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11-20-2012, 09:40 PM
I found a new born male a year ago, the next day my gf found his sister. We named him Rocky and her Isabella. Read up on caring for babys and sadly Rocky died after two weeks. Isabella is doing great. Shes so domesticated. She lives inside with us in a large ferrit cage and sleeps in a hammock.

island rehabber
11-20-2012, 09:42 PM
I found a new born male a year ago, the next day my gf found his sister. We named him Rocky and her Isabella. Read up on caring for babys and sadly Rocky died after two weeks. Isabella is doing great. Shes so domesticated. She lives inside with us in a large ferrit cage and sleeps in a hammock.

:Welcome to TSB, Gfroller. I am sorry you lost Rocky, but very glad you found us and that Isabella is well. We love pix, so please post them if you have them! And also make sure you review our Squirrel Nutrition section: DIET is absolutely the most important thing with pet squirrels. It is literally a matter of life & death. The healthier Isabella's diet, the longer she will be with you and the happier she will be. :thumbsup

11-20-2012, 09:43 PM
:Welcome You found the best place for information on keeping your little friend happy and healthy!

11-20-2012, 09:46 PM

Squirrel Girls Mom
11-20-2012, 09:51 PM

11-21-2012, 06:26 AM
Ive had people tell me its inhumane to keep her captive, but since she was born all she knows is me and my gf. They say you cannot train her and she'll show no love or loyalty. Apparently they havent met Isabella !

island rehabber
11-21-2012, 06:29 AM
Ive had people tell me its inhumane to keep her captive, but since she was born all she knows is me and my gf. They say you cannot train her and she'll show no love or loyalty. Apparently they havent met Isabella !

Take it one day at a time, Gfroller. Isabella may indeed let you know someday, loud and clear, that she wants to be free. At that time you can take steps to get her safely out to the wild. In the meantime, enjoy the company of a wild thing and keep her as healthy and happy as you possibly can. :)

Squirrel Girls Mom
11-21-2012, 09:52 AM
Take it one day at a time, Gfroller. Isabella may indeed let you know someday, loud and clear, that she wants to be free. At that time you can take steps to get her safely out to the wild. In the meantime, enjoy the company of a wild thing and keep her as healthy and happy as you possibly can. :)

:goodpost Gfroller, I had a female squirrel named Lucy who was the light of my life. At 8-9 months old she started pacing in her cage & chewing on the cage wire; that's when I knew it was time to let her go be who she was meant to be. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, but when I did release her, she came to me every time I came outside to climb up & give me kisses like she was thanking me and telling me how happy she was. I haven't seen her for weeks, but even if something happened to her and I never see her again I know that for a while she was happy and free in the trees. Isabella may be happy as a pet forever. The important thing is when she wants to go free that you let her. She'll let you know.

11-21-2012, 10:29 AM
The most important thing is to let the squirrel decide. You should read Peaches thread. Sweet Simon's Mommy tried releasing her, she tried having another rehabber release her. No go. Peaches wanted to be a pet squirrel. But cases like this are rare. The majority of squirrels want to be wild. When the time is right, you must let them choose for themselves. But enjoy them until that time comes!

11-21-2012, 12:56 PM
Thanks for the advice. Ill keep her happy and healthy for now.