View Full Version : Missing My Boy - Part II

12-20-2012, 03:17 PM
“…if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.”

--Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Today marks One Year since I last saw my beautiful boy True’ squirrel.

I have posted about him before, but it has been a long while now. True’ was brought into my life when he was just a tiny baby with eyes closed. A hawk got into the tree where he lived with his mom and siblings. All of the noise took me outside, and I saw the hawk fly out, and little things falling from the tree, and oddly enough a squirrel. I had no idea what was going on. Found out the little things were baby squirrels. To make a long story short, mom squirrel ended up taking all the babies back except for my True’.

Never had experience with squirrels, but I read up on how to care for tiny squirrels so I gave it a go. I look back now and fondly recall the round the clock feedings. Well True’ grew up, and while trying many living arrangements, he sort of ended up taking a whole room for himself, and had access to most of the house when I was home. I have such wonderful memories of those times. But as he got bigger, he would look out the window and I just knew by reading that he needed to learn to live outside in the trees with the other squirrels. So slowly he learned to go outside. He was afraid at first, but after a while oh, how he loved the trees. The first time he really went out and took to the trees, he was gone until the next morning. I was so scared for him. But when I went to look for him, there he was in a tree, and he came to me & wanted to go back inside to his house. He slept for hours, after drinking milk and eating avocado. And thus is began. True was an indoor/outdoor squirrel. He would stay out some nights and show up the next morning again. He would go missing for 2 or 3 days and I would panic, but then back he would come. Once he was gone about 17 days and I was sure Id never see him again; but back he came. He was almost 2 years old, handsome as could be, excellent health, tree smart and perfectly capable of taking care of himself as he had proved over time.

And then on December 20, 2011 he went outside, thought about coming back in, changed his mind and disappeared from my life. Its been a whole year now. Ive looked for him, called him, continued to put peanuts out on the deck like always, but there has been no sign of him. No sign in the familiar trees, or rooftops. Just vanished. I had hope for so long that he would return. Ive read on here many stories of squirrels that were released and came back, showed up and said Im ok and happy. But it hasn’t happened with True’.

I still miss my friend everyday. There were times when he would be in the trees and I could tell he was learning to be more wild by his behavior to me, but then it would reverse and he would be cuddly and want his avocado and to play with his toys. I know ( well mostly I believe ) it was best that he was allowed to become a wild squirrel again. Seeing him in the trees and how happy he was – it was a joy. But, I fear something happened to him out there. And I wish I could have kept him safe forever.

Where else could I come today and share my wonderful memories of True, and express my sadness except here among others who know a sadness much like my own. I have not had an avocado in the house since True left. I bought one today, and Lord have mercy – it has made me cry !!!
I have never shared pictures of True. So I want to post some today of my little boy; my True’ Squirrel.

I would also like to share this quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince. This sounds like what True would say to me as he was quite the wise soul, but also full of character and True joy.

“All men have stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems... But all these stars are silent. You-You alone will have stars as no one else has them... In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars will be laughing when you look at the sky at night..You, only you, will have stars that can laugh! And when your sorrow is comforted (time soothes all sorrows) you will be content that you have known me... You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure... . . . And your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, 'Yes, the stars always make me laugh!' And they will think you are crazy. It will be a very shabby trick that I shall have played on you...”

To the True' much love......

island rehabber
12-20-2012, 04:38 PM
trueblue, that was absolutely beautiful. Your description of your life with your friend True' was no less lyrical and moving than anything St-Exupery ever wrote. :bowdown Those of us who have known life and love with a squirrel feel every one of those words. Thank you so very much for sharing True' with us. :grouphug

12-20-2012, 04:40 PM
A wonderful story and True is quite a handsome fellow!!! I hope he returns for a visit.

12-20-2012, 05:31 PM
A touching and melancholy story. As with all people in our lives, animals or human. They can touch us for a day or a lifetime. Sometimes the ones who are the most intense or shortest visitors, are the ones that make the largest impressions on our lives. One never vanishes when one is remembered.

