View Full Version : Diarrhea

02-23-2013, 01:43 PM
Miss Mae has stinky diarrhea. I thought that she had stashed a piece of fruit that rotted. When I picked her up I noticed that her bottom is wet. That's when she dribbled watery diarrhea o me. HELP! You can tell she doesn't feel good. No new foods. HHB 2 times per day. Plenty of water. She was fine last night. I Amelia worried.

02-23-2013, 02:03 PM
Hydration is the most important thing with diarrhea. What fruits and veggies and how much of each does she eat regularly?

Nancy in New York
02-23-2013, 02:24 PM
SammysMom is right about hydration being key.
I would get pedialyte as that is recommended for diarrhea as they lose the electrolyes.
OR make your own.

1 tsp salt (teaspoon)
3 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
1 quart warm water

Keep refrigerated.

Also, smelly diarreha can be from giardia or coccidia, can you get a fecal done on her, it sounds like she needs some meds.

02-23-2013, 02:32 PM
This week was slice of cucumber, spring mix lettuce, cherry tomato, and apples. She also gets sesame seeds and 2 HHB blocks per day. Her treat is a few acorns daily and 1 hazelnut after playtime. I rotate her fruits & veggies weekly to prevent boredom. She is approximately 7 months old. She is drinking her water which is good. I did offer her a tums. She left it in her dish. She is just so pitiful and I want my baby back. She was so playful last night.

02-23-2013, 02:35 PM
I will put homemade pedilyte in her bottle now. She does not go outside and has not been in months. Could she still have a parasite?

02-23-2013, 03:00 PM
Where do you get the acorns and how do you store them? Is it possible that she got one that was not good?
No pedi in her bottle. Use a syringe with no needle and take note of how much she actually takes in.

02-23-2013, 03:26 PM
I gathered the acorns myself in the fall. They have been washed and are stored outside in our freezer room where is stays nice and cold. She has been drinking her pedilyte in her water bottle. I am tracking the level on it. She has been out of her "nest" checking out the clean toys and ole t-shirts I placed in there when I gave it a good clean this morning.

Milo's Mom
02-23-2013, 03:39 PM
The acorns...you said they are washed and stored outside in your freezer room.

Does this mean that you washed and dried them thoroughly and then put them IN a FREEZER so they are frozen?


Does this mean you washed and dried them and put them in a plastic bag and placed the bag in a "cold storage" room?

A cold storage room fluctuates in temperature and does not ever get cold enough to prevent the growth of bacteria/mold/fungus/etc.

In my opinion, if the acorns are in any location OTHER than IN a freezer and have been there since you found and washed them (assuming you gathered, washed and froze within a 24-48 hour time frame), they are most likely the culprit. Personally, I'd throw all non-frozen acorns away.

02-23-2013, 04:21 PM
:thankyou MM, that was where I was headed!

02-23-2013, 08:32 PM
I am pleased to say acorns are trashed. Miss Mae seems to be doing better. Stools, although still loose are no longer nothing but water. I found an old post that I have been following- small piece of toast, a very tiny drop of kaeopectate and plenty of fluids. She has been jumping around her cage a little more this evening too. Fingers crossed she will feel better tomorrow.

Nancy in New York
02-23-2013, 08:34 PM
I am pleased to say acorns are trashed. Miss Mae seems to be doing better. Stools, although still loose are no longer nothing but water. I found an old post that I have been following- small piece of toast, a very tiny drop of kaeopectate and plenty of fluids. She has been jumping around her cage a little more this evening too. Fingers crossed she will feel better tomorrow.

This is a great update, remember to keep pushing the fluids. :thumbsup

02-23-2013, 08:35 PM
Keep hydrating with a syringe. It gets more into them and that is most important no matter what the cause. Remember pedialyte is only for 24 hours, no longer.

02-24-2013, 04:14 PM
I am glad to say Miss Mae is back to her old self today. I have been taking it easy with her food limiting it to HHB, watermelon and some greens. I also gave her some yogurt too. If she is still perky later I may let her have a piece of fruit. Thanks for all the advice!