View Full Version : What saved my pox squirrels
01-21-2013, 05:58 PM
0.3 daily dosage.
This product saved 4 of my squirrels, the worst squirrel having at least 25 lesions on her stomach alone. If you order have it shipped the quickest way possible as it comes from California. I have used it on wild who also recovered by putting it in his water with a bigger dosage.
The first squirrel was treated with Valtrex and he passed away before we received this medication. Within 2-3 weeks I seen a change in the lesions drying and remarkable changes over all. Once the healing began it was about another 10 days until pox was not noticeable. I would recommend this for any outside kids I used about 2cc of it in a large pan of water. Another product we tried was Nutriferon from Shaklee I did not notice any big improvements once again the way I did with the CAOH product. Hope this helps someone.
I believe it is almost impossible to stop the virus it must run its course, you must build up the immunity.
01-21-2013, 06:12 PM
I will be ordering some soon as possible. It seems Pox is in my state also. Thank you Rippie for this wonderful info!
island rehabber
01-21-2013, 06:19 PM
:grouphug:grouphug:thankyou Rippie! :thankyou:grouphug:grouphug
You don't stop by often, but boy when you do :thumbsup
This is wonderful information. Thank you and thank you and thank you! :bowdown
Great news, Pox is such an awful disease. Bless you for posting this we need all the weapons we can get!:grouphug :grouphug
Come back more often, we miss you.
02-10-2013, 04:33 PM
I cannot say enough good things about this product! I am sure it would aid any illness. But this is a product you do not want to be without if you are treating pox. I still have valtrex on hand ..but I would not give it, It can be hard on the kidneys. I dealt with the horrible pox for many many months, and learned a lot. Nothing teaches you as much as what is in your hands. I have a lot of pictures to share (shocking). I am 0n my way out the door to work but I will be back to post them!!:thumbsup
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou
02-13-2013, 06:21 PM
Ok here are a few pictures of my Baby girl who had the worst case. Even more so than the sweet Buddy who died before he could get the immune booster. You will see her at her worst and then her progress.
02-13-2013, 06:25 PM
Getting better. Last picture is of brother Piney who had it the worst of the boys his PP was swollen 10x its normal size. He had about 7 pox. It took a good week to start to notice a difference (then the drying began) after 2 weeks they were almost gone. Once again here is the link to the immune barrier;
02-13-2013, 06:32 PM
I already ordered some and they ship quick :wahoo . I am giving it to my wilds and they LOVE it.:thumbsup
02-13-2013, 06:34 PM
Garden, you are a smart cookie!!!
02-13-2013, 06:37 PM
Last picture of my sweeties, I could finally breathe. Thank you Anne, miss you all too!
I tried giving Valtrex to BG but it started making her sick to her stomach, after day 4, I stopped the next day she came out and started playing again. It just did not agree with her. At the same time I had just received the immune barrier and began that immediately. The results were impressive to me.
Milo's Mom
02-13-2013, 06:49 PM
I am in the process of preparing my arsenal for the coming season and this is on my list!
Thank you very much for the recommendation and the progressive pics Rippie!!:thumbsup
02-13-2013, 06:50 PM
Garden, you are a smart cookie!!!
The Skuls told me about Echinacea from GNC that I give to my wilds and they LOVE it. And I read about this so I alternate between the two. You are the smart one. :thumbsup
09-07-2013, 12:15 AM
Hi Rippie,
I don't know if you'll even read this as this is an old thread, but was wondering if the CaOH product was the only one you used to treat your pox squirrels? I'm treating one now and have ordered this product but as I look through other threads about pox treatment it seems there are MANY different treatment options. My squirrel is progressing quite quickly. He first showed signs of pox about 2.5-3 weeks ago with a little bump on his eye. His eye is now quite swollen and his breathing a little laboured. Bumps are beginning to break out over his body. His behaviour is still good, eating well and active. I ordered my CaOH a week ago but haven't receive it yet. I'm wondering if I shouldn't start getting some antibiotic polysporin eye drops in his eye and see a vet about getting some Nystop or Acyclovir or something. Do you know if I need to see a vet to get these products? Any other suggestions?
