View Full Version : Ok I need help

02-26-2007, 05:49 PM
I didn't post this in the above forum because I don't know if the simple answer of "just let her go" flies. Across from our parking lot is what we thought was an abandoned building full of broken windows and yard full of junk until this past winter when they started building an addition to it. (yeah, I don't get it either) There are two squirrels that I usually feed here at work besides the ones at home (my dirty little secret).

Today on the way to lunch I heard a grunting from across the fence, and I looked and saw one of the girls caught in a havahart trap. Now I can understand a person getting annoyed that a squirrel is chewing up their house, but #1 your house is full of broken windows and WTF are you adding an addition, and #2 why are you trapping them OUTSIDE the house?

So I did a bad thing. I haven't seen any activity on the lot in over a week, and this poor girls nose is pretty skinned up from trying to get out of this cage. So I kinda went Peta on the guy, put the trap in my car and took it home.

Right now she is in my basement with a towel over the cage, the darkness seemed to calm her down. I got a little bowl of water in there for her, but I'm afraid to take her out and I don't have anything else at the moment to put her in. I think the trap is the reason why her nose is skinned, but I dunno... Should I just release her in my yard? I live a mile away from the guy, and I've got that bird/squirrel house I haven't put up yet. But I'm concerned about her nose, if this is gonna get infected and make her really sick?

I don't know of any rehabbers in Spokane, and I can't get a hold of Glenda in Idaho, I don't even know if she does squirrels. (she does lions and tigers)

I've got small metal four legged table I think I could wrap some screen door mesh around, that might at least keep her from poking her nose out long enough to heal.

I dunno, what do you guys think? As I said, it's illegal to even rehab greys in Spokane, but I know no one in the neighborhood will mind one more squirrel, I went for a walk this weekend and found artificial houses and feeders everywhere.

02-26-2007, 05:53 PM
Can you lift up the trap and see if she is a nursing female? That will a big difference in our answers.

island rehabber
02-26-2007, 05:59 PM
Dubshack you have more than one problem going on here. At this time of year, your girl may have babies someplace in that building and they may be very tiny. Does she look like she's nursing? I know it's hard to tell on a wild squirrel you can't handle....since you say you are only one mile from where you got her, chances are if you release her in your yard, she will head immediately back to her old home. The rule of thumb is a squirrel should be relocated 5 miles away or it will return.
SO...my concern first would be that she can't stay in that trap -- she'll tear herself up. Honestly, what I would do is bring her back to her home and release her, and try to find out if there are babies someplace. If you go now -- nighttime -- you might even hear them crying for her. Once you've brought her back, the thing to do is find out who is trapping the squirrels and why. They used a Hav-a-Heart --- they can;t be that evil. Maybe you could help them to keep the squirrels out of where they don't belong, or whatever, but separating her from a possible nest of babies is not a good idea. Just my two cents, DS -- others may disagree.

02-26-2007, 06:00 PM
I dunno, what do you guys think? I think you're a hero DubShack. :bowdown

02-26-2007, 06:05 PM
Very good advice Island. If she does not look like she is nursing and you opt to keep her until she recovers, she will need something at least a little bit bigger than a have a heart trap to stay in if you will be keeping her until her nose heals. I would recommend at least a 10 gallon aquarium for her (the bigger the better though) and you will want to get a good tight fitting lid that she can't chew her way out of. How wild is she? Would she come up to you for food or very skiddish?

02-26-2007, 06:07 PM
I think you're a hero DubShack. :bowdown

I agree and after what Bell & Noah just went through I'd be reluctant to take her back to be trapped yet again if she is not nursing. Let us know and we'll go from there.

island rehabber
02-26-2007, 06:22 PM
No question that Dubshack is a hero for attending to her. The solution, however, depends greatly upon whether there are babies at stake somewhere. If she were a male squirrel, and if it were not February, this would be an easy problem to solve.

02-26-2007, 06:33 PM
I'm still at work, got about an hour before I can be home to check her out. But the bottom of the trap is full of leaves, so checking underneath might be tricky. But I'll give it a shot when I get home.

I did go out in the parking lot and listen for babies. Other than birds and crows, nothing. There are about 11 dreys in trees around the lot, call me crazy but I don't think this squirrel came from the house. I don't understand what is going on with it, but last summer it was condemned, and then they added this additional building with an attached roof, no windows and a basement... The actual house, the windows have been boarded up and the chimneys are falling apart, there are bricks everywhere. The fence between there lot and ours is falling apart.

I dunno, I could be wrong. But I'll check her underside as soon as I get home. Either way I guess you guys think I should just let her go here at work? Will she be able to find her way in the dark? (I guess it wouldn't be that hard if she's from this lot, its lit at night and its surrounded by dreys)

I guess if there are babies in the house, there is no real way for me to know without breaking an entering. I went up and knocked and got no answer. There doesn't even appear to be any sign that anyone lives there.

02-26-2007, 06:36 PM
could it be they are trying to catch rats, in that house?

island rehabber
02-26-2007, 06:40 PM
DS I think she'll be fine back in her home area, even at night. But you'll have to keep an eye out from now on for more traps. See if you can find the person who sets them, and find out why. If you do ever need to relocate squirrels because there is a danger there, it must be at least 5 miles away. (Learned that in a Nuisance Wildlife course, LOL.)

02-26-2007, 06:43 PM
How wild is she? Would she come up to you for food or very skiddish?

