View Full Version : Squirrel Affection??

11-19-2012, 01:28 AM
Not sure which Forum I should post this under so I hope this one is good enough :P

Well I recently rescued and have successfully rehabilitated an orphaned squirrel but I don't know anything about his behavior.

I can't tell if he likes me or not and he pees on me a lot. He watches me too like following me with his eyes but if I come near him t pick him up he will burrow into his nest to get away from me. He is about 5-6 weeks old.

Is he just scared of me and unsure? How do squirrel show affection?? What should I look for as warning signs?? and What should I look for that maybe signs of affection.

I would have had him 2 weeks this coming Friday. There are a lot of people in my home but no one cares for him except me. I'm one he comes in contact with the most.

11-19-2012, 11:38 AM
Don't "loom" over him when you go to pick him up.Try to look less "big". Use your hands to cup him from the sides, or wiggle your hand under him versus trying to pick him up from the direction of his back (from the side is more peer level and from the back is more predator) You could be scaring him and not meaning to. Peeing is a form of marking their territory usually, sometimes with little ones they just gotta go! Mine are 16 weeks old and they still occasionally pee on my shoulder. Whiskers actually smirks when she does, I think it a snide comment about warm and fuzzy myself, but Whiskers is a hoot anyway, she has a sense of humor.

Tried and true way to win his little heart is rub him gently under the jaw, usually they will stretch a leg out for you rub under their arms and chest. My babies love that, also stroke the top of the head and his ears, only time mine stay still is for a ear rub. I have heard some like their rear end before the tail rubbed as well. Mine are well adapted to giving and receiving affection since I had them from a few days after being born.

Squirrels lick and nibble a lot it is their way of showing affection, they also hold on to fingers ears etc.

11-19-2012, 12:28 PM
Not sure which Forum I should post this under so I hope this one is good enough :P

Well I recently rescued and have successfully rehabilitated an orphaned squirrel but I don't know anything about his behavior.

I can't tell if he likes me or not and he pees on me a lot. He watches me too like following me with his eyes but if I come near him t pick him up he will burrow into his nest to get away from me. He is about 5-6 weeks old.

Is he just scared of me and unsure? How do squirrel show affection?? What should I look for as warning signs?? and What should I look for that maybe signs of affection.

I would have had him 2 weeks this coming Friday. There are a lot of people in my home but no one cares for him except me. I'm one he comes in contact with the most. Are you Looking to Give him away? I would take good care of him.i'ved raised a squirrel before. it's VERY important that it has a Very Big Nest to retreat in. squirrels are a high maintenance pet,and require extreme love and patience. they are driven mostly by instinct. I live 5 hours away from you. Willing to give him a good home.Juz saying:)

11-19-2012, 02:14 PM
Are you Looking to Give him away? I would take good care of him.i'ved raised a squirrel before. it's VERY important that it has a Very Big Nest to retreat in. squirrels are a high maintenance pet,and require extreme love and patience. they are driven mostly by instinct. I live 5 hours away from you. Willing to give him a good home.Juz saying:)

Well my original plan was to take care of him until he is old enough to be released. Either I will release him or I will let a wildlife rehab place do it for me. I guess I'm just playing it by ear. I know I can't keep him because of college and what-not but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it I guess. Right now his nest is in a large pet taxi and I'll be moving him soon to a larger cage with some branches he can crawl on when he starts getting more active. Right now he is almost 6 weeks old and still sleeps for most of the day. I will definitely keep you in mind if anything changes. Thank you so much for your concern ;)

11-19-2012, 03:40 PM
Ok then.:thumbsup

11-19-2012, 08:08 PM

/what are you feeding your little baby? They tend to be a bit scared until they learn that the 'Nippie' with that good tasting formula comes from you. At 5-6 weeks old they should still be on a formula that is specially made for squirrels. Fox Valley makes the best, but it has to be ordered, and there is a formula that can be made while waiting for your FV to come in. Let me know if you need the address for that.


