View Full Version : Just found a little boy
11-28-2012, 01:30 PM
Hello, I just found a little male, about 5 weeks old. I have him being warm and eating goats milk. I ordered the Fox Valley Day-One Formula 20/50 also.
Is there anything else I should do at the present to keep him healthy?
11-28-2012, 01:37 PM
:Welcome When you say Goat's milk do you mean you are mixing it with full-fat yogurt for the goats milk formula recipe or are you giving just gm?
11-28-2012, 01:44 PM
No, I mean I have goats, milked a nanny and gave the boy some with a 1/2 cc syringe. do I need to add yogart?
11-28-2012, 01:48 PM
Here's the best info that I have saved from TSB so it is more than you are asking for, but more is better right?:D
Baby Squirrel Information
1) Is the baby uninjured? Is mom still around? and if so, warm the baby and place in a safe spot where mom can reunite if possible. Mom will not take a cold baby!
2) Okay, so you couldn’t reunite with mom. Start by warming the baby in a plastic container full of fleece or tee shirt material. (Not towels as the loops catch little claws and can cause injury) Place the container half on a heating pad that is set on low. It needs to be a heating pad that does not have an automatic shut-off. It needs to be half on and half off so that the baby can get off of the heat if it gets too hot.
3) Check to see if the baby is dehydrated. You can do this by gently picking up the skin on the back of the baby’s shoulders. If the skin goes right back down it is not dehydrated. If the skin remains “tented” for a time, you will need to rehydrate with Pedialyte or homemade Pedialyte.
Hydrate them right away (use a 1cc syringe and go slow)........ give some homemade pedialyte every hour for six to eight hours and then you can start start feeding them some formula made from goats milk (if they are thoroughly hydrated).
Pedialyte for no more than 24 hours!!! Too much sodium!!
Homemade Pedialyte
1 cup warm water
1/4 tsp salt (teaspoon)
1 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
Feed slowly with a 1cc syringe - head UP tail DOWN
Keep warm at all time – If no heating pad available fill bottle with hot water (cover bottle with sock) or fill a sock with dry rice or beans and microwave. Be sure to squish the rice or beans around to be sure there are no hot spots that might burn the babies.
4) Once rehydrated begin to feed Fox Valley formula which can be ordered from or while waiting for that to arrive use recipe below. As a general rule you will feed 5 - 7% of their body weight per feeding
Homemade Goats Milk Recipe -
1 cup Goats Milk * (if can - dilute)
1/3 cup Full Fat Vanilla Yogurt
1/3 cup Heavy Cream (frig section)
(lasts 72 hours in frig)
5) This information is really just meant to get you through until you can get the baby or babies to an experienced rehabber. If you are here on The Squirrel Board, you have access to all of the information you could ever need about squirrels. Most importantly there is generally someone here who can help to find you someone who can take the babies and prepare them for life in the trees. The trees are where they are meant to be and people here know how to get them safely there!
11-28-2012, 01:55 PM
I pretty much have it covered per your list, the formula is good and I will make some up until the stuff comes from Fox Valley.
In a way he is a lucky boy because we have owned a kennel for many years and we have nursed many a rescue pup over the years also.
My main concern is getting him back outside and up a tree! We live in a very rural area and watching the squirrels is always fun.
My only concern is a scrape on his face.
I will keep you posted on his progress
PS. He wasnt dehydrated, (pinch test OK!) and he started gobbling the milk from the syringe after an initial test.
11-28-2012, 01:58 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
11-28-2012, 01:59 PM
It will be a long time before he is ready for the trees though. Would you like us to try to find someone close to take him for you? It might mean he would have squirrel company to grow with too!
11-28-2012, 02:16 PM
I think I am going to help this little one myself.
I called the DNR for guidance. There isn't a small mammal rehab that really wants squirrlels. Most do coyote, bobcat, skunk, fox, raccoon, bat etc.
The squirrel has a special place on the Rabies Vector Species list and for some reason isnt "popular".
Because I have a DEPT of AG licensed kennel and am inspected quarterly my facility already surpasses the state criteria for a rehab setting.
I went ahead and ordered “Principles of Wildlife Rehabilitation: The Essential Guide for Novice and Experienced Rehabilitators” and
“Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation” from the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association. (that was pricey) And once read I plan to take the exam to get the cert for myself.
In the mean time my POC at the DNR said she will make sure to call before my next inspection so I can move him inside the house to avoid a fine.
That was nice I thought!
11-28-2012, 02:19 PM
I am off to earn a little money, I will check back soon.
Thank you for your help so far!
11-28-2012, 02:19 PM
No, I mean I have goats, milked a nanny and gave the boy some with a 1/2 cc syringe. do I need to add yogart?
