should be considered ... actually a polymicrobic infection with anaerobic involvement. One of the drugs of choice for anaerobic infections is Metronidazole. If you guys are thinking about stacking drugs, in this case, Metronidazole might be one you would want to consider.

An infection in the sinuses, secondary to nose injury would explain the nose swelling and congestion, bulging eyes and ear involvement. Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn here but I hope it will help. :thumbsup

Milo's Mom
03-03-2013, 11:38 PM
Hi devmorales123
You have some of TSB's best helping you with Rosie. I read your thread tonight about Rosie and thought I would throw something out there for the rehabbers to consider. I believe the consensus is that Rosie took a 'face dive' and injured her nose. You know, it might have actually been broken. Maybe ... maybe not. When you found her she had blood around her nose.

This is what I'm thinking. The upper respiratory tract is colonized with bacteria. Actually, all mucous membranes are colonized with bacteria and have 'usual or normal flora'. If the natural barriers are compromised and these 'normal' bacteria get in areas other than where they are supposed to be they can cause infections. It is a possibility that Rosie might have compromised these barriers when she fell. The fact that she had bleeding from the nose would indicate that this is a good possibility. If that is the case, you would want to treat for these organisms. Streptococcus makes up a significant amount of these bacteria. They are in the group of organisms called the 'Viridans Streptococcus'. Based on one study the VS group was 55% resistant to Ciprofloxacin. Of course this percentage does vary from population to population but it does show the potential for resistance with Baytril. Another group of organisms that are 'normal' in the upper respiratory tract are anaerobic bacteria. These are organisms that grow without oxygen. The significant thing about anaerobic bacteria is that they STINK ... bad. The infection they cause stinks also. When an infection has the potential to be associated with a mucous membrane and it has an odor, an anaerobic infection should be considered ... actually a polymicrobic infection with anaerobic involvement. One of the drugs of choice for anaerobic infections is Metronidazole. If you guys are thinking about stacking drugs, in this case, Metronidazole might be one you would want to consider.

An infection in the sinuses, secondary to nose injury would explain the nose swelling and congestion, bulging eyes and ear involvement. Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn here but I hope it will help. :thumbsup

I REALLY REALLY like when you post HRT4SQRLS!!!!

03-03-2013, 11:48 PM
That sounds like whats going on because the baytril is not working at all. I'm at loss and very down about this. I hate to see her so miserable. Just the past couple of hours it has gotten really bad her right ear is bothering her so much that she cant sleep she has been this whole time so far. I just don't know what to do. She doesn't want to eat she doesn't want to eat NOTHING today and I feel that everyday that is passing it is her health that is degrading I see this clearly now. And also her nose still has a odor. Her right ear is bothering her because she is keep on yawning and leaning to that side it is REALLY bad today. I think that she should start on that other med maybe combine it with the baytril.

03-03-2013, 11:51 PM
Also she had no bloat all day and last night but when I came back from the store she was bloated and I didn't give her her baytril yet so it wasn't the baytril that caused the bloat. Could it be because she is not moving as much and not as active so she is getting bloat from laying around.

03-03-2013, 11:56 PM
Could any body possibly have any extra Metronidazole that they can give for Rosie.mjs

Nancy in New York
03-04-2013, 12:06 AM
We need to get an expert to SEE your girl, this is gone on too long.
We either need to find a trusted member in your area, or an exotics vet that will see her.
Nothing seems to be making her better, and we are just guessing at the problem.
I will look around first thing in the morning....so far I am getting nowhere.

03-04-2013, 12:23 AM
Who was the very nice vet who took care of "hammie" for Linda ???

03-04-2013, 12:24 AM
That was Ft Wayne, Indiana, correct?? Only 2 hours from Grand Rapids.

Nancy in New York
03-04-2013, 12:34 AM
I think the problem is that he really didn't know squirrels too well. AND didn't he sort of do Linda a favor seeing Hammie because she knew this vet?
Believe me, I am trying everything I can think of. I have sent out pm's and emails, I hope that something works out. BUT thank you so much for thinking of Hammies vet. Hey if I have no other options I will contact LInda. Thank you for the reminder.