Thanks a lot!
09-07-2013, 12:18 AM
An antibiotic won't help unless there is a secondary infection as pox is a virus. You need to just try to boost the immune system and hope for the best. Have you tried Echinacea and the like?
09-07-2013, 12:33 AM
I haven't tried echinacea because I expected this product to arrive a couple days ago. I've been using a natural cell health booster that is diluted in water - hard to tell if it's helping or not. I was also thinking of offering him some coconut oil since I know it has some antiviral properties. What form of echinacea do you recommend? I have echinacea lozenges with zinc that I've used for myself. I could dilute them in water to give to him.
09-07-2013, 12:41 AM
I have no idea. But if you search for squirrel pox on this site you should find a variety of threads which deal with treatment.
09-07-2013, 09:44 AM
I haven't tried echinacea because I expected this product to arrive a couple days ago. I've been using a natural cell health booster that is diluted in water - hard to tell if it's helping or not. I was also thinking of offering him some coconut oil since I know it has some antiviral properties. What form of echinacea do you recommend? I have echinacea lozenges with zinc that I've used for myself. I could dilute them in water to give to him.
Sorry you have to go through this. I just ordered more of the CAOH I mix it in the water I give to my wilds. They usually ship fast hope you get it soon. I also used GNC Echinacea I don't know if that is available to you. My wilds love it.
09-09-2013, 09:06 PM
I just received the CAOH today so I gave him 0.3ml undiluted right away. He's looking pretty rough, it's definitely advancing. Hoping it's not too late for him to fight back. I've been rubbing his sores with coconut oil, a natural antiseptic that also helps heal. So I guess I just hang tight now and hope for the best. I hope it doesn't get worse before it gets better. Poor little guy. Thanks!
09-09-2013, 09:35 PM
If it is a virus would a human antivirus help? Like Valacyclovir that they give for herpes? Is squirrel pox a herpes?
Does the Echinacea have to be GNC? I have some by a company called Now Foods. Would that be okay to use?
island rehabber
10-09-2013, 09:49 PM
I would say it's absolutely ok to use another brand of echinacea.
Milo's Mom
10-10-2013, 05:18 AM
One of the biggest issues with fighting Pox is the risk of secondary infection. It is also my understanding that there are 2 kinds of Pox....Dry and Wet. Dry is basically on the outside and Wet is on the inside. The labored breathing you mention is concerning to me.
If you are able, please get your little one onto some sort of a broad spectrum antibiotic to help fight any secondary infection. Baytril would be a good choice. The antibiotic will not help with the Pox as Pox is viral.
I do not have any hands on experience with Pox so my personal knowledge is only what I have read and discussed with rehabbers that have dealt with it.
I will see if I can reach Rippie and direct her to this thread so she can further discuss her experiences with you.
Also, someone asked if Pox is one of the herpes viruses...yes, it is. Valtrex is what I take for Shingles and it works like a freaking charm.....just not sure if Valtrex is safe for squirrels.
island rehabber
10-10-2013, 07:15 AM
Also, someone asked if Pox is one of the herpes viruses...yes, it is. Valtrex is what I take for Shingles and it works like a freaking charm.....just not sure if Valtrex is safe for squirrels.
In the proper dose, it is very effective in stopping the progress of EARLY stage pox. Valtrex is the brand name for acyclovir, which is what I used on a 6-wk old pox baby who recovered completely. :thumbsup
10-22-2013, 11:15 AM
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum but have been rehabbing baby squirrels for 14 years. I just took in my first pox squirrel about 3 weeks ago. I ordered the immune booster right away ( with 3 day USPS delivery. Unfortunately it took a phone call and 14 days to arrive but I finally have it. Before it arrived my vet had given me an immune booster with L-lysine (sp?). We discussed Acyclovir/valtrex suspension but she said it was very expensive (anyone know a price on that?). I opted to go with SMZ (when and if needed it), the immune booster, fresh fruits & veggies, and formula for all the nutrients and vitamins. Her pox are terrible and she has 2 that look like absesses but she has always been active and seems to feel well. We are on day 5 of the caoh immune booster. I started her on the SMZ because the pox started to get a little bloody and scab. Oh almost forgot that someone had mentioned Nystop antifungal powder to help keep the pox dry. I opted for Lotrimin powder (antifungal & anti-itch) and she gets dusted twice a day with it. She loves her dusty bath :-)! So, I'm sooo hoping the pox will start to receed soon. She seems strong and happy. Just broke out the heating pad cause it is getting chilly here now. Will keep you posted on her progress.
10-22-2013, 11:21 AM
Welcome and good luck! I hope she heals right up!
10-28-2013, 08:28 AM
Well I have had Poxy since Oct 5th. I thought i'd share her pox progression with y'all. She is on the immune booster, SMZ antibiotic, formula, Lotrimin powder (for dusting 2 times a day) and I started her on metacam yesterday because she seemed to be in pain when I lifted her. I keep a heating pad on low for her too. She is eating well...LOVES cumcumber and grapes :-) The pox have become scabby and a slightly bloody, especially the 2 big ones on her arm. I am hoping that this means we have passed the peak of the the outbreak and are on the healing side.
217739 How she looked on Oct. 5th
217740 Yesterday Oct. 27th
217741 After her 1st dose of Metacam, within one hour she was moving around and climibing. She ate 2 halves of cucumber and 3 grapes!!!
217742 Hang in there Poxy Girl :-) :Love_Icon
10-28-2013, 08:43 AM
Many healing prayers going out for your sweet baby.:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
10-28-2013, 10:21 AM
Poor little girl! Thanks for helping her! :Love_Icon
10-28-2013, 08:59 PM
Thank you for helping this poor baby, and many prayers coming your way for both of you. :Love_Icon
If I may make one suggestion... you are doing such a fantastic job I feel odd offering this but who knows? It might be of help...
Apparently it's what is inside the blisters that helps the spread of the pox all over the body, that and scratching the blisters. So I was thinking it might be a good idea to change her bedding very often during the day especially since some of the blisters are bleeding a bit, you said. I'm suggesting this since it appears she's making some progress and I was thinking you may want to avoid any risk of reinfection.
The fact that she remains in good spirit and active would sound like a good omen to me - I'm no expert, mind you. I sure do hope that little one pulls through.
10-29-2013, 07:48 AM
Thank you for helping this poor baby, and many prayers coming your way for both of you. :Love_Icon
If I may make one suggestion... you are doing such a fantastic job I feel odd offering this but who knows? It might be of help...
Apparently it's what is inside the blisters that helps the spread of the pox all over the body, that and scratching the blisters. So I was thinking it might be a good idea to change her bedding very often during the day especially since some of the blisters are bleeding a bit, you said. I'm suggesting this since it appears she's making some progress and I was thinking you may want to avoid any risk of reinfection.
The fact that she remains in good spirit and active would sound like a good omen to me - I'm no expert, mind you. I sure do hope that little one pulls through.
Hi, I greatly appreciate your suggestion! It is my first pox case so I welcome all help and knowledge :)! I discussed cleaning the bedding with my vet and she said washing with soap and bleach should be sufficient. Any thoughts on that? I sooo hope we are past the peak!!! Thanks again!
island rehabber
10-29-2013, 10:20 AM
What good work you're doing with her! :bowdown She really looks so much better from what I can see in the first shot. She is one lucky little girl to have you.
10-29-2013, 10:52 AM
Scurrygirl :bowdown, I don't even know what to say... :grouphug Poxy :grouphug
She does appear to be doing better, she is crusting up.:thumbsup Pox is such a horrible disease. Good luck to you both, prayers being said.
