View Full Version : wilds are looking so big....

11-08-2012, 09:38 PM
i have 6 wilds that visit almost every morning.

i typically throw out some corn. sunflower seeds. hazelnuts. walnuts & peanuts. not large amounts & i make them forage for at least half of it. (yes....the rest is enjoyed as a squirrel love fest on my porch :jump

they sure seem to be looking rather zaftig! is this normal for early winter? or should i reduce?

thanks for your help. i want them to be happy healthy and safe.... i wuv dem skwerlies! :thankyou

11-09-2012, 05:27 AM
Corn is horrible for them!!! I know you always see it packaged as squirrel food, but it is probably the worst thing you can feed them! I only offer rodent block and quality nuts (very rarely feed peanuts...course, my guys look at me like 'what else ya got' if I put peanuts out...lol, but I put those out for the blue jays and other birds.)

11-09-2012, 10:32 AM
Mary, you are right - I see corn packaged for them & thought it was ok. Thank you for setting me straight on this :thankyou

11-12-2012, 09:11 AM
They're getting ready for winter. The boys are gorging because they are storing energy in preparation for mating season next month. I've noticed some bad boys chasing away other smaller males from eating at my feeders. Mating is competitive and consumes a lot of energy. The squirrels get "cankles" during the winter.