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View Full Version : Gretel..teeth issues

10-29-2012, 12:11 PM
Gretel is one of my fall babies that came in pretty roughed up. Shes been here 3 weeks and was approx. 9 or 10 wks old.

She had mange on her ears, a broken left wrist and a missing top tooth (swollen nose and mouth).

Her left paw was much smaller than her right because of the break. Am I right in thinking this was an older occurance? I think time would of had to pass for the stunted growth to be so obvious? Maybe Mom kicked her out because of it?
She was put on Sulphatrim, Ivermectin...Swelling and mange are gone and the wrist has since healed. I was amazed to see that the paw has started to grow again! It is almost the same size as the other now, but the wrist is a touch crooked. She seems, so far, to be able to use it normally. She will be moving to the juvie cage, which is taller and Ill know better about her climbing abilities.

Her releasability is in question because of her teeth. The top is growing back in sooo slow and the bottoms were long, spread apart too much and piercing the roof of her mouth. I trimmed the bottoms just a nip, which seemed to help. Time will tell, I guess?
Im assuming the single tooth on top is touching right between the bottoms and causing the spread? Will this correct itself when the top is grown back in fully?
Im hoping #1- The top grows back aligned...#2-That my vet has experience trimming for the top if needed. Tops are more risky, correct?

Another question is whether I should keep her caged with the others, who are "wilder", OR....since she may be NR, should I keep her seperate and get her more used to handling?

Ill get a good pic of her teeth when I have someone to help later.

10-30-2012, 07:58 PM
Sry....finally a pic! a little blurry.

Any opinions and advice? Should I attempt to trim the top one so the new one can grow straight? Ive only done bottoms and Im leary about doing tops.
It looks like the remaining top has grown a little sideways because of the missing one and is poking between the bottoms and causing the spread?

I can talk to the vet about it, but would also love advice to give him also if I decide to trust him to do it (?)
OR....should I just learn myself since it is likely she will be NR anyway?


10-30-2012, 08:05 PM

10-31-2012, 09:07 AM

10-31-2012, 03:28 PM
The top tooth looks angled back, is it? If so, I'd trim it up pretty high if you can (slowly take off a little at a time and stop if it bleeds) because it looks straight at the top but bent back as it goes down. I'd keep trimming until all 4 front teeth are in, then you'll know if they're going to line up and be OK or not.

10-31-2012, 03:54 PM
Thanks Lynn!
The top is not going back much...More to the side because there was a vacancy there.