Nancy in New York
11-19-2012, 09:36 PM
What formula is your little one on? Can you post pictures of him?
We love pictures.
Oh, and you couldn't find a better more dedicated person to take your squirrel than HappyLittleSquirrely. I think by this point, he knows everything there is to know about nutrition.:thumbsup And believe me, nutrtion is the absolute key to his survival.

11-20-2012, 12:41 AM
What formula is your little one on? Can you post pictures of him?
We love pictures.
Oh, and you couldn't find a better more dedicated person to take your squirrel than HappyLittleSquirrely. I think by this point, he knows everything there is to know about nutrition.:thumbsup And believe me, nutrtion is the absolute key to his survival.
Thank you Nancy!! :grouphug :thankyou

11-20-2012, 01:57 AM

/what are you feeding your little baby? They tend to be a bit scared until they learn that the 'Nippie' with that good tasting formula comes from you. At 5-6 weeks old they should still be on a formula that is specially made for squirrels. Fox Valley makes the best, but it has to be ordered, and there is a formula that can be made while waiting for your FV to come in. Let me know if you need the address for that.


I feed him the puppy milk replacement mixed with warm water and also a mixture my vet prescribed to help him with whole foods - she suggested I grind up some puppy chow mixed with warm water and warm milk with a little bit of Karo syrup and add a pinch of vit. C, I also give him mashed up avacado. He'll eat avacado until his milk replacement is warmed up then he will drink about 3ml more or less depending on how much avacado he eats. every now and then he takes the puppy chow mixture . . . what do you think??

Milo's Mom
11-20-2012, 05:28 AM
I think you need to order Fox Valley Formula as fast as humanly possible and have it express shipped to you.

A 5-6 week old squirrel should be getting Fox Valley Formula and Henry's Healthy Blocks (Growth Formula) ONLY.

I know you vet means well, but while you're mixing up that concoction, how about adding some brussel sprouts, cod oil, and liver, then shake it over your left shoulder 3 times, while you are turning in circles to the right, standing only on your left foot.

Seriously, just order the Fox Valley the only thing you need to add is water.

Nancy in New York
11-20-2012, 07:07 AM
Oh this little one is too cute, what a little peanut he is.

A lot of vets do not know much about squirrels, but it was nice that you actually got a vet to "help" you.

The formula is the most important food that your baby will NEED. It encompasses everything that a squirrel will need in these first cruitial months of growth. If your baby is on formula, you don't have to worry about MBD. (Metabolic Bone Disease), which can kill them.

He should be eating 5 to 7 % of his body weight 5-6 times a day through the formula. Do you know how much he weigh?

Here is the site for the Fox Valley. You would want to order the 20/50 milk replacer. Do you have 1 cc syringes? And nipples?

Also can you get some fleece, or flannel and put it in with him, lots as they like to burrow under and get all comfy. The problem with towels is that they get their little nails stuck in the loops and they can hurt themselves trying to get free.

Please stick with us....you will learn so much that you never even though of.

What kind of a container do you have him in?

Again, he is absolutely a delight, and I'm glad you found our board. :Love_Icon

Having a squirrel, and a single one at that can be very time consuming....so just keep in mind HappyLittleSquirrels offer.:thumbsup :grouphug :Love_Icon

11-20-2012, 08:37 AM
awww so cute... I want a baby squirrel... lol... j/k....

Nancy in New York
11-20-2012, 10:43 AM
awww so cute... I want a baby squirrel... lol... j/k....

Be careful what you wish for, remember the last time you wanted something......and got it?????:rotfl :poke :rotfl

11-20-2012, 10:55 AM
Be careful what you wish for, remember the last time you wanted something......and got it?????:rotfl :poke :rotfl

I am closed for adoptions until some of these squirrels go to the woods!

Sorry squirrels.... I am too full here at the Squirrel-Orphanage.

I wish I could win the Powerball for millions.... maybe that one will work.. ???