The two I've seen at work, well I dunno how wild you'd classify them, but they don't give me the time of day. They sit up in the tree chewing on twigs while I throw nuts at them and I go away. Then they come down and eat the nuts.

Those two however, are much smaller than this one... This squirrel is considerably larger than the two I usually feed. She's more like Molly or Stuarts size. She's definately fully grown. So I'm guessing she's fully wild. On the other hand, the squirrels at my place will eat out of my hand, and we're about halfway between my house and Riverside park, where I'm told the squirrels will come up to anyone for food, or hitch ride in backpacks.... So who knows. All I know is, she's been in this trap a while and I don't think she's happy about it.

02-26-2007, 06:45 PM
Give her some nuts and let her rip DS!!:wahoo

02-26-2007, 06:48 PM
Ok I'm heading home now. I'll grab the camera and throw some pics up, let you guys be the judge.

02-26-2007, 07:49 PM
Ok, couple ground rules.

1. When bringing home a trapped squirrel, put it in the garage, not your basement.

2. If you are so intent to turn the cage over to determine the sex of the squirrel, ensure that the trap is actually LOCKED before doing so.

I now have a very MALE squirrel running around somewhere in my house. And wow, can I not find him anywhere.

02-26-2007, 07:56 PM
DS, Do you have other pets to worry about in the house? Good luck trying to catch the lil guy again, problem now he'll probably never go near the trap...on the bright side, no nursing mom...

02-26-2007, 08:18 PM
I think I found him... Problem is where he's at, I have no idea how to get him out. I think he's up between the floorboards in the far corner... I can hear him eating something...

And no, this is a rental so no pets allowed. heh

02-26-2007, 08:55 PM
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rolf :rolf :rolf :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4

OK - I'm sorry - I know you have a big problem, and I sympathize with you. On the other hand, it really is funny! "Very unhappy male squirrel devours 'no-pets-allowed' residence."

Good luck, and please keep us posted. Sorry I can't be of any help, but I can't stop laughing!

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rolf :rolf :rolf :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4


02-26-2007, 09:08 PM
Ok Muffin, now that I am on the verge of peeing my pants! I really don't think Rippie meant let him rip up the house!!!:dono
What is your weather like....open up what you can and hopefully, he will find his way out!

02-26-2007, 09:10 PM
Hey, is there any way we can get rid of this thread so that when my wife gets home I can just be like "Hey, did you know the back door was open when you left?" :D

I can't find him at all. I thought I knew where he was, we have a partially finished basement and I found some squirrel fur on the edge of a rafter near an opening on the far side of the house... I could barely get my head in there, but all I could see was a big pile of porn tapes. (the previous tennants were apparently four lesbians) Once I cleared those out, I couldn't see anything over a cross beam. So he could be way back in there.

All I can think to do is wait for him to get hungry or thirsty, and bait the trap. I got it all set up, but I'm betting its gonna be a long wait. He only seemed agitated when I moved him, so I fed him about a tablespoon of peanut butter and about half a bottle of bottled water. But man... When that door flipped open on me, he was off and running so fast... I just have no idea where he went.

Mrs. Jack
02-26-2007, 09:12 PM
Poor Dubshack. You meant well and now you got a crazy squirrel skedaddling around the house. luck to you, man.

02-26-2007, 09:51 PM
Hey, is there any way we can get rid of this thread so that when my wife gets home I can just be like "Hey, did you know the back door was open when you left?" :D

I could barely get my head in there, but all I could see was a big pile of porn tapes. (the previous tennants were apparently four lesbians)
I get it, blame it on the lesbians in case the wife's reading this. Got ya.

When that door flipped open on me, he was off and running so fast... I just have no idea where he went.
Check by the TV. He may be looking for a VCR.

02-26-2007, 10:16 PM
:smiley_pirate :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :smiley_pirate thumper

02-26-2007, 10:21 PM
lmao. You guys kill me every time. Good luck, DS.:rotfl

02-26-2007, 11:56 PM
You are so NOT getting your security deposit back....

Bell & Noah
02-27-2007, 12:26 AM
DubShack, I am sorry. But this is the funniest thread I have read. (Sorry for laughing) :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

02-27-2007, 01:43 AM
I can't find him at all. I thought I knew where he was, we have a partially finished basement and I found some squirrel fur on the edge of a rafter near an opening on the far side of the house... I could barely get my head in there, but all I could see was a big pile of porn tapes. (the previous tennants were apparently four lesbians) Once I cleared those out, I couldn't see anything over a cross beam. So he could be way back in there.

we may as well sit back and put our feet up:thinking considering how smart squirrels are this could be a while.
DS good luck with the wife & squirrel.:rotfl I am sorry but this is way too funny.