Loopy Squirrel
12-20-2012, 06:30 PM
What a wonderful story. I know this pain you speak of...you did a wonderful thing, saving his life and being willing to let him go to be the squirrel he was meant to be.

12-20-2012, 08:07 PM
I had one glorious year with Kibbles--my first squirrel love. There were others but Kibbles was my heart--my friend. I miss her every day but don't feel I could have been her friend and not given her the choice to be free. You have described what real love--real friendship--is. Like so many here, you've been blessed.

01-03-2013, 11:34 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I know most of you have experiences very similiar, and I knew you guys wouldnt think I was 'nuts' for sharing my feelings.

We are all very lucky; those who are blessed to be loved by a squirrel. True Squirrel opened my eyes to what was always before me, but never really understood or appreciated. Squirrels are amazing and spectacular, and now more beautiful to me than ever.

They have their own society and their obsession with peanuts... well its not nutty... it makes perfect sense now.....Hard shell but not That hard, can be carried easily, buried, and when opened later the nut is still perfect inside.

Now I see many things through the eyes of a squirrel. True' did himself proud with the things he taught Me.

01-03-2013, 11:45 PM
Trueblue, Thank you for sharing your story so eloquently. The love you shared with True told in your words reaches through to the heart. How lucky you were to have had such a bond, I hope that you are able to have another connection again someday. Bless you and Bless True :grouphug

01-04-2013, 07:45 AM
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I know most of you have experiences very similiar, and I knew you guys wouldnt think I was 'nuts' for sharing my feelings.

We are all very lucky; those who are blessed to be loved by a squirrel. True Squirrel opened my eyes to what was always before me, but never really understood or appreciated. Squirrels are amazing and spectacular, and now more beautiful to me than ever.

They have their own society and their obsession with peanuts... well its not nutty... it makes perfect sense now.....Hard shell but not That hard, can be carried easily, buried, and when opened later the nut is still perfect inside.

Now I see many things through the eyes of a squirrel. True' did himself proud with the things he taught Me.:goodpost Amen to that!!!

01-04-2013, 08:50 AM
I sit here crying after reading about sweet True. Yes, many of us know the great happiness and sadness you have felt and feel. I always say 'giving your heart to a squirrel is not for the faint of heart'. Most people off this board (aside from my family) 'don't get it'. Heck, until I really got to know squirrels like I do now, I wouldn't have gotten it, either. There is something so pure and childlike about them, which as adults, we tend to loose that way of looking at the world. I will keep True in my prayers and pray he will still someday come home and surprise you. It has happened before. Thank you for sharing True with us. Beautiful baby.

01-04-2013, 09:10 AM
You made me cry!

01-08-2013, 02:14 AM
True’ Squirrel would not want anyone to cry. He would hate that I miss him so much and that I am sad. He was always happy and smiling; barring just a few incidents like when: he was not allowed to have electrical wires, or varnished wood furniture to chew on, or when I insisted he try Monkey Biscuits after I special ordered a 50 pound bag – No one would eat the monkey biscuits not even the raccoons who were offered these much later out of an act of desperation to put them to use. But… I did find the large bag with the money likeness quite unique, and I still have it to make a framed print one day. True would approve of this !

Pappy thanks so much for your post. Giving your heart to a squirrel is definitely not for the faint of heart. Doing what is best for them, allowing them to be true squirrels, most often means breaking our own hearts. Amazingly, I would do it all over again if I could just have him back for a day.

I am in awe at the people here who devote themselves to rehabbing. Taking on just one squirrel is a huge responsibility, and a lot of work. Special diets, safe environments, issues with medical care, transitioning them outdoors, and there are no days off or vacations unless you are lucky enough to have properly trained backup. I was lucky True’ came to me at a time when I was able to devote lots of attention to him; otherwise it never would have worked for me or him.