11-01-2013, 09:34 AM
Hi everybody,
Just wanted y'all to know that sweet lil' Poxy girl passed away yesterday. She had her formula and some melon for breakfast and when I checked on her at lunchtime she had passed. I feel like it must have something internal. I appreciate all of y'alls support. I have to say that Pox is a terrible disease!! I think next time, if the pox were still few in number and it was early onset, I would try the Valtrex/Acyclovir suspension. I would definitely keep the immune booster but I would try to inhibit those dang pox from getting worse. RIP lil' girl...
island rehabber
11-01-2013, 10:19 AM
oh darn it I am so sorry, scurrygirl...... :sad
This seems to happen a lot with pox squirrels: just when it appears they are getting better, they pass away. I think the pox moves into the internal organs and we don't see that things are actually worse.
If you use the Acyclovir immediately after seeing the first one or two lesions you can stop the progress of this horrible disease. If not, and if you're treating a squirrel with advanced pox already, it's really a crap shoot. :(
11-01-2013, 10:34 AM
RIP Little Sweet girl :Love_Icon
11-01-2013, 12:53 PM
R.I.P Poxy.
11-01-2013, 01:43 PM
RIP little squirrel. :(
I am glad you were with her till the end to help ease her passing. :thankyou
The pics you posted were awful, that was one of the worst cases I have seen pictures of so I think this little girl did not stand much of a chance even with your heroic efforts.
Gods Speed little squirrel.
11-01-2013, 01:49 PM
I just want you to know, while you are doing the "I could have/should have" stuff that even with acyclovir administered immediately, these poor little things die more often than we can save them. They are the three letters I dread seeing here the most. I am so sorry.
11-01-2013, 02:03 PM
Godspeed little Pox Girl...:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
11-04-2013, 07:58 AM
Thanks again everybody for all your best wishes!! At least she lived a pampered life the short time she was with us :-) I am very sad but I have rehabbed long enough to realize that we can't save them all no matter how badly we try or we'd like to.... :thankyou :grouphug
03-02-2014, 02:36 PM
I'm sorry I'm just seeing this. I did do the human antiviral. My 2 squirrels that I gave it to had a lot of side effects I stopped giving it. I will write more when I can get on my desktop rather than phone.
07-24-2014, 02:35 PM
Does anyone know the dosage of Echinachea? I have it but do not know the concentration in the water.
07-24-2014, 03:22 PM
I found this from someone with a lot of squirrel experience:
I was told that the correct mix is one capsule with one gallon of water...only use the GNC Brand ( put it out fresh daily.
For my Cheeky who has the start of mange I am mixing one capsule with sixty eight ounces of water but just for the first few weeks. Then I will do the one capsule with one gallon of water.
I plan on continuing with the Echinacea everyday all year long. better still......:)
09-03-2014, 10:01 AM
0.3 daily dosage.
This product saved 4 of my squirrels, the worst squirrel having at least 25 lesions on her stomach alone. If you order have it shipped the quickest way possible as it comes from California. I have used it on wild who also recovered by putting it in his water with a bigger dosage.
The first squirrel was treated with Valtrex and he passed away before we received this medication. Within 2-3 weeks I seen a change in the lesions drying and remarkable changes over all. Once the healing began it was about another 10 days until pox was not noticeable. I would recommend this for any outside kids I used about 2cc of it in a large pan of water. Another product we tried was Nutriferon from Shaklee I did not notice any big improvements once again the way I did with the CAOH product. Hope this helps someone.
I believe it is almost impossible to stop the virus it must run its course, you must build up the immunity.
If you find the amount in the first thread is not helping for the outside squirrels only) I would double this!! Sorry I can't remember how to amend a thread if some one could do it for me? Ty
10-23-2014, 09:08 AM
Can someone please confirm how the COAH liquid Immune Barrier is given and how may cc to give them in a syringe. I have 2 girls that are about 10 weeks, and 1 of them has pox's all over her. The other is fine and they have been living together. She has slowly progressed over the past 4 weeks. I just started to give her COAH supliment .15cc/ml twice daily by mixing it with water and feeding with 3cc syringe. She will only take about have then realizes that is not Esbalic. Can I give it full strength squirting it in her mouth?