We are such city slickers - and here I thought goat's milk came in a purple carton at Trader Joes. From goats, you say? Huh!
Do add yogurt. 3 parts GM and 1 part full fat yogurt (see if you can find Stoneyfield Yobaby - it is hard to find full fat yogurt!). Hold off on the heavy cream. It is pretty rich and needs to be phased in slowly - you will have your Fox Valley before you need to do that. When you transition to the Fox Valley, do it slowly, mixing the two formulas together and gradually reducing the goast milk part and increasing the Fox Valley part.
:Welcome So glad you are going to take the exam. As for your local DNR person-you have a real gem there! Good luck!
11-28-2012, 07:50 PM
The little boy is doing good.
We have eaten, slept and poo-ed on my hand.
I appreciate the info I have received from everyone!
The toy in the bed is a "Thumper". It has a little battery powered device that thumps like a momma dogs heart and I use it for orphaned/abandoned pups...but the baby squirrel seems to like being snuggled up to it just like a pup does.
11-28-2012, 08:00 PM
Love the pics of Thumper.:Love_Icon
Good luck with him and keep posting pics.:thumbsup
11-28-2012, 08:07 PM
What a sweetie! You do have him on a heating pad with no shut-off set on low, right?
Don't be offended. I just have to ask...:grouphug
11-28-2012, 08:52 PM
For the body heat, I am actually using a warming box I made a long time ago for pups. It warms the bottom/sides and has an exterior gauge for shut-off.
As long as the lid is kept on the ambient temp in the box is set to hover at 101 degrees Fahrenheit.
Kristin Ward
11-28-2012, 08:57 PM
What a cutie:)
11-28-2012, 09:53 PM
Whats up with the left eye?? Does it seem swollen? Thinking the left cheek is also, but that may be the syringe....
11-29-2012, 03:58 AM
My only concern is a scrape on his face
What was the circumstances as to how this little one was found?
That "scrape" could be a major concern if it was put there by a cat.
Cats carry a bacteria that can be deadly to squirrels and he would
need to be put on an antibiotic asap. These little ones can crash so fast.
11-29-2012, 09:58 AM
He was found under a bush besides a very tall GA pine. I am fairly sure he fell from the pine.
There was a dog harassing him, thats what alerted me.
He does have a little scrape on his nose and another on a back leg.
I spoke with my vet and did the following:
Cleaned scrapes with 3 parts water and 1 part hydrogen peroxide.
Next I applied Neosporin.
Today all the red in the scrapes is gone.
Both eyes open wide.
Eating the goatmilk/yogert solution WHENEVER offered (this boy could be fat!)
And he seems very active.
My vet called this morning to inquire, I sent him a new pic, and he thinks he is going to be fine.
Tomorrow the Vet is coming out to do some boosters on the horses and a few castrations, and he is going to look him over them.
I would attach the new pics, but I took them with my phone to send to him, and cant figure out how to get them onto the PC.
Technology is my nemesis at times.
11-29-2012, 10:57 AM
Good to hear the little guy is doing well! :thumbsup
The toy in the bed is a "Thumper".
:poke What are you calling the little dude?
Can't help but think you look familiar to me??
I used to live in Blythe for awhile with a long time resident named January.
She wore leg braces, was pretty well known. Did you know of her?
Good to hear the little guy is doing well! :thumbsup
:poke What are you calling the little dude?
Can't help but think you look familiar to me??
I used to live in Blythe for awhile with a long time resident named January.
She wore leg braces, was pretty well known. Did you know of her?
Thumper, of course. :poke :rotfl
11-29-2012, 11:26 AM
Thumper, of course. :poke :rotfl
What he said was:
The toy in the bed is a "Thumper".
Thus is what prompted that question...
( I need a rolling eyes smiley here) :rotfl
11-29-2012, 11:54 AM
Good to hear the little guy is doing well! :thumbsup
:poke What are you calling the little dude?
Sorry that's my fault :bricks
I was reading the thread on my phone and got :confused: and thought his name was Thumper.
So what is his name :wave123
11-29-2012, 12:54 PM
I am calling him Squirrel because I dont want to think of him as a pet.
If we just call him "Squirrel" it will be easier to release him in a couple of months.
And, I dont think I knew your friend...
11-30-2012, 01:47 PM
Thanks for the help I received here!
As you can see Squirrel is doing great! And he is a BIG eater.
11-30-2012, 02:19 PM
Did a little resizing... :D
What a sweet little guy, knows how to hold on too... :jump
Have you gotten a weight on him?
11-30-2012, 10:44 PM
Hey Squirrel! Sure are a cute little guy.
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