You know what is really odd, and Ive never told anyone this before because they would think I was “nuts”. A few weeks before True’ came into my life. I was driving down our street, and a squirrel was in the road. I assumed it had been hit by a car and killed, but I had to check; not something I normally do, but for some reason the way it was laying seemed different. So I stopped and although hardly a mark on him, he was gone. But I carried him off the road over to a tree line close by. I have looked back at that and thought maybe it was some test of God to see if I had some sort of kindness that he knew True’ would soon need, or maybe he knew True’ had what I needed at that time. Not for me to say I guess, but I still find it a rather odd coincidence.

I have always loved animals . I think it started when I was a kid for whatever reason. Of course I had dolls, but I always preferred stuffed animals. And the books I chose to read were always about animals. One of my favorite series really linked the relationship to animals and people; it was the series by James Herriot – All Creatures Great and Small ….that was the first one. (If you have not read these, even as adults I would recommend). Based on an old time country vet in Yorkshire who made house calls. Don’t recall any squirrels being in the book however, but that must have been an oversight !

Thank you EVERYONE for the prayers and wishes ....for me and True. I still hope I will see him again, it could happen. I see a story here every so often where it has happened for others. Its just sad it never gets easier to look into the trees. I still visualize him there looking down on me, or making his way branch to branch to come my way.

02-19-2013, 07:41 PM
My heart is breaking for you and I m crying again...I need to get off the board for awhile :shakehead I'm on emotional overload...But I know how you feel to an extent ... I still worry about the little siblings I released with Baby:dono I also feel guilty that Baby is safe and warm and they are not. You did do the right thing though and that is why I think all wild animals should be able to choose and given the choice most would choose freedom. I loved watching the 3 of them in the trees and later just Baby:crazy It was beautiful. I think maybe your True is out there keeping an eye on you...maybe he knew someday he wouldn't be able to leave and made his choice..because after all we who have had them in our lives know how very intuitive and smart they are:Love_Icon I believe he's out there and some days comes and takes a peanut with your scent on it and remembers his other mother who loved him so much she let him go. :grouphug

03-19-2013, 12:42 AM
My heart is breaking for you and I m crying again...I need to get off the board for awhile :shakehead I'm on emotional overload...But I know how you feel to an extent ... I still worry about the little siblings I released with Baby:dono I also feel guilty that Baby is safe and warm and they are not. You did do the right thing though and that is why I think all wild animals should be able to choose and given the choice most would choose freedom. I loved watching the 3 of them in the trees and later just Baby:crazy It was beautiful. I think maybe your True is out there keeping an eye on you...maybe he knew someday he wouldn't be able to leave and made his choice..because after all we who have had them in our lives know how very intuitive and smart they are:Love_Icon I believe he's out there and some days comes and takes a peanut with your scent on it and remembers his other mother who loved him so much she let him go. :grouphug

Thank you so much for those words. I have been off the board a while also. But I never forget everyone here, and all the squirrels that are so loved by all. I still have not seen True. I do think his mom is still here though. Well it is his mom or his sister i think. Stays in the same tree True grew up in, until the hawk attack. And she looks like True. And she will come close. I talk to her about True as I give her peanuts every day. Oh, and a few days ago I saw an owl back in our woods. Do owls hurt squirrels? I used to worry so much about the hawks. I saw one of them today. Mostly they seem to go after the smaller birds, but we also have some Crows who gang up and chase them away quite often. If only True were here... all would be well. I hope he is out there somewhere. I still look, and sometimes I still call him. Maybe just to hear his name and remember... it was the coolest thing to see a squirrel make his way through the trees ... because he wanted to see ME.

Shewhosweptforest: there is a quote I recall when I feel sad about True. It came from a respected member here named Judy.
" You see sometimes thats all we can do for them, and that just has to be enough" I wish Peace to all who feel as we do.

03-19-2013, 01:09 AM
in the same tree True grew up in, until the hawk attack. And she looks like True. And she will come close. I talk to her about True as I give her peanuts every day. Oh, and a few days ago I saw an owl back in our woods. Do owls hurt squirrels? I used to worry so much about the hawks. I saw one of them today. .
Owls are predators, and will take a squirrel, if given the chance.

