View Full Version : HELP PLEASE!! EMERGENCY!

11-20-2012, 08:52 PM
my boyfriend works for animal control, and they caught a full grown female squirrel. well when she was in the cage she freaked out and kept trying to get out and kept hitting her head and ended up passing out. she is still breathing but she isnt moving. please help, any information will be greatly appriciated. i dont want her to die. is there anything i can do to heal her back to health??

11-20-2012, 09:00 PM
put her somewhere dark and quiet now. A rehabber will be on to help you soon!

Thank you for helping her! :)

11-20-2012, 09:04 PM
Dark and quiet asap. Cover the cage with a blanket.

11-20-2012, 10:03 PM
Being caught is very stressful to squirrels (not an expert here but will try to help if I can.) They will fight to the death to free themselves. This may sound strange but this is what happens in extreme fear/flight situations. Adrenaline pumps through the body, muscles begin burning muscle and not fat to power their struggle, toxin (lactic acid and others) begin to pollute the bloodstream and muscles, lungs pump less oxygen because it takes times to transfer co2 and o2. The squirrel is hyperventilating, as the blood fills with toxins the blood transfer of blood gases gets worse... it is called acidosis. O2 level drops in this stressed condition and animal loses consciousness. If the blood gas balance is not restored they can asphyxiate.

This is a critical situation.
Calm, warm, dark, and quiet. Cover the cage, and if possible cover the squirrel up to the eyes but make sure the nose and mouth are open. If possible sub Q fluids like lactated Ringers solution. this will help balance the blood ph and remove the toxins. Most animals will come out of the "coma" but some never do. Rest rest rest and more rest. if possible raise the o2 level to about 24 to 25%. If the damage is not too severe it will recover.

It's amazing the damage animals (including us) can do to ourselves if we are terrified.

something else that may help the shock is rubbing a little syrup on it's gums.

11-22-2012, 12:44 AM
any update on this squirrel?