03-04-2013, 12:41 AM
I just gotta throw this out there.... I had a cat that bit a xmas tree light wire.... she jumped about 10 feet in the air, but otherwise acted normal. No chew marks on wire either. 2 days later, she had infection coming from every orfice on her head, and bilateral burns inside mouth. congested in head and wheezing in lungs... I put her in a small cage in a very warm room, made a tent over the cage with a small tarp and some coat hangers (mcgyver style), and put a steam vaporizer in there (water only). I checked on her every 30 min or so... after about an hour and a half, it busted loose. Snot and infection came pouring out. what a mess. She had almost instant relief, and was eating as soon as I cleaned her up. I did this 2-3 times a day until I got her to the vet. (she told me to keep doing- it at first sign of build up) . Apparently, the shock busted both eardrums. She had earmites (which I didnt know), but the waxy buildup that they live in infected behind eardrums and into sinuses. She recovered well, but she sleeps in a normal cat position- only upside down now, and STILL will not stay away from wires! UGH

03-04-2013, 12:50 AM
I think the problem is that he really didn't know squirrels too well. AND didn't he sort of do Linda a favor seeing Hammie because she knew this vet?
Believe me, I am trying everything I can think of. I have sent out pm's and emails, I hope that something works out. BUT thank you so much for thinking of Hammies vet. Hey if I have no other options I will contact LInda. Thank you for the reminder.
No problem... I thought I remembered her saying that she was going to start volunteering for a vet or something...but I may be wrong:thinking ... I would say next to that, 2nd hand ranch might be the closest..... I have a vet near me that I think might just do it. I have never asked because (knock on wood), I havent needed one for squidsy.
Why couldnt a licensed rehabber just make a call... "im sending a friend in with one of my injured for treatment. She is bringing it back to me as soon as possible" or whatever...Im sure we could come up with something... ???

03-04-2013, 12:58 AM
Sids mommy, I don't know how she got injured it could have been a fall I don't know but could a electrocution cause bleeding from nose? And did the wax in her ears look like brown wax because that's what it looks like in Rosies ears. What I noticed in her ear are a hole bunch of really little white bumps its weird. Also how would she have gotten the ear mites if she does have them?

03-04-2013, 01:11 AM
brown, black, copper colored... it was gross. Im not saying the squirrel has mites, just that the cat did. A good sign of mites is a black speckles, dirt look in ear. My cat has very long black hair, so I didnt even know she had them. Anyway, an eardrum breaking leaves you suseptible to infection either way. the white bumps do sound like a fungal infection, but I dunno why other than abx she is on, but it sounds as though it all came on at the same time. If its fungal, it sounds systemic or widespread. I wonder if squirrels can take difflucan ????

03-04-2013, 01:48 AM
She is only taking baytril at the moment would that work for a fungal infection?

Milo's Mom
03-04-2013, 05:50 AM
PLEASE post pictures! We are trying to help you, and we keep asking and you keep saying that you will....
A picture is worth a thousand words! We may see something that you are not.

Please? If you cannot figure out how to post them e-mail them to me and I'll post them for you. Milosmom041610@gmail.com

03-04-2013, 08:05 AM
No, abx will not help a fungal infection. They, in fact, can be the cause of it. We DO need pictures ASAP if you really want to help this squirrel.

03-04-2013, 08:24 AM
Yes, pictures are an absolute must! White spots in a kid's throat are Strep, maybe in ears too. Whatever it is she needs a vet. In order to be of any real help here, our experienced members have got to see the problem. If you do not have a camera, BORROW one!
In my VERY humble opinion, med after med after med without knowing what this is is not the answer. If you go to fr with that method you become the problem due to drug resistance.:nono

Nancy in New York
03-04-2013, 08:29 AM
I totally agree with the pictures but more than that, this squirrel needs to be seen first hand, by someone that can get to the root of the problem NOW.
This has been going on too long, and she now is not eating. I see her deteriorating right in front of our eyes and trying this and that is NOT the answer now.
I have put out emails and pm's to people "in the area". This may require a lot of driving and I have already talked to devmorales123 about that, she is willing to drive, but her and her boyfriend share a car, so there are some restrictions depending on when, due to the boyfriend needing the car for work.

If there is anyone that can help in the Grand Rapids area, or even a few hours away........please..........lets get this squirrel the help she so desperately needs.

03-04-2013, 08:33 AM
Has she called the house call vet yet? That may be the answer. If you want me to call and find out the reaction to a squirrel just PM the number to me. It will be an out of state number so no way to trace.

Nancy in New York
03-04-2013, 08:36 AM
Has she called the house call vet yet? That may be the answer. If you want me to call and find out the reaction to a squirrel just PM the number to me. It will be an out of state number so no way to trace.

Good thinking SammysMom, I hope she comes on soon. :thumbsup

Milo's Mom
03-04-2013, 09:11 AM
Has anyone contacted Tomcics? He is in Michigan....other side of the state, but he may know of some "safe" rehabbers and/or they may know of someone close to Grand Rapids....maybe?