02-27-2007, 07:28 AM
DubShack, I guess it's pretty easy for the rest of us to see this as humorous, but it must be terrible having an unknown -- and panicked -- squirrel in your house. I hope you are able to figure out how to allow him to escape quickly. It occurred to me to hope that the situation didn't change last night to qualify as "Life-Threatening" after all -- after your wife got home, that is, and the "life" in question being yours, not the squirrels?? Hope she was able to focus at least a bit on your having done a very good deed, though I'm not sure I would be too generous if that happened here. Even having Buddy on the loose without knowing where he was would be a bit unnerving. Good luck to you. :grouphug

02-27-2007, 07:39 AM
Hey Dub, what's the word? Are you OK. Is your internet service down because of chewed wires? Is your arm stuck in the hole reaching for the tapes? Has your wife locked your head in the have a heart cage? Please give us an update! I'm getting worried. There are just too many possibilities for mayhem in this situation here. Good luck dude.:dono

02-27-2007, 07:44 AM
Heidiann I am surprised at you the most obvious answer and you didnt see it..he probably was up all night watching videos.:jump

02-27-2007, 07:48 AM
Oh I saw it allrigh but was trying to restrain myself. I WAS going to suggest he present the videos to his wife as a peace offering. :D
OH LOOk, there I dun it now. Thanks a lot Rippie! You know I have no self control.:hidechair

02-27-2007, 07:52 AM
I WAS going to suggest he present the videos to his wife as a peace offering.
:argue :attention Well ..seriously I dont see that working.

DS we really do wish you luck, I would happily help look for the rascal.
Keep us updated.:peace

02-27-2007, 07:56 AM
Yup, I'll help too. We'll all be over about noon time with our sledgehammhers, sawzalls and prybars. You supply the beer and pizza! Even if the squirrel escaped, it souds like your place could be a goldmine treasure hunt. Who knows what else we'll find.
You can offer the tapes to your LANDLORD for a peace offering. There, that's better.:tilt

02-27-2007, 08:51 AM
K, this is funny...but I can so relate to escaped squirrels in the house. (thankfully it was only one room for me!) It's very frustrating and you know that squirrel is peeing all over the place...and man, squirrel-azz STINKS. LOL.

Here's what I would do. Head to your local auto parts store and see if you can find one of those mirrors that looks like the ones the dentist uses...only this one will be on a telescopic wand. See if you can find him using that. It will help you see over the beam and also around corners and under stuff. Follow the poop trail. If he's anything like my squirrels he's pooping about every five minutes, so you ought to be able to track him.

I hope you were able to trap and re-release him outside....or chase him out the door (probably not).

02-27-2007, 10:10 AM
"I did go out in the parking lot and listen for babies. Other than birds and crows, nothing. There are about 11 dreys in trees around the lot, call me crazy but I don't think this squirrel came from the house. I don't understand what is going on with it, but last summer it was condemned, and then they added this additional building with an attached roof, no windows and a basement... The actual house, the windows have been boarded up and the chimneys are falling apart, there are bricks everywhere. The fence between there lot and ours is falling apart."

There is a house across the street from my office that is getting the same treatment. I mean, this place has been gutted and is actually leaning to one side. The windows are all boarded up too, but somebody is actually putting an addition on it. The group of us who go out to lunch together talk about what the deal might be with it and we suspect that the "addition" may actually be a new residence. Laws in some towns restrict new structures from being built so people get around it by putting the largest possible "additions" onto existing buildings and then demolishing the existing building afterward. Think that might be what's going on??

BTW, I'm loving this play by play soap opera you have created here! Where is squirrelboy hiding now???

02-27-2007, 02:20 PM
I got him.

I had been searching for a while when Lonna came home and told me she needed me to take her to the hospital. She's been having problems with her chest, and we're thinking gall bladder but I had been giving her zantac all weekend just in case it was heart burn. So we get to the ER and we're there till 3 in the morning, her blood pressure is through the roof and after a blood test, urine test and an x-ray, and a shot of malox with lidocaine (which Lonna said didn't help) they released her saying she's got acid reflux and gave her a prescription for the same stuff I've been giving her for the last three days that hasn't been working. She's gonna call her regular doctor this morning and hopefully we can get her in to see someone who obviously isn't a moron. And in the midst of this, I had to tell her about the squirrel, which I can tell you helped.

Actually we kind of had a big laugh about it. She knew it would happen eventually the way I feed them. She just wanted it out of there before it caused problems.

So we went to Jack in the Box (at 3 in the morning) and granted the greasy tacos didn't make her feel any worse, so I know its not acid. But I went downstairs before bed and still couldn't find the guy, so we shut all the doors and went to bed.

This morning out of curiosity I went downstairs to see if the morning light would draw him out. Sure enough, I found him over the dryer by the window. Unfortunately for both of us, that window doesn't open. I tried throwing a towel over him, but that didn't work, he climbed up a water pipe and hid in the corner. I tried grabbing him with a pair of BBQ tongs, but he was too heavy and my wrists are too weak so he jumped on my head and took off. It finally got to the point where he was running across this ledge up in the rafters across one side of the house to the other (on the complete oposite side of the house I thought he was on) I actually got him to jump down and go up the stairwell, but I had the door shut and he couldn't get out. I thought for sure I had him cornered, and I tried to throw the towel on him and he jumped at me, and we played hot potato with each other for a minute before he escaped back downstairs again. Finally I opened up the basement and back door and tried to usher him outside, but I couldn't get him off that damn ledge. Finally I got the idea of shoving towels up there at junctions to trap him. I finally had him pinned down, and the poor guy was shivering, scared to death. No matter how much prodding I couldn't get him down. I was like "Look here man... No hard feelings, but you can't stay here. You gotta go outside. Trust me, you'll like it there." I tried the tongs again, he only got fussier. I tried another blanket, and he really freaked and I thought he'd get past my blockade and back behind the cold storage area. (six times I had to drill a hole in that wall to poke him out from behind there, I don't even know why that wall is designed the way it is but it was terribly inconvenient) I was beginning to resign myself to the fact that it was either him or me. Either I kill this squirrel, or grab him myself and risk him biting the **** out of me. I really didn't want to have to go through rabies shots... So I grabbed a knife... I was about to do it, and the poor guy was just so terrified... So I just kind of hardened my heart I guess you could say, and I went for it...