What is the progression of squirrel pox? She has over 20 bumps and they are just starting to scab in spots but still look like lumps of skin, not tumor or wort. . Is that good or bad. Should I start and antibiotic as soon as they scab or look infected or is it too late for her? If she is improving will the shrink and go away or harden and fall off?
Thanks in advanced,
island rehabber
10-23-2014, 09:38 AM
The OP recommends as follows, at the top of this thread:
0.3 daily dosage.
0.3 is not a large amount; I would imagine you could slip a syring right under the muzzle and squirt before your squirrel realized what was going on. Otherwise, you could split the dose to 0.15 twice daily, so even less would have to be given.
10-23-2014, 10:03 AM
The OP recommends as follows, at the top of this thread:
0.3 daily dosage.
0.3 is not a large amount; I would imagine you could slip a syring right under the muzzle and squirt before your squirrel realized what was going on. Otherwise, you could split the dose to 0.15 twice daily, so even less would have to be given.
Hey IR, if you look at Rippie's last post, she suggests DOUBLING that dose...
island rehabber
10-23-2014, 12:40 PM
Hey IR, if you look at Rippie's last post, she suggests DOUBLING that dose...
:thumbsup Missed that -- thank you, Crit!!
10-27-2014, 09:16 AM
Hi, Does anyone have any documentation or description of what Squirrel Pox looks like when it is getting better. How do the bumps heal? Do they always scab over?, Do they just shrink and go away?
My 12 week girl has pox all over here and she has been on CAOH for 1 week. Now she is struggling to use one of her front legs. I dont want to make her suffer if she is not getting better. 3 of the pox have split and are slightly bleeding. I will need to make a decision in the next day or so.
10-27-2014, 09:30 AM
I believe that the larger, more advanced bumps often scab over, some of the smaller ones can dry up and go away.
You mentioned having two squirrels? You should separate them, Pox is contagious.
The CAOH has been reported to help. If the Pox is bad, I would consider increasing the dose a bit. Proper diet and hydration is very important because it allows them to get maintain their strength and allows their immune system too rally to fight off the virus.
Can you post pics of your poor squirrel?
Hi, Does anyone have any documentation or description of what Squirrel Pox looks like when it is getting better. How do the bumps heal? Do they always scab over?, Do they just shrink and go away?
My 12 week girl has pox all over here and she has been on CAOH for 1 week. Now she is struggling to use one of her front legs. I dont want to make her suffer if she is not getting better. 3 of the pox have split and are slightly bleeding. I will need to make a decision in the next day or so.
10-27-2014, 10:03 PM
Here is lumpy, my 12 week old pox girl. It has been 3 weeks since I realized what she had and has been on CAOH for 1week. There doesn't seem to be any change in the bumps.
Now my little special boy squirrel has 1 pox on his back. They have been seperated for over 3 weeks. He had his first dose of CAOH tonight and will get .3cc twice daily like his sister has been getting. I am trying decide if i should start him on Valtrex to prevent it from spreading.
Any recommendations would be appreciated.
I don't mean to be partial, but he is extremely sweet squirrel. He can't see from his left eye so i will likely always look after him. If i can get lumpy better she will be released with her sister who is in an outdoor holding cage.
Milo's Mom
10-28-2014, 05:45 AM
There has been some success in treating with acyclovir during the early stages.
11-03-2014, 07:29 AM
After 6 weeks of Lumpy having Pox I had to put her down. She started just looking mangy at first and had scruffy hair all over her body. I did not no she had pox until her face and ear were swollen. In the end she had bumps on 70% of her body and 5 had split and were oozing. I had treated her with CAOH for 3 weeks and Acyclovir for the last 1 week at .2cc twice daily. It did not seem to help. The pox continued to progress slowly. She was still very mobile and active all along. My decision was based on her activity. She would eat good and move around but once she sat still she would pick at lesion bumps. At this point I knew she was becoming overwhelmed.
