View Full Version : A Squirrel Friend

12-18-2012, 10:28 AM
I unfortunately, don't have the luxury of having a squirrel as a pet like most of you do. I wish I did because I've always thought they were simply adorable! But I do have a few squirrel friends at work who I interact with and my day just wouldn't be complete without seeing my little friends.

I'm a registered nurse and work at a desk job in a hospital. My office has a big picture window that looks out onto a little courtyard area full of ivy, shrubs, and trees. Back several months ago, I decided to hang a bird feeder outside my window because I always did like watching the birds. But the birds weren't the only ones who showed up. I now have four regular squirrels who live outside my window- The Peanuts Gang- and I feed them regularly. Charlie was the first one to show up and impress us with his acrobatics of hanging upside down to eat from the bird feeder. Then Sally was next. She's sort of the boss of the place. Schroeder came next and he doesn't seem all that friendly and I think he's an older squirrel. He's bigger than the others and just looks old, with a lot more gray around his face. Then came little Linus who turned out to a be a Lucy. She's the baby of the bunch. I don't know how to judge squirrels ages, but she was pretty young and much smaller than the others. She has since grown up and is almost the same size as Sally, but Lucy has a black nose and that's how I can tell them apart. Sally and Charlie are the most used to me and don't run away when they see me. In fact, Sally greets me every morning when I get to the office by standing up and looking at me through the window and looks as if she's smiling. LOL

I have been reading on here about what's best to feed them, but since these are wild squirrels, I'm hoping that they're also getting what they need from outside since I don't think I'm feeding them properly. I pretty much give them the Fruit & Nut blend by Katee, some fresh fruit like grapes, pineapple, cantaloupe, and honeydew, and once a week I give Sally a Nilla Wafer as a treat if I have them. She loves her cookie. I've read about the calcium problem that squirrels can have and that worries me but as I said, I'm hoping that since these are wild squirrels, they're getting what they need. I did go ahead and put a Tums out there with the food yesterday and Sally ate it with no problem. But I'm not sure how to get the others to eat a Tums too since Sally will likely get to it first. How often do they need that supplement? Do wild squirrels even need it?

I just want to be sure that I'm not hurting them in any way by providing food to them. If they start to become dependent on it, then they might not eat normally as they would if I were not providing it to them, which is why I thought I'd ask these questions. They all appear extremely healthy right now. I've grown very attached to them and enjoy seeing them every day. It really makes my day at work to see their "smiling" faces when I come in every morning. I'll try to get up some pictures later on when I'm on my home computer.

Thanks :)

12-18-2012, 10:42 AM
Your wild buddies should be fine. The captive guys have trouble because they only have what we give them to eat, and if it is all the wrong thing, it can have very bad results. Your guys are also eating all kinds of wild foods in addition to your treats.

This is a good time of year to buy regular nuts in the shell. Almonds and hazelnuts are the healthiest of the tree nuts for them. Of course, Christmas nuts are a gateway drug and soon you will find yourself going online to places like www.nutsonline.com and buying in bulk and collecting squirrel Christmas ornaments and putting up squirrel screen savers and before you know it you will be one of us. In other words, you are doooooooooooooned! Enjoy!

12-18-2012, 11:05 AM
W-E-L-C-O-M-E to T.S.B.
Glad to Have YOU Aboard

>>> from Rama Rota & Cruiser & LUNA & RamaMama and Stosh

I have three at the moment...but my beautiful little GIRL--LUNA-TUNA is to be released in a few months. I am in Costa Rica and links to my squirrel's threads are at the bottom of my post.
The Cruiser Dude is the funniest, but Rama is the handsomest.

12-18-2012, 11:42 AM
We "LIVE FOR " photos.here on TSB....do you have some to share??
I will post them for you here-- until you figure out our system... e'mail to

12-18-2012, 11:44 AM
We "LIVE FOR " photos.here on TSB....do you have some to share??
I will post them for you here-- until you figure out our system... e'mail to
Please type your THREAD name in the e-mail message line...thanks

12-18-2012, 12:21 PM
Yes, I've got several photos but so far, I've just been taking them with my iPhone. I really need to bring my good camera in to work and get some better shots. I'll put up some pictures of the Peanuts Gang later on tonight since they're all on my home computer and I don't have a way of transferring pictures on my work computer.

I'm glad to know that they should be getting all that they need since they're wild. I was worried that they had become too dependent on eating only what I was giving them. The gang is pretty well set up for winter too as they've buried a ton of nuts all around outside my window. Another girl who works here, brought in probably a hundred acorns from her yard and Sally and Charlie spent all afternoon one day burying them ALL! (well they did eat a few along the way too)

Oh and I forgot to mention Percival. He's not a squirrel....he's a pigeon, but also lives here with the Peanuts Gang and it's so funny because he seems to get along great with the squirrels. Although sometimes Sally makes him nervous because she moves so fast, that he'll throw up his wing to shield his face. It's really pretty funny....I'd never seen that before. :)

12-18-2012, 01:05 PM

12-18-2012, 07:12 PM
Here are a few pictures of the Peanuts Gang. Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of Schroeder because he doesn't come around as much. Sally, Charlie, and Lucy are the regulars. Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures. I've been taking them with my phone from my desk in my office through the window. I plan to take my good camera to work and try to get some good pictures soon.

This is Sally. She's the sweetest thing and the boss of the place. I've seen her slap Charlie when he was trying to play with her while she was eating. LOL Nobody interrupts mealtime!




This is Charlie (left) and Sally (right) eating together on the ledge.


Sally greeting me like she does every day.


And this is Lucy, the baby....although she's almost as big as Sally now. She was small enough to hold in the palm of your hand when she first started coming around. (though I've never held her) I never did see a mother and I don't think Sally is her mother because Lucy was alone at first. She started hanging out with Sally (who had already been coming for months) after she discovered the food I was leaving out. She's still pretty shy and usually runs away when she sees me get too close, but she's getting better. I can tell the two girls apart because Sally has a light brown nose and Lucy has an almost black nose and more white on her belly and snout.




As I said in my first post, Schroeder appears older than the others because he has a lot more gray on his snout and he's just bigger and older looking. I haven't seen him in a few days, so hopefully he's ok. I haven't gotten any pictures of him. Sally and Charlie look the most alike and the way they act toward each other, I sometimes wonder if they are brother and sister. Haha!

So that's my Peanuts Gang!

12-18-2012, 08:22 PM
:) they look like they have a lot of personality

12-19-2012, 11:46 AM
:Welcome Welcome to TSB!!! I 'have' wild sqs too, or to be more accuate, they have me totally trained to do their bidding.:shakehead :shakehead Sometimes I think they enjoy the contact as much as I do. I've only been a member for about two months but I have learned so much. There are some amazing people here.:Welcome

12-19-2012, 12:05 PM

Of course, Christmas nuts are a gateway drug and soon you will find yourself going online to places like www.nutsonline.com and buying in bulk and collecting squirrel Christmas ornaments and putting up squirrel screen savers and before you know it you will be one of us. In other words, you are doooooooooooooned! Enjoy!

Soooo true! CM2636

12-27-2012, 02:09 PM
Howdy neighbor. I'm from western KY about 2 hours from Nashville.

I really enjoyed reading your thread. thanks for posting and the pics of your squirrels.

Lucky you, you can go to the big Nashville Flea Market. I bet they have tons of nuts for sale in the shell. (If you ever see the board game Mystery Date there, please snatch it up for me... ;) Never did get that from Santa and I STILL want Mystery Date! haha)