View Full Version : how do I enter the squirrel photo contest

11-07-2012, 01:00 PM
Can anyone help me figure out how to enter the squirrel photo contest ? :):jump

11-07-2012, 01:56 PM
I do not believe that we have an "active" photo contest going on at this time...
We do have an annual squirrel calendar... This years calendar ends in April 2013--I think...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WELCOME Metal6140
Tell us A LITTLE about yourself--and any critters you have had experience with !!!

>>>>>>>>>>> P.S. We Live for PHOTOS....here on TSB...
Love to see some of YOURS... If you have trouble posting...e-mail them to me at stosh@jpcfl.com and I'll post them here for you.
( Check out my 3 tree squirrels...BELOW are the links)