I have 2 others that have just showed Pox bumps 2 weeks ago. I immediately started them on CAOH (.3cc twice daily) and Acyclovir .2cc twice daily. They are 12 weeks so they are 3/4 full size (Fox squirrel). They both have about 2 pox on their back but still have hair on them and the boys penis is swollen the size of my pinkey finger. They eat henrys squirrel blocks and veggies.
I will keep you updated on this treatment regimen.
11-03-2014, 07:43 AM
I am so sorry.:grouphug. Gods Speed Lumpy.
There is another current thread dealing with a young black squirrel that has a very bad case of Pox. You should follow it. He is being treated with acyclovir, CAOH, and Baytril for secondary infections.
Currently, it is thought that allowing the scabs to dry and fall off is important. Drying nodules kill the virus.
I wonder about the important of sunlight for treat Pox? Sunlight plays an important role in overall immune system function and health. Sun light is an important way to manufacture vit D. It also can help to dry up/heal up skin conditions like eczema, perhaps it might help to dry up/kill the active virus on the skin nodules?
Good luck to your other squirrels!:grouphug
After 6 weeks of Lumpy having Pox I had to put her down. She started just looking mangy at first and had scruffy hair all over her body. I did not no she had pox until her face and ear were swollen. In the end she had bumps on 70% of her body and 5 had split and were oozing. I had treated her with CAOH for 3 weeks and Acyclovir for the last 1 week at .2cc twice daily. It did not seem to help. The pox continued to progress slowly. She was still very mobile and active all along. My decision was based on her activity. She would eat good and move around but once she sat still she would pick at lesion bumps. At this point I knew she was becoming overwhelmed.
I have 2 others that have just showed Pox bumps 2 weeks ago. I immediately started them on CAOH (.3cc twice daily) and Acyclovir .2cc twice daily. They are 12 weeks so they are 3/4 full size (Fox squirrel). They both have about 2 pox on their back but still have hair on them and the boys penis is swollen the size of my pinkey finger. They eat henrys squirrel blocks and veggies.
I will keep you updated on this treatment regimen.
0.3 daily dosage.
This product saved 4 of my squirrels, the worst squirrel having at least 25 lesions on her stomach alone. If you order have it shipped the quickest way possible as it comes from California. I have used it on wild who also recovered by putting it in his water with a bigger dosage.
The first squirrel was treated with Valtrex and he passed away before we received this medication. Within 2-3 weeks I seen a change in the lesions drying and remarkable changes over all. Once the healing began it was about another 10 days until pox was not noticeable. I would recommend this for any outside kids I used about 2cc of it in a large pan of water. Another product we tried was Nutriferon from Shaklee I did not notice any big improvements once again the way I did with the CAOH product. Hope this helps someone.
I believe it is almost impossible to stop the virus it must run its course, you must build up the immunity.
Hi several of your members have been using our Liquid Immune Barrier ( to help with these little guys and want to post a discount coupon for you all for Squirrel Board Special $2.00 + 100 Reward Points. The coupon code is: squirrelboardspecial (
I also want to recommend a product through some research I did SeaBuckthorn Oil ( (
Please pass the word and we hope this helps.:serene
Hi several of your members have been using our Liquid Immune Barrier ( to help with these little guys and want to post a discount coupon for you all for Squirrel Board Special $2.00 + 100 Reward Points. The coupon code is: squirrelboardspecial (
I also want to recommend a product through some research I did SeaBuckthorn Oil ( (
Please pass the word and we hope this helps.:serene
Sorry guys forgot to enable the coupon on our site. Please try again if you had trouble.
island rehabber
07-10-2017, 03:59 PM
Thank you very, very much! :grouphug
I suggest that all who rehab here, or love their yard squirrels, have a bottle on hand even if you have never seen pox in your area. THere is always a first time and catching it early is the key to survival!
