View Full Version : Stop her from wakeing me up at 6 am

Foamy the squirrel
12-11-2012, 07:30 AM
How do I get Olympia to sleep until I wake up ? She wake up at 6 am n goes crazy in her cage until I acknowledge her .... What do I do ?

Foamy the squirrel
12-11-2012, 07:33 AM
Oh and as soon as I start talking to her and go to her cage she starts to what I believe is purr

12-11-2012, 07:38 AM
Have you tried covering her cage at night? I do that with my babies and they seem to sleep until 7 if I don't greet then before that. Other then that, the only other thing I can suggest is to take her cage out of your bedroom. :)

island rehabber
12-11-2012, 07:43 AM
What do you do?

a: be thankful. When I have rehab squirrels in my house they are up at 5:30am......squabbling and clanking!:shakehead

b: when you figure out how to stop Foamy from waking you at 6:00am, please call my kitty CocoPuff and try your method on her, as well. I've given up.... :D

Foamy the squirrel
12-11-2012, 07:45 AM
Have you tried cotake her cage out of your bedroom. :)
That's not an option I live with my parents and we have cats 3 of them I don't trust her not being in my room the eves gets to cold n bathroom is to small

12-11-2012, 07:52 AM
Welcome to the world of squirrels...:D Maybe if you sneak her locks in when you go to bed so they are there for her when she gets up?
Personally I just get up ad start waiting on Sammy...:sanp3

Foamy the squirrel
12-11-2012, 07:54 AM
Welcome to the world of squirrels...:D Maybe if you sneak her locks in when you go to bed so they are there for her when she gets up?
Personally I just get up ad start waiting on Sammy...:sanp3
She's to. Smart even tho I can sneak up on her when she's a sleep

12-11-2012, 11:48 AM
Well, before I got my babies I was a night owl... now... well I am resigned to getting up at 6 to 7 am no matter what time I go to bed. Their cage is literally next to my pillow so I can hear them sneeze, snore, grumble, squeak and squabble all night. Depending on the weather... they let me sleep late on cloudy days 7:30 and a couple times till 8!, Then they start bouncing and rattling the cage. So... I get up, go make them breakfast, kick the dog out of my room, get dressed, make the bed and cover it, put their food out and release the pounds! (babies are about a pound now, sorry my evil humor). Which it takes about 10 minutes to actually escape my room. They so want a human to play with so it is hard to get out without them jumping on me. Sadly I have other duties, so most of the day they are alone making a mess of my room. I do go in 3-4 times a day to play with them and I spend a good deal of time when them I put them up for the night.

12-18-2012, 09:03 AM
gabby is up before the sun comes up every morning bouncing off the walls i learned to sleep through it lol sometimes i will get up and feed her and go back to sleep because that keeps her entertained until i actually wake up and then i let her out to play with me

12-21-2012, 04:10 PM
Hiccup does the same thing. Its like clock work. Every morning 6:30 he is up rattling the bars of his cage. Me and my boyfriend are not heavy sleepers so every little noise he makes wakes us up. What sucks is that we both work second shift so we go bed around 3am and then get up with Hiccup at 6:30. Its something we deal with though, we love Hiccup and have surrendered our lives to him :) lol normally I just get up, give him food and crawl back in bed. Feeding him usually buys us another hour of sleep if we are lucky. After that we get up for the day because Hiccup wont settle for letting Mommy and Daddy get a little shut eye! lol

12-21-2012, 04:42 PM
I've been purty lucky with my guys - so far :D What I usually do is give them a boo-ball before I go to bed (late at night) and put their HHB's and Teklad blocks in their bowls for morning.

I can hear them wake up around 8 but then they go quiet again after having their breakfast. I'm guessing having a late night snack seems to help them sleep in later and having breakfast ready calms them down :)

12-21-2012, 10:15 PM
Lucky if I get to sleep until 7:30 here! I got the cage covered and try to leave healthy veggies to eat when they wake up, seems to help shut them up till 7:30


12-23-2012, 12:01 PM
Mine were always up at first light and thrashing everything to get attention. Drove me nuts. HAHA.

12-23-2012, 12:31 PM
Get up, enjoy her. We all have an eternity to sleep later.:)

Foamy the squirrel
12-23-2012, 09:37 PM
Get up, enjoy her. We all have an eternity to sleep later.:)
Yes but it's been a proble this week bc IV been working non stop for the past week ....!!!!! I even have to work tm today I went in the spare room to sleep it was my oly day to sleep in untill Sunday again :(

12-23-2012, 10:04 PM
Get up, enjoy her. We all have an eternity to sleep later.:)
:goodpost :D

12-23-2012, 10:30 PM
Yes but it's been a proble this week bc IV been working non stop for the past week ....!!!!! I even have to work tm today I went in the spare room to sleep it was my oly day to sleep in untill Sunday again :(
Sorry. i understand. is it possible to get up with her a few minutes and show her some attention , then give her a treat? then you go back and catch up on sleep? I dunno:thinking I was lucky enough to build a big living area,and my squirrel had fresh dirt to dig in every morning. mabye fresh twigs for her to wake up to,or something to keep her attention after she wakes. it always helped my chi chi.:)

12-23-2012, 11:19 PM
Well, before I got my babies I was a night owl... now... well I am resigned to getting up at 6 to 7 am no matter what time I go to bed. Their cage is literally next to my pillow so I can hear them sneeze, snore, grumble, squeak and squabble all night. Depending on the weather... they let me sleep late on cloudy days 7:30 and a couple times till 8!, Then they start bouncing and rattling the cage. So... I get up, go make them breakfast, kick the dog out of my room, get dressed, make the bed and cover it, put their food out and release the pounds! (babies are about a pound now, sorry my evil humor). Which it takes about 10 minutes to actually escape my room. They so want a human to play with so it is hard to get out without them jumping on me. Sadly I have other duties, so most of the day they are alone making a mess of my room. I do go in 3-4 times a day to play with them and I spend a good deal of time when them I put them up for the night.
DITTO........Same here. I was a night owl until i became a squammy. They are like having a real baby. You go by their schedule. Hammy is 2 1/2 years old and he still wakes me up at the crack of dawn. I built a cage outside my back door so now I let him out in the mornings, feed him , and then go back to take a nap. He likes it outside. I like my naps. We both win !!!!:D