I think 2ndHandRanch was already mentioned. She is about 4 hours away, but I think one of the vet's she uses regularly may be a little closer. Has anyone contacted 2ndHand yet?

How about Stacia? I believe she is a rehabber and I also believe she has vet access. Again, she is about 4 hours away, but she may have a network of safe people.

Who are our rehabbers in Ohio? SR&BT is at college...but I know we have another one...just cannot...ooooh, Misiri (sp?)...she is in Ohio and she is permitted. Not sure where in Ohio though.

This is a long shot, but how about LynninIN? Not sure if she's even a member anymore and she's about 6 hours away...but she might have some contacts. Does anyone have her contact info?

03-04-2013, 09:16 AM
PJ, the one who took in Tom's Nick JR. :thumbsup Rehabber, but she may know where to take the squirrel or will see her?

03-04-2013, 09:20 AM
PJ, the one who took in Tom's Nick JR. :thumbsup Rehabber, but she may know where to take the squirrel or will see her?

Tom hasn't been able to get any responses from PJ - has tried a couple times for other squirrels.

I thought of 2nd Hand - Katie (Mugzi) is closer though. Chicago is still a treck. Anyone in contact with her on FB?

Nancy in New York
03-04-2013, 09:31 AM
I have reached out to tomcics, mugzi, md_lvt_cwr and a couple of others that I can't recall, I did a search for Michigan from our member list but emptied out my sent files....:shakehead
Have not heard back from anyone yet, but fingers crossed I will.
I asked devmorales123 how far she is from Ohio and she said 14 hours.:tilt
Jackie gave me a few leads on a couple more names, thundersquirrel and littlefoot, that I will also reach out to.

Milo's Mom
03-04-2013, 09:33 AM
md_lvt_cwr was on this thread not that long ago....like this morning.

Nancy in New York
03-04-2013, 09:39 AM
md_lvt_cwr was on this thread not that long ago....like this morning.

Yup, just got a pm back from her.
I am going to relay info to devmorales123.
We have help available 2 1/2 hours away........:multi :multi

Kelly Brady
03-04-2013, 01:42 PM
I am not able to help with meds or diagnosis however, I do want to say that after releasing Peanut he came home in much the same shape. Symptoms are identical.

The vet was able to determine that he took a nose dive fall from something and knocked himself out for a while. Blood ran exteranlly and internally in to the ear canal and produced quite a mess in the ears.
He could not breath threw his nose for a week. thus not able to eat either. Swelling extended in to the eye area and caused dizziness and ear equilibrium issues. He was a hot mess.

I applied cool compresses as often as tolerated and kept nose and exterior ear canal clean. Warm compresses to clear nose debris coming out..

They did place Peanut on Ab's but am thinking SMZ. It looked like terrible infection to me but Vet said no these type of injuries look nasty because it affects the head in every way.

No meds but Ab's were given. Just wanted to say I am praying for your baby. In no way am I underestimating what is going on just wanted to share. I thought Peanut was dying. I gave him a lot of FV and yougurt mixed and it had to be forced let me tell you.:grouphug Typed fast sorry.

03-04-2013, 02:09 PM
Thank-you Kelly!!! This is what we needed here! Similar experiences!:thumbsup
Thank-you for sharing Peanut's story!!:Love_Icon

Kelly Brady
03-04-2013, 02:44 PM
I was eating my lunch when I read and had to share.

The only difference is Peanut had no white spots in the mouth. Of course we are a vet friendly state so we took x-rays and she inspected the mouth and ear canals etc quite well while he was out via gas.

I have to say the discharge from everywhere was a little stinky too.
Vet said we had to wait a good while for all of the blood to disolve and drainage to stop.

I hope it is this simple in this case. If I can help let me know. I am just trying hard to remember what ab's he was on. I would have to check my records at home.

03-04-2013, 02:50 PM
It would appear that the white spots are likely burns from the liquid Baytril that was not properly diluted.
I think that is probably adding to the discomfort of the whole thing.

03-04-2013, 03:26 PM
Has she called the house call vet yet? That may be the answer. If you want me to call and find out the reaction to a squirrel just PM the number to me. It will be an out of state number so no way to trace.
I called just now and they said that they do at home euthanasia only psshh. Also I tried to take pictures of her ears on the inside and it bothers her a lot so I kept putting it off and forgot to do it. I'm going through a lot with all of this and it is really weighing on me. I will try again!