I put on a pair of cow-hide gardening gloves, grabbed that squirrel and ran as fast as I could, yelling (imagine Peter Griffin style) OK OWE YOURE BITING ME OWE OWE OWE and then I threw him outside. And I said "There ya ****in' squirrel! You're outside! Now stay there!" And he just kinda looked back at me, and he looked around, and then scampered off... Up the utility pole and across the garage, which is Molly's route... And off he went.

I think he was just about to break the gloves. He bit down HARD right before I threw him, and when I took the gloves off there was just a little surface scratch and bruising from the pressure. I disinfected it right away, and it doesn't look like much more of a blemish right now.

But Lil' Bastard is alive. That's his name. And his nose wasn't nearly as red, so I think he'll do ok healing on his own out in the wild. Sorry the release wasn't at work, but I don't think I could have held on that long.

So we can go ahead and call this an example of how NOT to rehab a squirrel.

02-27-2007, 02:29 PM
I'm glad you got the little guy out of there alive, Dubshack, and I bet he is too.

02-27-2007, 02:32 PM
If I could laugh out loud right now I'd be ROLLING! HA HA HA!!! That's a great story...

I was sitting here thinking, "a knife?? What about GLOVES?!?!" and then you posted the rest of the story! LOL! Man, those are some tough gloves if they warded off his bite! My right index fingernail has yet to heal completely from a bite it took (under the skin/quick/knuckle...but it totally warped/damaged the nail, too) way back in November. :o Good for you and the squirrel.

Hopefully after an experience like that he NEVER goes near another havaheart trap! LOL!

~ whew ~ What an adventure! :thumbsup

ETA: I, too, hope your wifey is ok soon. I hate it when the ER does that crap. My brother had a similar experience in the ER with a torn ACL a couple years back...

Mrs. Jack
02-27-2007, 02:35 PM
I don't suppose anyone thought to film this...

Dubshack I am glad that you and the squirrel are pretty much okay, and good luck in finding some good help for your wife. I hope she is soon feeling better.

02-27-2007, 02:39 PM
DS why didnt you call mrs Jack all she would of had to do is call it and I am sure it would have came right to her.:D

02-27-2007, 02:46 PM
That whole story was just too funny! Way to go getting him out. Glad you got him out alive! I am sure he will find his way back home.

02-27-2007, 02:59 PM
:wahoo Congrats DS!!! BBQ tongs??? Tooo funny! I am glad all turned out well! Hope your wife is feeling better!
I am sure you will telling this story for years....and so will your squirrel friend, at the local squirrel bar!!!

02-27-2007, 03:48 PM
:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl (I dont think they ever have rabies,,,just a healthy bite) too funny thread,glad it all worked out.... if you send me the tapes... I promise I'll destroy them.......:smiley_pirate thumper

02-27-2007, 04:15 PM
.....whatever works!! :thumbsup

Glad you got him out with you and he each in one piece. VERY funny story (you'll laugh more later....:D You MUST print this whole thread and put it in a very safe place where you will find it many years down the road.)

Also glad to hear your wife approached it with a sense of humor. If you two could laugh about it ... while she was in the ER ... in pain ... at 3am, that says very good things about your relationship! :) Hope she's feeling better and found a doctor that will help. :grouphug

02-27-2007, 04:20 PM
I was beginning to resign myself to the fact that it was either him or me. Either I kill this squirrel, or grab him myself and risk him biting the **** out of me. I really didn't want to have to go through rabies shots... So I grabbed a knife... I was about to do it, and the poor guy was just so terrified...You were gonna stab the squirrel? WTF? :thinking

02-27-2007, 04:37 PM
Glad both you & the squirrel are doing okay. Hope your wife feels better soon.

island rehabber
02-27-2007, 05:20 PM
You were gonna stab the squirrel? WTF? :thinking

yes Dubshack -- that brought me up short as well -- WTF???

02-27-2007, 07:02 PM
Heyyyy...that gives "LB" more to talk about that the squirrel bar!!!
"The knife was thissssss Big!". Sorry, BBQ tongs will get a ton of rounds bought!!! :rotfl

02-27-2007, 07:03 PM
You weren't there. After about an hour of trying to get that guy out of that stupid room, and then having him out where I could reach him but not having anything to restrain him with... I mean I was two hours late for work as it was. We're renting this house and I can't have a wild animal running around destroying it... It's irresponsible. But I couldn't bring myself to kill the guy... As much as he scared the crap out of me... Must have leaped on me five or six times. I had actually gotten a hold of him a couple times but he was so squirly and I couldn't get a good enough grip, and I didn't want him biting me so I let go... Once I finally had him cornered, it was a matter of this either going on all day long and missing more work (which I'm going to as it is with my wife being in an out of the hospital...) This guy just had to go, and he just didn't want to be taken alive. But as heartless as that sounds, I couldn't bring myself to kill him either. I'm the reason he was down there... So I took it. I grabbed hold of him as firm as I could but without crushing him, which only seemed to serve to allow him to bite harder, and ran as fast as I could outside. I know you think that sounds heartless, but I just needed it to be over. I've had enough to deal with the past few weeks, besides Lonna being sick. But I didn't want to kill him, so I didn't. I just got the crap bitten out of me, my thumb is still swollen. I don't know how you people do this. It's mentally, physically and emotionally exausting.

