View Full Version : Hello

01-18-2013, 01:30 PM
Hello everyone. I am so glad to be here and to have found this wonderful sight. I have a squirrel named Peetie, rescued when she was about 3 weeks old and she is not 4 months old. She makes me giggle to bits and I have learned a lot of things here. I wanted to know about the calcium and vit.D.. Her cage is in front of a window and i feed her healthy veggies and rodent blocks. I saw the post about the Henry's healthy ones and ordered her some of those today. She took a half of tums and chewed it up with no issues as i felt a little calcium would be ok for her from what i have read and certainly not hurt her. Should she be getting that on a regular basis?...Any help would be appreciated. thanks

01-18-2013, 02:03 PM
Welcome, Adi. If your girl will eat the food from Henrys - 2 a day - and continues eating healthy veggies and occasionally fruits, then she won't ever need any more calcium! The diet will give her all she needs, and that is by far the best way to feed.:thumbsup

01-18-2013, 02:12 PM
Thank you so much for that reply. I have got the list from here on healthy foods and things to avoid for her and will certainly start keeping up with her diet to keep her healthy. I had been doing pretty well but see I should encourage the rodent blocks more and not give her so many nuts and things. I love this sight as I know with the help of everyone here I can keep my Peetie healthy and happy. :thankyou

01-18-2013, 02:12 PM
welcome :)

01-18-2013, 02:30 PM
Thank you so much for that reply. I have got the list from here on healthy foods and things to avoid for her and will certainly start keeping up with her diet to keep her healthy. I had been doing pretty well but see I should encourage the rodent blocks more and not give her so many nuts and things. I love this sight as I know with the help of everyone here I can keep my Peetie healthy and happy. :thankyou

You will probably find that this is the easiest way - give her the blocks in the morning, with no other food, and after she has eaten them, give her the veggies and fruits, saving the occasional nut treat for the evening. Once they get used to eating not so healthy foods it can take a bit to switch them over to the good stuff (like telling your 14 year old that he is about to become a vegan after years of pizza and McDonalds!) and having part of the day where they ONLY have the good stuff seems to help with this.

01-18-2013, 02:41 PM
Thanks for the advise and i will surely try that. I try to always give her a lot of healthy veggies and a few nuts during the day that i find she hides most days for later. But i will start her on the Rodent blocks in mornings and get her on a good healthy routine. Again i thank you so much for the welcomes also.

01-18-2013, 02:59 PM
:Welcome Adi & Peetie!! Would love to see some pictures:D

01-18-2013, 11:14 PM
:Welcome to TSB!!!

Jackie in Tampa
01-19-2013, 01:51 AM
:Welcome :wave123

01-19-2013, 05:22 AM
I will be glad to post some photos of Peetie...should i start a different thread and call it Peetie photos? or do it here? how do you all do that?.....and i really enjoyed seeing yours new squirrel mommy....they are so cute....I made a mistake and removed some of Peete's earlier photos from my camera but i have some......can i start a Peetie photo thread? is that allowed?

01-19-2013, 05:27 AM
It's absolutely allowed! Many squirrels have their own threads which last for years, so you might want to name the thread Peete's Progress, or something which doesn't limit you to pictures, which it wouldn't really anyway, but it's all up to you. Go for it!

01-19-2013, 05:52 AM
Thanks Farelli....I will do that and appreciate all the help. you all rock!

01-19-2013, 08:31 AM
Thanks Adi! Can't wait to see pics of Peetie:D

01-19-2013, 09:25 AM
:wave123 Adi.
There is a run-down on how to post photos, here... http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30
There is a little easier way to do it.
When you have hit the "post reply" button, you will notice a little paperclip at the top of the blue box.
Clicking that paperclip brings up a seperate window called "manage attachments".
By clicking a browse button, you can then pick any photo stored on your computer. (ten is the most you can upload)
When finished, click on the "upload" button. (not the one beside the "links", the one above it.)
Depending on size and number, it will take a little time. You'll know when it's done.
Now, go back and hit the paperclip again, and all the attachments will show.
Click on the "insert all", and they will appear in the message area.
You can now seperate those attachments, and ad text if you wish.
When finished, hit the "Preview Post" button to see how it looks. (edit if needed).
If you're happy with it, then hit the "Submit Reply".
One word of advice. Try to keep the horizontal dimension of the photos to something around 800 to 1000 pixels. Makes it a lot easy to see and read.

01-27-2013, 06:24 PM
Thanks for all the warm welcomes and the how to photos....Peetie now has her thread going with photos on it.:)