Your writings are beautiful...Heartfelt and honest.
I have 5 in my house today--and will release 3 in May. It will be my very first release and can't be close to my home because I am in a condo...I am very worried about all the details of releasing a mile from my house.

03-19-2013, 01:10 AM
:grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :grouphug

03-19-2013, 01:23 AM
Owls are predators, and will take a squirrel, if given the chance.

Your writings are beautiful...Heartfelt and honest.
I have 5 in my house today--and will release 3 in May. It will be my very first release and can't be close to my home because I am in a condo...I am very woried about all the details of releasing a mile from my house.

I will have to keep an eye out for the owl. I thought I heard him tonight before dusk, but I walked around and didnt see it anywhere. About a week ago, I was looking out the window and I am certain I saw a squirrel fall from a tree (from very high up). It was far back from our house however. I went running out there, and I did see a squirrel on the ground, but it was walking and it darted away. I looked around several times after that. Kept thinking if it really did fall that far, then it must have suffered some damage. But it could have caught a branch or something maybe. Very disturbing and i dont know what caused it, unless young squirrels chasing each other. It was daylight so dont think it would have been an owl; didnt see the hawk anywhere.

I think we should use gps tracking on squirrels ! Like they tried to do with the New Zealand rescued Penguin 'Happy Feet'... of course that didnt work too well. He still vanished.

I was lucky True had room to roam here, but maybe it wasnt enough. In my first thread about him, I talked about how he would look across the road that led to another woods, and I knew he wanted to go there.

I will be thinking of you and your squirrels.. praying for a safe release.

03-19-2013, 06:58 AM
Good to hear from you True Blue:wave123 your story is still one of the most moving and bittersweet I've heard:grouphug ...I have owls and the only thing that consoles me is they are out at night when our babies are "hopefully" snug in their nest...I keep track of my nests through the woods and they are not disturbed .....so Im guessing they don't go at night to their nests:thankyou the only nest I ever saw disturbed was one day shortly after I released the babies two red hawks were tearing one up ..my husband and I were in the yard and went crashing through the woods like a couple of banshees:crazy I didn't see any squirrels fall nor did I see any on the ground...and the hawks flew away emptied handed:thumbsup
Also about falling squirrels, I've seen them fall while I'm walking in the Wood and they've always gotten back up and kept on running and jumping:multi

Keeping calling True Blue:Love_Icon There is something truly special about that squirrel running to you:Love_Icon My poor Baby would have to run a gauntlet of other squirrels looking scared to death and then quite triumphant perched on my shoulder:) :Love_Icon :)

island rehabber
03-19-2013, 07:13 AM
hi trueblue, it's so good to see you here with us again. :)
As always, your writing puts so many of our own emotions and experiences in perfect words. As I'm reading I think, "Yes, I know exactly how she felt right then....."

Male squirrels do a thing called "dispersal", where they are driven to move from the territory where they were raised into a new territory sometimes a mile or two away. Theory is that nature does this to keep the gene pool varied, so that squirrels do not fall into the same trap as, say, cheetahs (where basically everyone is your aunt/uncle/sister/brother/daddy :shakehead). Many people here with squirrels in their yards say that over the years the boys come and go but there is often a "big mamma" and her daughters who stay and rule the place. TrueBlue may very well be an alpha male somewhere a few blocks away. :)

BTW, I felt those hot, stinging tears when I read this:

there is a quote I recall when I feel sad about True. It came from a respected member here named Judy.
" You see sometimes thats all we can do for them, and that just has to be enough"

Our wonderful Judy Muffinsquirrel crossed the Rainbow Bridge herself, last year.

