View Full Version : restranment

Foamy the squirrel
10-28-2012, 07:15 PM
how do i restain a squirrel? i saw it 1c befor here but cant find it

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-28-2012, 07:16 PM
I have no idea what you just tried to type

Foamy the squirrel
10-28-2012, 07:19 PM
holding a squirrel down :-/ in the brottio wrap.... how do i do it

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-28-2012, 07:24 PM
well don't use fleece, its too slippery, try using a towel or flannel.
You want to wrap the squirrel up so that he can't move, or scratch you , with his feet, like a burrito!!

Foamy the squirrel
10-28-2012, 07:27 PM
ok tryin to file olys nails so she cant turn me into swiss cheese....i look like i cut o-0 w all her scratches on me from her running on me

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-28-2012, 07:32 PM
I wear a thick robe, other when they clip nails just do
right front and left back,
then the next week left front, right back
not all at once, too much for the squirrel to handle because they cant climb well

Nancy in New York
10-28-2012, 07:34 PM
Are you going to release your squirrel? If so, you don't want to trim any of their nails.

Foamy the squirrel
10-28-2012, 07:39 PM
idk if ill be able to she's to nice and when shes out side shes scared. and hides. also she fllows me when shes out of her chage inside also shes not very bright

10-28-2012, 08:25 PM
It would be so much better for you to simply wear long sleeves and jeans and not scare the heck out of your friend by trying to file her nails. Everyone on this board has the same nail issue and most do not have to "restrain" them and file their nails. If you need to give meds or examine for heath reasons you restrain. NOT to make life more comfortable for us while making our squirrels afraid.:soapbox
Sorry to sound harsh, but this is my opinion.

10-28-2012, 10:45 PM
idk if ill be able to she's to nice and when shes out side shes scared. and hides. also she fllows me when shes out of her chage inside also shes not very bright
Olympia is still a baby.
It's normal for babies to be nice, be scared etc.
That will change when she matures - she won't be nice to everyone, and she won't be as scared and will be much more adventurous.
Besides, that's what a soft release is for - to help a squirrel gradually learn and get used to the outside.
As for being bright... not sure how you could determine that.
She is still a baby - babies are still learning and make mistakes - that's how they learn. Making mistake does not make anyone 'not bright,' especially a small prey animal

So far, from what you have shared about her she sounds perfectly normal and suitable for release in the spring.:thumbsup

10-28-2012, 10:48 PM
It would be so much better for you to simply wear long sleeves and jeans and not scare the heck out of your friend by trying to file her nails. Everyone on this board has the same nail issue and most do not have to "restrain" them and file their nails. If you need to give meds or examine for heath reasons you restrain. NOT to make life more comfortable for us while making our squirrels afraid.:soapbox
Sorry to sound harsh, but this is my opinion.
caring for a squirrel comes with quite a few adjustments for the humans - a squirrel's well being, convenience and comfort come first.
Part of human's adjustment is wearing thick clothes to minimize scratches

Squirrel Girls Mom
10-28-2012, 11:30 PM
You know, it's getting close to winter so that makes protecting yourself from needle-nails, as I call them, a lot easier. I have a certain shirt that I put on when I get home from work before I let the boys out. Just get used to looking like you've been battling with tiger until sweatshirt weather. :)

If you do file the tips, make sure you don't do them all at once cuz she's liable to take a serious fall.

10-29-2012, 04:57 AM
I have an old bathrobe that I wear around my fuzzy ones. They love to hide in it as well as use me for a tree and I don't feel a thing! :D