Diggie's Friend
11-07-2017, 10:23 PM
Just info here. There is significant data that shows these sources have the potential to heal pox. For details see my thread in Specific Ailments under Squirrel Pox on Pycnogenol (monograph), and Dragon's blood, both tree sap sources.
An old source used in traditional Chinese medicine, but newly available in the west, Dragon's blood from the sap from the Croton tree, contains both anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, being high in polyphenols much like Pycnogenol. Dragons' blood sap used on animal pox (just as long as the squirrel cannot ingest it), helps to dry up pox and speed healing in both animal and human patients.
Interesting possible source under cold sore product all natural organic, food grade, etc. Haven't used this, yet the sources include a number of anti viral natural ingredients including Dragon's blood tree sap, and pIne sap, again both high in polyphenols, anti oxidants, anti viral, and anti bacterial.
Diggie's Friend
11-07-2017, 10:42 PM
Post # 9 & 10 Dragon's blood sap
11-11-2017, 08:27 AM
Note on Dragons Blood (that comes from the Croton lechleri trees). There are a few different substances that go by the name Dragons Blood, they come from other plant sources; one is particularly harmful, so it is important to be talking about the right Dragons Blood. I am referring to the same one that Diggies Friend mentioned.
I have been offering Dragons Blood in water to the squirrels in my yard for almost a year now. It is experimental, but I mention it in case others have anything to add.
I offer my squirrels three water dishes.
1. Plain mountain spring water - a very large dish
2. Oregano Oil water - a small dish
3. Dragons Blood water - a small dish
The squirrels drink from all three equally. I keep them in the same places, so they have come to know which dish is which. Different squirrels prefer different ones. Some drink only from the Dragons Blood, some only the Oregano Oil, and some drink from both, right after one another. All drink the plain water.
I started this while waiting for CAOH to arrive for a pox squirrel in my backyard. I wanted something they could drink, since I wasn't going to capture them for treatment. I knew time was of the essence, and I caught it just as the bumps were forming on the eyes and feet. Once the CAOH arrived, I used that also. Once the pox was gone, I have kept the DB and OO waters out all the time. Keeping the CAOH in reserve should it ever be needed.
The recipes that I use, they are experimental as they are my best guess:
The Oregano Oil (Essential Oil) Water is one drop per gallon of non-chlorinated spring water.
The Dragons Blood (Resin) Water is two drops in a pint of non-chlorinated spring water.
Squirrels and Chipmunks seek these enhanced waters out to drink, even though I have a large pan of plain water nearby daily. I put these Enhanced waters out in small 3 inch dishes, they are usually empty within the day depending on the weather. On a hot day, I fill them twice, now that it is cold, they have been there for two days.
I mix up a larger container, that I use to fill the small dishes.
Just FYI, I do this to offer them, of their own choice, a place to get trace amounts of anti-viral, anti-bacterial substances if they need it. They choose it and come back regularly. When I first put out the enhanced waters, no one touched them for a week. Then they were sampled. Then they became regular visitors of them.
05-05-2024, 12:28 AM
0.3 daily dosage.
This product saved 4 of my squirrels, the worst squirrel having at least 25 lesions on her stomach alone. If you order have it shipped the quickest way possible as it comes from California. I have used it on wild who also recovered by putting it in his water with a bigger dosage.
The first squirrel was treated with Valtrex and he passed away before we received this medication. Within 2-3 weeks I seen a change in the lesions drying and remarkable changes over all. Once the healing began it was about another 10 days until pox was not noticeable. I would recommend this for any outside kids I used about 2cc of it in a large pan of water. Another product we tried was Nutriferon from Shaklee I did not notice any big improvements once again the way I did with the CAOH product. Hope this helps someone.
I believe it is almost impossible to stop the virus it must run its course, you must build up the immunity.
The link doesn’t work. What is the caoh product and how can I get it?
05-05-2024, 10:20 AM
I believe it has been discontinued... :-(
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