03-19-2013, 11:49 AM
You were True's best friend. And no matter what happens to him (good or bad), nobody with a best friend is ever really alone. :)

03-21-2013, 02:31 AM
Thank you Everyone SO much. I really do feel like all of you understand my feelings about True, and its really a special gift to me. I was always careful about who even knew about True... and even those who did couldnt quite grasp the wonderful spirit of squirrels & how they could become your friend, and yes part of the family. Thank you for your words about my being True's best friend. I know he was happy all the time, and he felt safe and loved. And although I couldnt teach him all the squirrel stuff, I gave him that. The rest seemed to come to him from something passed along from generations of other squirrels. He knew he was a True Squirrel.

I have wondered often if he did leave being a growing boy. Not the same, but when he was in the house- there were several places he called his "home" where he built his own nest. Refusing the special things I had bought for him. But he changed his home several times on his own, and he never looked back at those old places.... so maybe that is what happened. It would have been something he just knew to do... what was necessary for him as he grew up.

Yes, if I called True before it got dark then if he wanted to come in, he would begin to make his way. I would watch and knew where he stayed usually. He would go through the trees, walk across a wire, come through a grove of pine trees, to his favorite tree, then jump into a smaller tree onto the deck. Then he might stop to eat a peanut, not to be rushed and then he was ready to go. Sometimes he would beat me to it - he would be waiting in the big tree close to the deck and would come running. Other times he would make his way right to the door of the glass porch and stand there looking in... ocassionally he would just come to say goodnight and after a few nuts and water he would go back up to his favorite tree and I knew he planned to sleep under the stars. He had made himself a nice little place way up high in that tree.

During the day if I was out walking, if he saw me then he would often come to a low branch near me and when I called him then he would let me pet him, sometimes jump on my shoulder. Often I would have peanuts in my pocket and I would give him one or two, and then he would go back into the tree to continue his day. He moved all around the property during the day, and sometimes Im sure left to go other places. There were times he would be gone a day or two. Small trips I guess. But the long trip over over 2 weeks... dont know where he went that time. He wouldnt say !

Thanks for sharing about the falling squirrels also. I dont think Id ever seen one fall like that. But the one I saw was walking and then ran from me, so it was thinking clearly at that point I guess. I looked around after that and never saw any squirrels that seemed injured.

Sightings of owls are rare here, and I have come to the conclusion he might have been here tying to nab rabbits at dusk/night. We have had more rabbits than usual this year, so maybe he was tracking them. That is not a pleasant thought either....

I was on the board last year and heard the news of Judy. I was not fortunate to know her personally, but I went back and read many of her posts, and she was very wise and very kind. I have kept that quote close to me, and it has given me comfort many times. I wanted to share that to let it be known her legacy to squirrels and those that love them... it lives on. I think the Squirrel Board meant a lot to her also.

For the last few nights we have had clear skies, and tons of stars. I didnt make the connection at first... but then I thought about True and the laughing stars... so I tried to take this picture and zoom in on one of the stars... the one that was the brightest... it would be True's Star of course.

03-21-2013, 11:13 AM

03-21-2013, 11:24 AM
Maybe he is safe in a nest somewhere looking at that same star? :)

It is hard when a little friend stops coming around. The first wild squirrel I ever started feeding (back in the acornless winter of 2009) kept visiting us daily for the next 3 years. My wife and I named him Squirtle because he would pee a lot on our deck. He seemed smarter and more connected than a lot of the other squirrels that started to visit us.

Squirtle suddenly stopped coming to get treats a couple months back. We have several cats and a large hawk in out neighborhood and I always worry that one of them got Squirtle. I like to think that he will return at some point but I don't feel very hopeful. I am just glad we could help him out during the acorn shortage and I am glad that he never had an empty stomach or needed water while he lived near our home.

Here is a pic of Squirtle


03-21-2013, 04:51 PM
Thanks MJS :)

Squirtle is so cute. Looks like he may have ventured inside a bit also. I can understand the naming also... I clearly remember little puddles .. and I still see them out on our deck sometimes near the peanut and water area. Ahh.. memories !! LOL

I feel your pain. It is such a sharp one because we dont know what happened, and what emotions do you express when this happens? There is still the hope they are out there, maybe met up with another squirrel who caught their fancy...started a family...I think that, and on my worst days I stick with the 'star' theory, and also I truly hope one day far from now...my squirrel will greet me at the rainbow bridge.