03-04-2013, 03:37 PM
The really little white dots are in the ear. I was thinking that maybe because she is on baytril it is also suppressing her immune system and it is allowing the infection multiply. Maybe that's why the infection has gotten worse since being on the baytril.

Nancy in New York
03-04-2013, 04:05 PM
The really little white dots are in the ear. I was thinking that maybe because she is on baytril it is also suppressing her immune system and it is allowing the infection multiply. Maybe that's why the infection has gotten worse since being on the baytril.

DID you read Kelly Brady's post about her squirrel on the page before. Sound very much like what you are going through, and there was NO infection.
Go read....:D
http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39402&page=7 Post #138

03-04-2013, 04:22 PM
I read it. Do you think that I should take her off the baytril? What might the odor be from? I'm going to talk to md_lvt_cwr and see when I should go to her vet.

03-04-2013, 04:24 PM
I sent you a PM...

Nancy in New York
03-04-2013, 04:33 PM
I read it. Do you think that I should take her off the baytril? What might the odor be from? I'm going to talk to md_lvt_cwr and see when I should go to her vet.

Yes you really need to discuss this with md_lvt_cwr. This has been going on way too long, and there are problems here that are above me.
Let's do something before it's too late.

03-05-2013, 08:40 AM
she is taking the squirrel to my veterinary hospital tonight. I am not going to be there, but my drs and techs are awesome and she is in good hands.

03-05-2013, 08:43 AM
Oh MD...:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou You are awesome!!! This little one had gone way past most of our expertise and even the members who have the expertise needed "eyes on"! You are terrific! Thank-you from TSB for sure!!!

Nancy in New York
03-05-2013, 04:11 PM
she is taking the squirrel to my veterinary hospital tonight. I am not going to be there, but my drs and techs are awesome and she is in good hands.
:bowdown Thank you so much!

03-06-2013, 09:04 PM
Do we know what has happened??

03-06-2013, 09:07 PM
I've been wondering all day...:dono

Nancy in New York
03-06-2013, 09:09 PM
Have not heard from devmorales123 since yesterday.
I did recently hear that the squirrel was given meds and breathing treatments, and that is all I know.

03-07-2013, 12:34 AM
She is doing better. They could not give her a close up exam because they could not sedate her, her oxygen was to low and they said she might not make it if they sedated her. So I have to go back in 8 days for x rays and a closer exam when her nose is cleared up.

Kelly Brady
03-07-2013, 09:32 AM
I have been saying my prayers.

Thanks for the update:grouphug

We are all with you:Love_Icon

03-07-2013, 09:37 AM
Great news! So what is the current treatment? Always good to know for future similar issues.:thumbsup

03-08-2013, 11:51 PM
She is on meloxicam, metronidazole, trimethoprim-sulfa and a bottle with (tumeric, ashwa, EchPrem mixed together).

05-25-2013, 11:43 PM

I have no news really other than to say that the owner of this squirrel stopped calling our hospital, wouldn't return calls, and would schedule appointments and not show up. I hope the squirrel is ok, but the vets who saw her said she was in a bad way....

05-26-2013, 12:20 AM

:thankyou md_lvt_cwr:bowdown

05-25-2021, 10:27 AM
I hate to trouble you i know its been a long time but could someone tell me what the mouth discharge usually means? Mines had it quite a long time and sometimes rubs her face on things but that might just be marking her territory or something, sorry im not so well informed. She seems to have no trouble ita just an odd thing and it oxcured to me recently it might not be typical and i havent found a post that adequately answers the issue. It could be i just need to clean up the girls nest and replace the blanket. Shes about two and has had no previous health issues im aware of. She very rarely makes upset noises breifly in her sleep but i suspect thats just nightmares. I feel quite silly and stupid for not worrying sooner but ive got terrible anxiety so i sort of assume everything i freak out about is actually nothing and im just hurting myself here lol. Thank you for your time ive never used a forum before and its very difficult on mobile sorry about that. Im not sure how any of this works or how to make my own post either very very sorry feel free to correct me.:w00t i appreciate it. Her name is Boo. Shes a very sweet gal.

05-25-2021, 03:40 PM
Your not likely to get the attention you seek tagging on someone else's old forum from 2013.
Please start your own forum listing your questions and concerns.
Here's how....
Go to TSB home page, on left under help needed pick a subject matter and click on it. (Life Threatening, Non life threatening, baby squirrel questions, Etc.)
After new page opens toward top left under orange banner you will see blue oval with "Post New tread" click on it.
When that page opens tittle your subject and write your concerns in the box below.