View Full Version : Rehabbers in Fort Wayne, Indiana Area?!

Lulu-Bean's Mommy
01-26-2013, 05:08 PM
Hi everyone,
it's been a very, very, very, very, very, VERY long time! But I still adore TSB and Lulu-Bean is well.

My boyfriend right now is visiting his family in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area. He caught a squirrel in the house and now doesn't know what to do. Especially since she cut her face on the cage, cut her toe off and is bleeding. Anyone able to meet him somewhere and pick up the poor dear? Or if he can take her somewhere? I only have one picture on my cell phone and I'm speculating. PLEASE HELP!

09-02-2013, 12:52 AM
HI I live in that area do you know of a rehaber willing to take on a 4 week red foxer? I am depserately trying to save this baby's life but I am affraid my best isnt good enough :(

09-15-2013, 10:19 AM
HI I live in that area do you know of a rehaber willing to take on a 4 week red foxer? I am depserately trying to save this baby's life but I am affraid my best isnt good enough :(


I don't know your area, so see if there any any rehabbers around your area from the link above.

Good luck!