You were Squirtles friends also. And he didnt go hungry or feel alone. He could see your home from the trees and he knew he was always welcome there. How cool is it to be part of that !

Maybe he is safe in a nest somewhere looking at that same star? :)

It is hard when a little friend stops coming around. The first wild squirrel I ever started feeding (back in the acornless winter of 2009) kept visiting us daily for the next 3 years. My wife and I named him Squirtle because he would pee a lot on our deck. He seemed smarter and more connected than a lot of the other squirrels that started to visit us.

Squirtle suddenly stopped coming to get treats a couple months back. We have several cats and a large hawk in out neighborhood and I always worry that one of them got Squirtle. I like to think that he will return at some point but I don't feel very hopeful. I am just glad we could help him out during the acorn shortage and I am glad that he never had an empty stomach or needed water while he lived near our home.

Here is a pic of Squirtle


03-21-2013, 04:59 PM
Thanks for the sentiments. That is what I hope, Squirtle is living a couple blocks away and very busy with his squirrel life.

Same as with your squirrel True, he could be off on some grand adventure in a nearby neighborhood.

I don't want to hog up your thread about Mr True so I'll just post one more (my favorite) pic of Squirtle and leave it at that. This is Squirtle on a hot summer day with a belly full of treats.


03-21-2013, 05:25 PM
Thats a beautiful picture. Im happy to hear about Squirtle & I appreciate your sharing. Please let me know if he comes back. I have read some stories where they do months, even years later. Squirtle looks like he had a great set up at your place. Peaceful and comfy. I love it when they are just relaxing like that. True would do that on a branch for hours. HAHA - he used to do that in the house on the treadmill too.

island rehabber
03-21-2013, 06:03 PM
TUbeDriver, you mentioned that 2009 for you was the summer of no acorns.....where are you on the East Coast? I ask because it's been awful here in the NYC area: NO acorns in 2011 or 2012. In 2011, Milo'sMom sent me acorns because her area (4+ hrs west) had a bumper crop. Then this past year she had none, either. I didn't think they ever skipped two years in a row....
trublue, sorry to :threadjack

03-21-2013, 08:29 PM
Thats a beautiful picture. Im happy to hear about Squirtle & I appreciate your sharing. Please let me know if he comes back. I have read some stories where they do months, even years later. Squirtle looks like he had a great set up at your place. Peaceful and comfy. I love it when they are just relaxing like that. True would do that on a branch for hours. HAHA - he used to do that in the house on the treadmill too.

Well, that gives me a little more hope that I may get to see my little buddy in the future. Thanks.

-Island rehabber: I live on the east coast near Washington, DC. We had a terrible crop of acorns during 2009. This year we had more acorns then I have ever seen. They literally carpeted the ground.

03-22-2013, 01:37 AM
That is interesting about the acorns. We dont have any nut trees where we live, just some fruit trees. Luckily I have a market close by where I can buy nuts and corn in BULK !

Yes I have read several stories here over the past year of squirrels that people are sure have returned after long disappearances. Sometimes they bring another squirrel with them. It does happen. Sometimes their appearance changes a bit, so you might be uncertain at first, but it seems usually old patterns of behavior are the first clue.

03-22-2013, 02:42 PM
That is interesting about the acorns. We dont have any nut trees where we live, just some fruit trees. Luckily I have a market close by where I can buy nuts and corn in BULK !

Yes I have read several stories here over the past year of squirrels that people are sure have returned after long disappearances. Sometimes they bring another squirrel with them. It does happen. Sometimes their appearance changes a bit, so you might be uncertain at first, but it seems usually old patterns of behavior are the first clue.

Maybe True will return after he completes his big adventure.

