View Full Version : New Siberian Chippie! Doing back flips?

01-13-2013, 06:03 PM
Hi all! So yesterday I adopted/bought a 6 mo. old chipmunk from a family that was having money trouble. She is an adorable, sweet little girl, and, although a bit nervous, is very sweet and curious. The people before me did have a small wheel for her, but they said she never used it. When I met her, she was doing sort of climbing around in flips around her cage. It looked a little neurotic, and given the cage seemed a bit small, wasn't surprising. So now I've got her home and in her new cage. I made it out of an old shelf. It isn't huge, but it's about 16"x16"x36" and isn't going to be permanent. The thing I'm wondering is whether it's normal for her to do repeated back flips? Since she didn't use the wheel there, so is it worth wasting space in her cage with it now? She does other things, exploring, eating etc. and she has a bunch of bird toys, so there are other things to do. Thoughts?:crazy :crazy