View Full Version : What to do about aspiration?

11-14-2012, 10:41 PM
Jot got a 5-7 week old littlt girl ( Rose ) and she has been with 2 other people, I think that one off them may have aspirated her a little. Is there any thing I could do?:thankyou

island rehabber
11-14-2012, 11:09 PM
Hold the baby up to your ear. IF you hear wheezing or clicking on every inhale and exhale, the baby has aspiration pneumonia. If this was just a matter of "she blew bubbles thru her nose a couple of times while I was feeding her" but you don't hear those sounds, she is most likely ok.
If you DO hear the wheezing/clicking noises, she MUST get on antibiotics right away. Baytril is still my drug of choice for aspiration pneumonia.....SMZ-TMP would be second choice. Do you have a vet who can prescribe either of these?

11-14-2012, 11:53 PM
I just listened to her and didn't hear anything. She was doing it before I gave her anything. I am going to feed her again in about an hour and a half. I will listen to her again then and go from there. Thank you!

island rehabber
11-15-2012, 07:00 AM
I just listened to her and didn't hear anything. She was doing it before I gave her anything. I am going to feed her again in about an hour and a half. I will listen to her again then and go from there. Thank you!

I'm not sure how many baby squirrels you've raised, PM, so I'll go with Baby Squirrel 101 :): some babies make a "tic-tic" sound with their mouths when they are hungry, almost like a sucking sound but it can sound like clicking, too. (Pinkies do this and it can scare the life out of ya....) They also do a little "pfft!" once in awhile like a sneezing noise....neither of these are anything to worry about.

11-15-2012, 10:14 AM
This is the second one. I remembered that once I listened to her again. It's been a while and I am a worrier lol! Thanks for your help:wave123