02-27-2007, 07:19 PM
You weren't there. After about an hour of trying to get that guy out of that stupid room, and then having him out where I could reach him but not having anything to restrain him with... I mean I was two hours late for work as it was. We're renting this house and I can't have a wild animal running around destroying it... It's irresponsible. But I couldn't bring myself to kill the guy... As much as he scared the crap out of me... Must have leaped on me five or six times. I had actually gotten a hold of him a couple times but he was so squirly and I couldn't get a good enough grip, and I didn't want him biting me so I let go... Once I finally had him cornered, it was a matter of this either going on all day long and missing more work (which I'm going to as it is with my wife being in an out of the hospital...) This guy just had to go, and he just didn't want to be taken alive. But as heartless as that sounds, I couldn't bring myself to kill him either. I'm the reason he was down there... So I took it. I grabbed hold of him as firm as I could but without crushing him, which only seemed to serve to allow him to bite harder, and ran as fast as I could outside. I know you think that sounds heartless, but I just needed it to be over. I've had enough to deal with the past few weeks, besides Lonna being sick. But I didn't want to kill him, so I didn't. I just got the crap bitten out of me, my thumb is still swollen. I don't know how you people do this. It's mentally, physically and emotionally exausting.

Hope Lonna feels better soon.

You've had a difficult few days. The important part is both you and your new squirrel buddy are fine. Except your sore thumb. They are quicker and have bigger teeth up close and personal! Both of you have a new war story to tell your friends.

Watch out Lil' Bastard and his buddies may be back after a few drinks and go ninja on your ass next time you go outback.

02-27-2007, 07:24 PM
I just got the crap bitten out of me, my thumb is still swollen. I don't know how you people do this. It's mentally, physically and emotionally exausting.Got your ass kicked by a squirrel... Damn Dub, your a real manly kind of guy... :shakehead

02-27-2007, 07:43 PM
Got your ass kicked by a squirrel... Damn Dub, your a real manly kind of guy... :shakehead

Oh, don't pick on him.

02-27-2007, 08:25 PM
Oh Dub, your story makes me want to laugh, cry and give you a hug all at the same time. You done good. Welcome to the bitten club. :p I hope your wife gets the proper treatment and gets well soon. Glad your ordeal is over.:thumbsup

02-27-2007, 08:31 PM
Hope your wife feels better soon. :grouphug

02-27-2007, 08:40 PM
... I grabbed hold of him as firm as I could but without crushing him, which only seemed to serve to allow him to bite harder, and ran as fast as I could outside. I know you think that sounds heartless, but I just needed it to be over...
I don't think that sounds the least bit heartless(I believe it was just the knife-thing that had people going). It was the best and fastest way you could resolve it for both of you, with the least amount of pain and blood. I would have been terrified to grab a squirrel like that. (Actually, I probably would have run from the basement after he leapt at me the first time!) You're to be applauded. Probably the squirrel was terrified and that's why it bit you, but also consider that you then were able to quickly deliver him to the outdoors where he probably instantly felt safer (though he's probably never going to come near a human again, even for a pecan).

You deserve to :osnap (EXCEPT, of course, to wait on your wife until she's feeling better :D )

02-28-2007, 05:44 AM
I don't think that sounds the least bit heartless(I believe it was just the knife-thing that had people going). It was the best and fastest way you could resolve it for both of you, with the least amount of pain and blood. Let me get this straight. You're saying that you agree with Dub and killing this squirrel was even remotely a viable option?

02-28-2007, 08:02 AM
:sanp3 No. I did not say that. I think this thread is on the verge of going off into a very unfortunate and totally unnecessary direction. He SAID that he grabbed the squirrel firmly in order to get him out quickly but not hard enough to crush it, even though he was being bitten as he went. I do not think that was heartless and didn't want him to believe that I did. I think it was heroic and brave (perhaps a bit foolhardy, but heroic and brave nevertheless). WE WERE NOT THERE. He had been chasing and beeing jumped by the squirrel for two hours. Who can say what might go through a person's head under those circumstances? We were not there. The FACT remains that what he CHOSE TO DO was to grab the squirrel and get him out. I'm sure DubShack is already regretting sharing his stream-of-consciousness thoughts with us, but please, please don't get sidetracked here and let this thread -- WHICH HAD A HAPPY ENDING! -- blow up into something way more than it should be. If we now all have to start tiptoeing around and read and re-read everything we say here for fear of being blasted, then there is no point in being here to share our experiences (AND accompanying thoughts) with those we consider friends and (basically) supporters. I'm not suggesting that everything anyone says be happily accepted -- discussion and questioning is a good thing. But .. give the guy a break. He's posted enough here for us to know that he has been a good friend to many of the squirrels in his area and was here asking for help and ideas of how to get the squirrel out, and trying to do the right thing. So ... give the guy a break.

[I post this with a certain amount of trepidation, as the last time I jumped to someone's defense (rehabbers, in general) I got quickly shushed. That was early on, and I hope that at this point I have a bit more credibility. NOT intending to start a row here, but to calm things down and to stop one from forming uneccessarily. I hope this is taken in that light.]

