View Full Version : Mother flying squirrel and babies in linen closet

12-29-2012, 01:48 PM
I found a flying squirrel who had made a nest in an old sheet in our guest bath linen closet. I have made no one on one contact with her or the babies, asides from moving the sheet that is now there home. I opened the sheet long enough to see one of the babies then closed it back, before putting it in a large container that the mother was trapped in for removal from the house.
Now that i know there are young (at least one) I am not sure about releasing them. I have raised a couple of flying squirrels before, but I want what is best for their family. I live in the pensacola area which is normally pretty warm, but we have a front coming through with lows in 20's. the baby that I seen has hair, and thats about all i know. I don't want to mess with them if i don't have to. I have put pecans and water for the mom but thats about it besides keeping them in a semi warm place. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas about the possible release or should I keep them with little contact until it warms up and the babies can get around.

12-29-2012, 02:13 PM
How in the world did it get into the linen closet??
What are you keeping them in right now, and where are you keeping them?
They need to be in a warm, quiet, and dark place. I'm concerned about stress on the whole family.
If this mother was nesting in your closet, she may not have another place to take her babies. They usually live in a colony, so I wonder if you don't have more in your home somewhere. Do you know how she came to be in your closet, she must have a way from the closet to the outside to get food. Why can't you just leave them in the original nest spot until the babies are old enough to move on then when mother and babies are gone, patch whatever path they used to get in there??

12-29-2012, 02:23 PM
She also definitely needs a water source, right flyer peeps?

12-29-2012, 02:26 PM
Momma and the baby(ies) are best kept in as much the same environment as possible. Please send me an email and I will get back to you about their care. :thankyou for taking such good care of them :thumbsup


12-29-2012, 02:53 PM
they are in our guest bathroom in a large clear rubbermade container with holes for air. I just added a branch for her to climb on. I keep the door closed and have covered one end with a throw blanket to provide someplace dark during the day. It is fairly dark in there already during the day. This is the room that they were found in so they should be comfortable. I plan on going to get a large cage today. We have pecan trees and plenty of fresh fruit to sustain them if we have to.
I found a hole coming from the attic that was used to gain entry/exit. So I would imagine if there is a colony it is in the attic. As for leaving them in the closet, there is plenty of droppings and urine spots that are undesireable for the comfort of my family. I would rather buy a cage that can be cleaned regularly with minimal contact or interaction. I can then build a stand or something to place the cage on, and once the babies are moving around more I can open it and let them come and go as they please until they are self sufficient. Really tring to provide a predator safe area until they are able to relocate at their convenience is the only thing i can think of doing.
The mother doesn't seem to be worried about having been moved. She is eating and is not trying to escape. We don't see her very much but she comes out from time to time. I guess living withing arms reach of humans doesn't bother her to much, or she would not have nested there.
I am definetly open to suggestions though, otherwise i would not have registered here and all ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks

12-29-2012, 03:00 PM
Thank you for taking care of this little family! The only thing i have to add is to PLEASE keep the toilet lid down on the toilet or install a mesh ladder (can someone post a link? I am on my iphone) so that if any of them fall into the toilet they can get out. Many flyers have drowned in toilets.

12-29-2012, 03:07 PM
will do, thanks.

12-29-2012, 03:31 PM
Oh good, I'm glad you are going to keep and care for them until they are able to go. It's going to get pretty cold down here tonight, so I'm glad you decided to keep them inside.
Anne can help you with their care. And there's nutrition info on flyers on this forum.
If for any reason one of them is not releasable or gets sick, I am very nearby you, just the other side of the AL/FL line, and you can pm me if you need anything.
Thank you for being kind and caring for them. Some folks would just have them exterminated or removed. :thankyou :grouphug

Mrs Skul
12-29-2012, 04:40 PM
:wave123 Jcmarc79
That Mama will eat right threw the container and you will lose them inside the house. You Need a Good Cage.
If you would have given her a chance to move them out, she would have, after you move things around. She was looking for a warm place for the babies. :D
Have you found the HOLE where she was coming and going threw yet? How long have you had her in the container? She will need Lots and Lots of food.
If you know where she is coming into your house you can let her take them back out to a different nest site or a Flyer Nest Box if you can make some and hang them with extra bedding in it.
Call if you need help. Good Luck
If you have them on the floor, THAT is the Coldest place to put them. Set them on the counter or a table. something other then the floor.
Have you Opened some Pecans and put them in with her? She will be looking for food around 5 or 6pm tonight. GET A Cage SOON! :D
they are in our guest bathroom in a large clear rubbermade container with holes for air. I just added a branch for her to climb on. I keep the door closed and have covered one end with a throw blanket to provide someplace dark during the day. It is fairly dark in there already during the day. This is the room that they were found in so they should be comfortable. I plan on going to get a large cage today. We have pecan trees and plenty of fresh fruit to sustain them if we have to.
I found a hole coming from the attic that was used to gain entry/exit. So I would imagine if there is a colony it is in the attic. As for leaving them in the closet, there is plenty of droppings and urine spots that are undesirable for the comfort of my family. I would rather buy a cage that can be cleaned regularly with minimal contact or interaction. I can then build a stand or something to place the cage on, and once the babies are moving around more I can open it and let them come and go as they please until they are self sufficient. Really tring to provide a predator safe area until they are able to relocate at their convenience is the only thing i can think of doing.
The mother doesn't seem to be worried about having been moved. She is eating and is not trying to escape. We don't see her very much but she comes out from time to time. I guess living withing arms reach of humans doesn't bother her to much, or she would not have nested there.
I am definitely open to suggestions though, otherwise i would not have registered here and all ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks