01-23-2013, 10:03 AM
Hello All, I need everyone's help - I received this post on my Facebook page last night.....the Holley fire station is having a fund raiser is inviting people and CHILDREN to shoot squirrels, for money!!!
If you have time PLEASE start calling the fire station and the mayors office and inundate them with our voices against this.
Please have some knowledge under your belt because they are trying to tell callers that there is an over population problem, etc.
First we need to remember that there are pregnant mothers and mothers with new borne little ones out there.....if they kill mothers there will be countless babies that starve or freeze to death. IF there is an overpopulation problem then they should wait till the spring and humanely trap and relocate them. Please just be prepared for whatever BS they try to throw your way.
I am on my broomstick.......
Here is the original post and there is a link to the petition at the very bottom!!!!
Nancy C Johnson Williams of 2nd Hand Ranch and Rescue has shared the following information about a horrible event involving the killing of squirrels. Please read and voice your disgust with this practice.
Here's a letter from The President of The Squirrel Lovers Club :
Fire Department in Holley, New York Sponsors Mass Killing of Squirrels.
On February 16, the Fire Department in Holley, New York are sponsoring a killing of squirrels. Apparently this is their 7th year!
New this year, children 14 years and under will be allowed and encouraged to kill squirrels. Children should not be encouraged to kill squirrels or any living being for that matter.
The prize for children is $50 for whoever brings back the biggest or heaviest squirrel. Adults also get cash prizes, first place being $200, and so on. Squirrels will get murdered so some idiot can win a bit of cash. This is hideous! This is barbaric (feel free to use that word).
Please contact media and other groups (animal welfare groups and others) to stop this event! Also, write letters to the mayor, the fire department of Holley and any others you can think of. Bombard the town with negative publicity and phone calls, emails, letters and negative media attention. We can put an ad in the paper "Shame on Holley" and so on and appeal to their sense of right and wrong. Someone is checking on the price of an add. It will have to be paid for by donations, so let me know if you would be willing to donate.
Let whomever you contact know that it is not humane to murder squirrels, especially when they could have babies in their nests (which of course they will deny and say it is not the time of year for that, or they will say there are too many squirrels, so they need to be culled. Be prepared with an answer! What if there are too many people or too many of this or that, should they be culled, too?). Important to say: What are you (the sponsors) teaching the children -- that life is not valuable? What about being good stewards on our planet? That killing and suffering is acceptable?
Fireman have been known to be the "savers of lives" and the people you go to do good. This event puts firemen in an unfavorable light, especially in regard to the children's participation. Ask the town of Holley how this will negatively affect the image of their town and how it will affect the children in the future and what it is teaching children. And, so on. Tell them there is a grassroots movement going against Holley's annual Squirrel Slam.
Now, get busy: slam Holley, and save those squirrels.
Holley Fire Department
7 Thomas Street
Holley, New York
For tickets or info: www.holleyfire.com
Dennis Bauer: 585-638-6884
Wayne Moyer: 585-659-8063
Tina Reed: 585-638-6884
Holley is a small village near Rochester.The mayor is John W.. Kenney, Jr. 585-638-6367. Call the newspaper also. (I will have contact information tomorrow from someone who lives in the area). Your focus in your contacts should be "shame on Holley." NOT, I love squirrels (which they will just find amusing and will not take seriously). Talk or write about the violence in videos, games and around the country and how this event is not helping our country or our planet or humanity (and children). It is only ADDING to the problem.
Holley Fire Department
Holley Fire Department
Here is the petition.....
If you have time PLEASE start calling the fire station and the mayors office and inundate them with our voices against this.
Please have some knowledge under your belt because they are trying to tell callers that there is an over population problem, etc.
First we need to remember that there are pregnant mothers and mothers with new borne little ones out there.....if they kill mothers there will be countless babies that starve or freeze to death. IF there is an overpopulation problem then they should wait till the spring and humanely trap and relocate them. Please just be prepared for whatever BS they try to throw your way.
I am on my broomstick.......
Here is the original post and there is a link to the petition at the very bottom!!!!
Nancy C Johnson Williams of 2nd Hand Ranch and Rescue has shared the following information about a horrible event involving the killing of squirrels. Please read and voice your disgust with this practice.
Here's a letter from The President of The Squirrel Lovers Club :
Fire Department in Holley, New York Sponsors Mass Killing of Squirrels.
On February 16, the Fire Department in Holley, New York are sponsoring a killing of squirrels. Apparently this is their 7th year!
New this year, children 14 years and under will be allowed and encouraged to kill squirrels. Children should not be encouraged to kill squirrels or any living being for that matter.
The prize for children is $50 for whoever brings back the biggest or heaviest squirrel. Adults also get cash prizes, first place being $200, and so on. Squirrels will get murdered so some idiot can win a bit of cash. This is hideous! This is barbaric (feel free to use that word).
Please contact media and other groups (animal welfare groups and others) to stop this event! Also, write letters to the mayor, the fire department of Holley and any others you can think of. Bombard the town with negative publicity and phone calls, emails, letters and negative media attention. We can put an ad in the paper "Shame on Holley" and so on and appeal to their sense of right and wrong. Someone is checking on the price of an add. It will have to be paid for by donations, so let me know if you would be willing to donate.
Let whomever you contact know that it is not humane to murder squirrels, especially when they could have babies in their nests (which of course they will deny and say it is not the time of year for that, or they will say there are too many squirrels, so they need to be culled. Be prepared with an answer! What if there are too many people or too many of this or that, should they be culled, too?). Important to say: What are you (the sponsors) teaching the children -- that life is not valuable? What about being good stewards on our planet? That killing and suffering is acceptable?
Fireman have been known to be the "savers of lives" and the people you go to do good. This event puts firemen in an unfavorable light, especially in regard to the children's participation. Ask the town of Holley how this will negatively affect the image of their town and how it will affect the children in the future and what it is teaching children. And, so on. Tell them there is a grassroots movement going against Holley's annual Squirrel Slam.
Now, get busy: slam Holley, and save those squirrels.
Holley Fire Department
7 Thomas Street
Holley, New York
For tickets or info: www.holleyfire.com
Dennis Bauer: 585-638-6884
Wayne Moyer: 585-659-8063
Tina Reed: 585-638-6884
Holley is a small village near Rochester.The mayor is John W.. Kenney, Jr. 585-638-6367. Call the newspaper also. (I will have contact information tomorrow from someone who lives in the area). Your focus in your contacts should be "shame on Holley." NOT, I love squirrels (which they will just find amusing and will not take seriously). Talk or write about the violence in videos, games and around the country and how this event is not helping our country or our planet or humanity (and children). It is only ADDING to the problem.
Holley Fire Department
Holley Fire Department
Here is the petition.....