OK, I'm done now. (I think) :Love_Icon

Bobo's Mom
02-28-2007, 08:11 AM
I think it was more a situation where he thought he might have to defend himself. I would have run for cover the first time he leaped at me with teeth & claws flashing. Those of you with experience would know to expect this behavior. It took him by surprise & I think he grabbed the knife totally out of fear thinking it was gonna be him or the squirrel. Luckily that moment passed quickly, the adrenalin kicked in & he was able to overcome his fear & get the little guy outside. I don't think he will be "rescuing" any more wild squirrels for awhile, lol. These things are best left to experts.

02-28-2007, 08:25 AM
:sanp3 No. I did not say that. I think this thread is on the verge of going off into a very unfortunate and totally unnecessary direction. OK, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make a big deal out of this. I just didn't realize that Dub didn't possess the problem solving skills required to:

1. Close all the doors to the adjoining rooms.
2. Open a window or sliding door so that the squirrel could get out later.
3. Go to work and let the problem solve itself.

Sorry Dub, I didn't mean to rake you over the coals. Squirrels can be pretty intimidating when cornered. :) Hell, Ziggy used to chase me all around the yard. :eek:

02-28-2007, 04:20 PM
1. Close all the doors to the adjoining rooms.
2. Open a window or sliding door so that the squirrel could get out later.
3. Go to work and let the problem solve itself.

In case you missed it in my post, there is only one window in my basement and it does not open. There is no direct exit out of the basement, if I'd have opened the basement door the squirrel could only have escaped further into the house, where my wife who had just gotten out of the hospital was sleeping. Who also in a few short hours was going to have to get up and get ready for work, and because of the messed up setup of the house, would have had to go to the basement to get ready had I not been there. (all our closets are in the basement)

I don't know why you feel the need to continue to bait me on this, and I don't even know why I have to defend myself here. The squirrel is alive. I didn't kill it. Yes I did consider killing it at one point when I was in the position to do so, because it kept retreating behind a wall that I couldn't get behind without tearing down, and the only way I could get the squirrel out was to repeated drill holes in the wall until it got scared enough to run back out. This is an 80 year old house with an unfinished basement, and if this squirrel had gotten onto the east side of the house I'd never be able to get to it, and it would have likely died in the floorboards. When finally had it pinned down, it was in a very precarious position. I felt like this was the last stand. And it was very likely that whatever I did the squirrel was going to escape again. So like I said, it was either kill the squirrel and avoid bodily injury and possible rabies (which I don't think and certainly hope it didn't have), or go through all that and save its life. I chose to save its life. I'm sorry if you have a problem with me facing and making that decision. But like I said, you weren't there, so it wasn't your call to make. And frankly, I don't give a crap if you have a problem with it. This is Spokane, if I'd have called anyone else out on this problem, you can bet your ass this squirrel would be dead. I was totally alone on this one, in a situation I've never been in before. Common sense doesn't even enter into it.

02-28-2007, 04:31 PM
I'm sorry Dub, let's be friends? :peace

02-28-2007, 04:39 PM
Dub...you did A great job!!!!:wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :wahoo

02-28-2007, 04:55 PM
I'm sorry Dub, let's be friends? :peace

No I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off hostile... It's just that I really have no support on this issue, everyone is mad at me for taking the squirrel home, and it's my fault it got loose, and no one I know would have the compassion to let it live.

And I'm not so sure I got away from this unscathed. He just barely got through the glove, and scraped a bit of skin... Not enough to make it bleed right away, but after a days worth of scrubbing and disinfecting it has turned into an open wound, and its pretty red today... And I'm still in therapy for panic/anxiety disorder, so my mind is not at ease as it is on this thing.

I realize its all my fault this happened, but I'm still a little scared over the whole thing and I'm not entirely getting any support over it.

02-28-2007, 05:06 PM
OK Dub, I'm sorry. You just pissed me off when you said that you were going to stab the squirrel. I would tear the wall off my house before I hurt one. I guess I just didn't put myself in your shoes.

You did a good thing by getting him out of the trap. Next time just let him out and take the trap home without the squirrel. :thumbsup

02-28-2007, 05:29 PM
No I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off hostile... It's just that I really have no support on this issue, everyone is mad at me for taking the squirrel home, and it's my fault it got loose, and no one I know would have the compassion to let it live.

And I'm not so sure I got away from this unscathed. He just barely got through the glove, and scraped a bit of skin... Not enough to make it bleed right away, but after a days worth of scrubbing and disinfecting it has turned into an open wound, and its pretty red today... And I'm still in therapy for panic/anxiety disorder, so my mind is not at ease as it is on this thing.

I realize its all my fault this happened, but I'm still a little scared over the whole thing and I'm not entirely getting any support over it.

I think you have more support than you realize, at least here on TSB. (It's just that on our side of the computer, it was way funnier than on your side, as it was unfolding.) You did a humane thing taking the squirrel home. Made one minor mistake not double checking the lock before turning the cage over. Unexpected consequences then flowed mightily. But you accomplished your original goal. The squirrel is free.

Cleaning out the cut/scrape was a good preventive thing to do. Probably you can ease up now and let it heal. Perhaps a dab of antibiotic ointment (you can get it with pain reliever if it hurts, as it probably does). Extremely unlikely that squirrels ever carry rabies, so you don't really need to be worried about that. And the squirrel wasn't captured because it was sick, but because it was in someone's way. So you probably don't need to worry so much about other diseases. You've done what you can.