11-20-2012, 03:05 PM
You will know he loves you when he purrs. If he lunges and tries to bite you are in trouble. Also try not to hold out fingers at first. They get bit. Keep the fingers together and scoop him up from his underside.

11-20-2012, 04:02 PM
Oh this little one is too cute, what a little peanut he is.

A lot of vets do not know much about squirrels, but it was nice that you actually got a vet to "help" you.

The formula is the most important food that your baby will NEED. It encompasses everything that a squirrel will need in these first cruitial months of growth. If your baby is on formula, you don't have to worry about MBD. (Metabolic Bone Disease), which can kill them.

He should be eating 5 to 7 % of his body weight 5-6 times a day through the formula. Do you know how much he weigh?

Here is the site for the Fox Valley. You would want to order the 20/50 milk replacer. Do you have 1 cc syringes? And nipples?

Also can you get some fleece, or flannel and put it in with him, lots as they like to burrow under and get all comfy. The problem with towels is that they get their little nails stuck in the loops and they can hurt themselves trying to get free.

Please stick with us....you will learn so much that you never even though of.

What kind of a container do you have him in?

Again, he is absolutely a delight, and I'm glad you found our board. :Love_Icon

Having a squirrel, and a single one at that can be very time consuming....so just keep in mind HappyLittleSquirrels offer.:thumbsup :grouphug :Love_Icon

ok I have a 5ml syringe I got from an infant tylenol medicine bottle at walmart and he gets milk from it, im gonna order a nipple from the fox nutrition site but what size should i get??

and according to my research it says to have a nest and a place to use the bathroom. his nest is made up of old soft t-shirts and then a folded a soft dish towel without the big loops ( i read about the nails getting caught thing) and i put it right out side his nest and he poops on it then goes back to the tshirts.

right now he is in a large pet taxi with a heating pad under the pet taxi not in there with him so to avoid direct contact. i have a big dog kennel in my shed so that will be his future cage as soon as i can get it out and clean it up for him.

I want to give him something to play with when he gets more active but what do squirrels play with?? lol

and i don't think he likes me :/ he grabs my fingers and nibbles them but then he will bite harder idk if he is trying to give me a warning or exploring using his mouth. he never does that chatter thing that shows aggression.

when i get him out to feed him i try to stay eye-level so not to scare him and i scoop too but he will scurry and hide but once i have him i wrap him in my hand and hold him close to my abdomen and he usually tries to sleep and relaxes or he will stretch out and sniff my fingers and nibble and bite or try to run up my arm to my shoulder and in my hair, it tickles :crazy

and thank you all so much for the advice. as soon as i read about the fox thing i went online and ordered some.

i guess my last question is when he gets old enough to take care of himself how do i release him and not be worried he can live on his own?

once again thank yall so so much ;)

Nancy in New York
11-20-2012, 04:30 PM
ok I have a 5ml syringe I got from an infant tylenol medicine bottle at walmart and he gets milk from it, im gonna order a nipple from the fox nutrition site but what size should i get??

and according to my research it says to have a nest and a place to use the bathroom. his nest is made up of old soft t-shirts and then a folded a soft dish towel without the big loops ( i read about the nails getting caught thing) and i put it right out side his nest and he poops on it then goes back to the tshirts.

right now he is in a large pet taxi with a heating pad under the pet taxi not in there with him so to avoid direct contact. i have a big dog kennel in my shed so that will be his future cage as soon as i can get it out and clean it up for him.

I want to give him something to play with when he gets more active but what do squirrels play with?? lol

and i don't think he likes me :/ he grabs my fingers and nibbles them but then he will bite harder idk if he is trying to give me a warning or exploring using his mouth. he never does that chatter thing that shows aggression.

when i get him out to feed him i try to stay eye-level so not to scare him and i scoop too but he will scurry and hide but once i have him i wrap him in my hand and hold him close to my abdomen and he usually tries to sleep and relaxes or he will stretch out and sniff my fingers and nibble and bite or try to run up my arm to my shoulder and in my hair, it tickles :crazy

and thank you all so much for the advice. as soon as i read about the fox thing i went online and ordered some.

