View Full Version : My Squirrels LOVE HHB

12-15-2012, 05:19 PM
I have 3 young squirrels overwintering with me. I haven't done older squirrels for a long time and a lot has changed.

I was giving my 3, fresh greens, snow peas, carrots, sweet potatos, Oxbow rat pellets and a few shelled nuts, walnits, pecans and a very few sunflower seeds.

When I read on this forum about Henry's healthy blocks, I bought some of the growth formula.

Well 2 of the three just rummaged through a large bowl that had rat food, spring mix, sunflower seeds, a few shelled nuts, sweet potato and snow peas. They pulled out the HHB's first and ate them.

I made them eat plain rat food this am, so this afternoon was the one time this week they get the big spread, because they get the cage cleaning tomorrow.

I was expecting them to not like the squirrel blocks, but they like them. So now I will be giving that as a staple until they leave in the spring.

How long should they be on growth and when should I switch them to the wild blocks?? Or should I give both types??


12-15-2012, 08:27 PM
Hi Keschete!!:wave123 I usually feed my Squirt 2-3 HHB's a day. He is about 21weeks old now and he loves his Growth HHB's. I don't feed him anything but veggies, block and he still loves his FV. The growth blocks I believe are up to 9 months old. I think the HHB's are all your little guys need and give them to them as long as they'll take them. :D