So, pat yourself on the back. You saved a squirrel. Go tell Molly. SHE'll be impressed, if no one else around you is. :grouphug

02-28-2007, 05:39 PM
well DubShack, had you have called I would have sent my crew to hunt the wild lil bastard down and remove him (with extreme prejudice) heres a shot of them.... and the heavy support team...(rarely needed)

02-28-2007, 05:48 PM
Dub..you have our support! You are just GREAT at telling us the details!!:thumbsup
You are a hero!!!
Now, stop scrubbing that area, dab some neosporin on it and slap a band-aid on that bad boy...it will be all healed in a short time!
You did a great job and have a ton of support!!!! :wahoo :wahoo

02-28-2007, 05:49 PM
OK Dub, I'm sorry. You just pissed me off when you said that you were going to stab the squirrel. I would tear the wall off my house before I hurt one. I guess I just didn't put myself in your shoes.

I'd tear the wall off too... Unfortunately it isn't my house, and we can't afford to get kicked out over me trying to save a squirrel. Though if it was our house, it wouldn't have been designed in such a way that I couldn't have just shooed this thing out with a freaking broom rather than having to grab the poor guy and drag him through the whole house to get him out.

You did a good thing by getting him out of the trap. Next time just let him out and take the trap home without the squirrel. :thumbsup

Yeah, no kidding.

If its any consolation, from his stay in the basement, as stressfull as it may have been, his nose did look better when I let him go. Not nearly as red at least.

Mrs. Jack
02-28-2007, 05:49 PM
Dub, if it'll set your mind at ease, get a tetanus shot if you haven't had one in a while. I did after Zappy. but I went through the whole rabies paranoia, did a lot of research AND talked to my doctor who also did a bunch of research before he agreed with me that I had no worries. So try to put your mind at rest.

02-28-2007, 06:23 PM
Dub, if it'll set your mind at ease, get a tetanus shot if you haven't had one in a while. I did after Zappy. but I went through the whole rabies paranoia, did a lot of research AND talked to my doctor who also did a bunch of research before he agreed with me that I had no worries. So try to put your mind at rest.

Yeah, it's been about 14 years... I just don't have the time to spare right now... Unless something else comes along I can couple it with....

03-01-2007, 08:27 AM
Hi Dub, I support ya 100%. :) :thumbsup I have Generalize Anxiety Disorder, so I know where you are coming from in that regard...and I know how hard it can be when it's not your house to destroy...for whatever reason it may be.

I wouldn't worry too much about the bite. Just keep it clean in your shower each day, keep it covered and keep antibiotic ointment on it. Let it dry out when you can, but otherwise keep it covered. Don't clean it out too much. You might be making it hard for your body to heal. A multivitamin will also help you heal faster. I like the kiddie kind. :) I got bitten pretty badly back in November (being stupid, in a hurry, trying to get to church on time and catch three adult squirrels escaped in my rehab room - which is also a storage room, they had AMPLE places to hide/run) and though it was VERY sore and VERY swollen and VERY red for over a week, it was fine. I, too, recommend a tetanus shot asap. That would be the only thing I'd worry about...not the rabies. He wasn't ill when caught, and seemed uninjured so I don't think rabies is much of a threat in your case.

The way I would look at the tetanus shot is that for the time it costs you to get the shot (waiting in the office, seeing the doc, etc) you could get VERY VERY ill or even die from tetanus... It sounds like your wifey really needs you right now, so please do find or make the time to get the booster shot. It's really worth it.

I'm proud of you. You are holding up fantasticly (is that a word?) considering the amount of stress you must be feeling right now.

There will always be people in life that disagree with us. We need to look beyond those folks and focus on our friends. :) :grouphug


03-01-2007, 11:41 AM
Hi DubShack, I sympathize with you also. My friend and I spent two hours chasing 3 little red squirrels around a very small area. Boy, they are quick. By the time we were done, we had taken everything off all the shelves were trying not to trip over the jumble on the floor as we scooted those little buggers out the door into the release area.
These were hand raised, rehab squirrels that were truly enjoying the chase. I could just feel them laughing at us. Let me tell you, there was a moment there when I saw red, and could easily have throttled one of the little stinkers.
At least it's over, and don't worry about rabies. If you had gloves on you didn't get any saliva on you, not that it sounded as though that squirrel was sick. Sounded pretty darn healthy and normal to me. Chances are pretty slim he had rabies.

03-01-2007, 12:46 PM
My doctor is on vacation and his nurse won't be back till Monday. The receptionist said she'd have her call me Monday, but that generally you should have the shot with 72 hours of the event, and I think that has passed all ready... She said its probably not worth worrying about if it was just a scratch, but if its been that long since I've had my shot I ought to do it anyway.

This morning I woke up to another tragedy. The landlord who owns the house across the street from us had the big tree in the yard taken down. I don't understand why, the tree was perfectly healthy and rather beautiful I thought. There was a drey in it, precariously high that I was worried about when we had those wind storms, but as much as it swayed it never came down. Peanut was the one I always saw in the tree, but I never saw her actually using the drey... And a few weeks ago I saw crows picking it apart. I had a feeling it had been abandoned after the storm, but just to be sure I walked across the street and checked it out... The drey was destroyed, but I couldn't find any babies anywhere. We've had wierd weather, so I'm not sure anyone is nesting on this street anymore. I drove around afterwards and found three houses that had standard squirrel condos on their porches/trees, and one tree hollow. I saw one squirrel that I'm not sure I've seen before, it had some interesting tail coloring, but it was eating cashiews... So I'm guessing at least everyone is doing ok, even though I'm not seeing them. There is also a massive swarm of blue birds moving from street to street, and with all the fruit and nut squirrel food in my yard they seem happy.

