View Full Version : Hello Everyone

01-02-2013, 08:11 PM
I'm a proud squirrel momma in virginia. It all started when a neighbor brought me a squirrel that her cat had gotten hold of. He still had his eyes shut when I got him. He was alot of work as an infant, but now that he's a few months older, Im totally in love with him and really enjoy him as a pet.He has a gimpy leg and is not releaseable. A couple of months ago, another neighbor brought us a female squirrel. She was hypothermic and dehydrated and made a full recovery. She could be released and we have recently started letting her out of the enclosure and into the world. So far she comes back home when it gets dark but we have only tried this a couple of times. Today she was not interested in getting out at all. We have converterted our guest room into a giant squirrel cage and built an outdoor enclosure they can come and go from durring the day. They seem to be very happy but I know that eventually she will leave him and that makes me sad. I hope that when that time comes, we can find him a more perminate companion in another unreleaseable squirrel with a simmilar handicap. The information I got from the squirrel boards has helped make Squirrley Man and Squirrel Girl a success story. Thanks so much!

Squirrel Girls Mom
01-02-2013, 10:04 PM
:Welcome This really is the place to learn about everything squirrel. Glad you're here!!

01-02-2013, 10:58 PM
Welcome:Welcome what great names:D hope all turns out well for you and your squirrelys

01-02-2013, 11:08 PM
So you've been lurking for some while? We want pictures and stories!

Perhaps Squirrel Girl will decide to be an inside squirrel. It's happened before. But, if she keeps going out, she might get knocked up. Is she old enough?