I am pretty sure I would recognize Squirtle if he returned. He had a distinctive left ear notch, was a bit on the small size and like to sunbath on our deck railings. He also was very comfortable walking into our house to get a treat and had a pronounced little head shake after getting a peanut. He would shake his head so fast that you could hear his ears flopping around! Only 1-2 other squirrels have this head shake habit. Squirtle would allow us the pet his tail when he was getting a peanut, no other wild squirrel has allowed us to pet him at this point. We have about a dozen regulars that come around daily. They all have different ear notches/coloring/size and of course personalities.

03-24-2013, 11:55 PM
Maybe True will return after he completes his big adventure.

I am pretty sure I would recognize Squirtle if he returned. He had a distinctive left ear notch, was a bit on the small size and like to sunbath on our deck railings. He also was very comfortable walking into our house to get a treat and had a pronounced little head shake after getting a peanut. He would shake his head so fast that you could hear his ears flopping around! Only 1-2 other squirrels have this head shake habit. Squirtle would allow us the pet his tail when he was getting a peanut, no other wild squirrel has allowed us to pet him at this point. We have about a dozen regulars that come around daily. They all have different ear notches/coloring/size and of course personalities.

Thats cute - shaking his head after eating a peanut. I think about all the things True did also. Im glad I took so many pictures. And I even did a little video. I always had a feeling one day we would be seperated. I still cant even put away all his toys. They have that wonderful squirrel smell, and I think about how he would cuddle with them. ahh bittersweet.

I have a thread I started about a groundhog with funky teeth if you want to check that out:


03-25-2013, 08:34 AM
Thats cute - shaking his head after eating a peanut. I think about all the things True did also. Im glad I took so many pictures. And I even did a little video. I always had a feeling one day we would be seperated. I still cant even put away all his toys. They have that wonderful squirrel smell, and I think about how he would cuddle with them. ahh bittersweet.

I have a thread I started about a groundhog with funky teeth if you want to check that out:


Maybe some time you will feel like posting the pics or video of True? I can certainly tell how close you were, it sounds like you gave True a wonderful childhood.

I saw that thread about the groundhog. Seems like he is alright for the moment but may need help in the future? They can carry rabies so be extra careful when you are around them.

03-25-2013, 02:01 PM
Maybe some time you will feel like posting the pics or video of True? I can certainly tell how close you were, it sounds like you gave True a wonderful childhood.

I saw that thread about the groundhog. Seems like he is alright for the moment but may need help in the future? They can carry rabies so be extra careful when you are around them.

Should have said "MORE pics of True" since I saw the pics you posted earlier! I especially liked the pics of True surrounded by his toys and also the one of him peering out the window.:)

03-26-2013, 12:44 AM
Yes this was the first time I shared pics of True. He loved his toys. He would take nuts and keep them inside the giraffe puppet !

I really cant get near the groundhog. He runs and goes under the nearby building. I always wear gloves when I dump the water bowl and stuff. One time a long while back during winter he was in the building, and I didnt know it. I was starting to open the door, and he came running out what I will call the doggie style door close by. Im not sure who was more scared me or him ! Didnt see any sign of him today.

Other than a few injured birds, True was the first wild animal that I ever had contact with. I laugh now, I had no idea what these little things were falling out of the tree. baby squirrels. oh my... To be honest, Ive always been afraid of germs and diseases, so I was pretty worried in the beginning that squirrels carried lots of terrifying diseases. Then I read up on it all, and that eased my mind for the most part. I think in the two years he only bit me twice. Once when he was eating a peanut outside. My fault on that one. And again when he was eating a peanut outside ! My fault. Never stand in the way of a squirrel and his peanut Outside - was a lesson learned.

But what was funny... he was always bringing me peanuts when he was in the house. he would stuff them under my arm, or in the back of my hoodie jacket, at the collar of my shirt. He might bring me 8 - 9 peanuts one right after the other. He was very generous when he was in the house.

Thanks for reminding me of that. What great memories. I do miss him so.