As for me, to say my nerves are shot would be an understatement. I think getting LB out gave me a massive shot of adrenaline, and because of the adrenal exaustion I'm now feeling the ill effects of it. I'm burned out, and I've all but stopped eating. (a bannana here and there, I can't bring myself to cook anything)

Man, I need a nap. Badly.

03-01-2007, 01:36 PM
Hang in there. Try to relax. Eat ... ANYthing -- it will make your appetite return. Things will start looking better. They always do. :grouphug

03-01-2007, 02:48 PM
Take a nap. Eat something. You gotta take care of yourself too.:grouphug

03-01-2007, 06:41 PM
I think I know whats wrong... Why I suddenly feel like I'm gonna pass out...

When I took Lonna to the hospital and they had us waiting forever, the doctor finally came in and asked a bunch of questions... She gave us a few hunches, including her diagnosis which I know is wrong, that she has acid reflux. She goes to her own doctor tomorrow to find out just what is wrong... But our hunch was gall bladder, the doctor didn't talk about that. She said heart problems, which she said she ruled out through blood tests... Or that she's pregnant. Which they tested, but never bothered telling us the result. I don't think they were finished with that before we left.

I don't think she is, she has PCOS and it would be very difficult for her to get pregnant on her own, but she hasn't been taking her birth control for the last month like she's supposed to have. But... We don't know.

So maybe thats why my brain has suddenly gone haywire. The stress of Lonna in the hospital and not knowing whats wrong with her, the business with the squirrel, and the possibility that soon I could be a dad... It's a little overwhelming for a Thursday. If this were Friday perhaps I could handle it better.

Oh who am I kidding. I'm freaking out here.

03-01-2007, 06:49 PM
Dubshack, sorry, but you make me laugh. If you are seriously not trying to funny, I apologize. :jump :jump :jump :jump

I hope everything is ok with Lonna. The hard part is the waiting and not knowing. Of course, worrying will get you nowhere. Just know that this will pass and in a while it will all be behind you.

03-01-2007, 07:05 PM
OK...cleansing breath..in through the nose and out through the mouth!
Freaking out about the uncertain, does not change anything. So...we know that you are very squirrel capable...:wahoo !
I know its an adrenalin rush, chasing LB around. I know its exhausting. Did you get a nap?
Please don't stress too much over a scratch....I am a squirrel pin cushion..as are many of us. If your scratch is not worse, in general, might be worse from scrubbing it...you will be ok.
Get a shot, when you can. I am not sure when I had my last, 17 years ago, over a rusty nail...but nothing has turned green and fallen off yet!
You did a good thing! You are your pic(avatar)...TA DA..super Squirrel Man!
So...what to name the baby??? I like "Hanna"...Hanna gold star to super daddy, for saving the squirrel and making mommy laugh.:thumbsup
I just hope that Lonna feels better.
Dub, you ARE stronger than you know, or think!!!!:grouphug

03-01-2007, 08:01 PM
Hey Dub:wave123
I belong to the anxiety club too so I know how easy it is to get worked up and not exactly know why. And it usually does end up being a whole bunch of things all together just like you figured out.
I know that for me, going from, "What's wrong with me!!!??? Why am I freaking out?", to "Well this is going on and that and that and this too...No wonder I'm feeling this way!", usually helps me calm down and sort all the feelings out. I hope that starts happening for you.
I will keep Lonna in my prayers and if being a Dad is in your near future, I'm sure God knows what he's doing and you will be a wonderful father. And if it's not that time for you yet then whhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew:D . You can sigh for now and focus on Lonna getting better and taking care of yourself.

03-02-2007, 07:45 PM
Just got back from the doctors. Lonna had fallen down some the stairs (not huge, just about two steps I think) and the bloodwork from the hospital had shown inflamation, and that her thyroid level was too high. (Lonna has hyperthyroidism, at least I think thats what you call it) So that would explain the chest pains and high blood pressure. The doc modified her perscription, and more than likely that will have been the problem.

So... big sigh of relief on my part.

On another note, Lonna talked to the owner of the place across the street yesterday, the one that cut down Peanut's tree, and I guess the reason why they did it is because the roots were starting to crack the foundation of the house, so he didn't have any choice. So I can't be mad at the guy, but its like, the view is kind of ugly now. Plus when we got home at 5 today, we looked across the street and Peanut was there looking all around the area, trying to figure out what happened to her tree... She eventually climbed up this huge bush next door, lept onto this guys house and then jumped into some other trees to the south... hopefully to her new home.

But I thought I'd let everyone know that Lonna is ok, just needs an adjustment to her current meds. :)

03-02-2007, 08:00 PM
good to hear it...:thumbsup

03-03-2007, 10:17 AM
Good news about Lonna!!

So sad how you described Peanut's situation, but hopefully a nice new nest has been found or built. Must be mindboggling to squirrels when a tree (their tree!) "disappears" since they have such a fantastic little neighborhood map in their heads. :thinking :dono :thinking :sanp3 Must be utter disbelief!

03-03-2007, 11:36 PM
:wahoo :wahoo Dub!!!
Great news!!! :thankyou for letting us al share it with you and Lonna!!!

Bell & Noah
03-04-2007, 02:43 AM
Glad to hear that Lonna is doing much better and the Dr. found out what the problem was. Now you can relax and take it easy and take care of yourse