i guess my last question is when he gets old enough to take care of himself how do i release him and not be worried he can live on his own?

once again thank yall so so much ;)

I will be back in a little while just wanted to write a little.
pm me your address, and I will get some nipples and syringes in the mail to you.
I don't think that a dog crate will help if the bar spacing is too far apart, can you get a picture of it?
Release probably won't be until spring, as nobody does winter releases, even in Florida.:nono :)
The key to raising a happy squirrel is to raise a healthy one. And the key to all of this is nutrition, I can't stress that enough.

I will be back in a little while and answer more questions.:)

11-21-2012, 02:12 PM
:wave123 js.
I'm not that far up hwy 59, as you can see.
I'm thinking the "syringe" might be an eye dropper. Got to be careful with those because it;s easier for the squirrel to aspirate when drinking from them.
Check and make sure the heating pad is only under half the cage.
If you would, remove any terry-cloth type towels.
What he's doing is pretty normal.
Try and find some twigs from a Live-oak, to put in with him. You can also use ash, sweetgum, pecan, apple, pear or other. That helps keep him busy with his need to chew.

11-23-2012, 01:52 AM
:wave123 js.
I'm not that far up hwy 59, as you can see.
I'm thinking the "syringe" might be an eye dropper. Got to be careful with those because it;s easier for the squirrel to aspirate when drinking from them.
Check and make sure the heating pad is only under half the cage.
If you would, remove any terry-cloth type towels.
What he's doing is pretty normal.
Try and find some twigs from a Live-oak, to put in with him. You can also use ash, sweetgum, pecan, apple, pear or other. That helps keep him busy with his need to chew.

Thanks so much for the input. I gave him a stick and he likes to play with it. as for heating pad and "eye-dropper" I'm in school to be a vet tech so we already covered both so I'm using an actual syringe just no needle of course ;) but thank you for your concern. Oh and I just brought home a new cage for him. It's a ferret cage. I plan on taking out some of the levels and adding a few branches that he can climb on. oh what do you think about using a fake tree to put in there to make it more natural for him?

thank you :D

11-23-2012, 03:05 PM
The biting thing is natural. He is playing with you by wrestling with you hand. The biting may seem rough and painful for us, but you gotta remember that they are wild animals and that's how they would play with other squirrels. Hiccup has learned that when I say "Ow!" or "Ouch!" in a sharp tone he is being to rough and will soften his mouth and bite nicer. I suggest getting your squirrel a stuffed animal. They LOVE to wrestle and fight them and it tends to save your hands a bit. Just make sure you get ones that don't have anything hard (eyes, nose, etc) on them that your squirrel can chew off and possibly choke on. I recommend stuffies that are kinda round. I've found that that's what Hiccup likes best. He loves to pounce on them and make them roll over on top of him and then he will kick them off and repeat the game.

I would suggest avoiding fake trees (could make him sick if he eats any) and go straight for the real thing. Go out and find branches (about 2-3 inches thick depending on how big your cage is) and put them in his cage for him to climb on and chew on. I would also suggest either making or buying him parrot toys (the ones like the wood ladder) so he has something to play with and chew on.

Hope this helps :)

11-29-2012, 02:17 AM
Thank yall so so much for all the advice. As of right now little Jerry is asleep in his hide box at the bottom of his brand new ferret cage!!! I went out and got some branches like you said ;) and he absolutely loves them but i think some need to be thicker . . . after eating he will run up and down and all around his cage he is so cute when he plays with me. oh and I always leave his cage door open to see if he is brave enough to venture around the room, and today he finally did. I was on the bed studying and didnt even know he was out till his little head popped up!! I really can't thank yall enough, when I first found him I honestly thought he was gonna get sick or something horrible but i just kept going and took yalls advice and things are going great and I know he is happy ha wow this is a super long post :) well thanks again and next time I need to post a pick of his new home ;):thankyou :thankyou :thankyou