View Full Version : hello from Sammy and Peanut

10-27-2012, 06:23 AM
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to share some photos of my grey squirrel 'Peanut' with you all.
I have been a member on here for a while now and asked a few questions to which some of you have answered and helped me out! I LOVE this site and its nice to know there are lots of other squirrel lovers out there. :crazy

Sammy x

10-27-2012, 06:25 AM
Too cute! Love the last shot...milk or yogurt? The first pic is adorable as well...Peanut has a sly look on his/her face! :)

10-27-2012, 06:36 AM
Thankyou! Its yoghurt and she loves it! not sure why the 2nd photo is so huge!?? :thinking

Jackie in Tampa
10-27-2012, 06:41 AM

10-27-2012, 06:58 AM
More photos! :D

10-27-2012, 07:12 AM
She hit the jackpot with that piece of bread! :D

How old is Peanut? What's her story? :)

Nancy in New York
10-27-2012, 07:15 AM
Love these photos....:jump :jump :jump :jump :D

10-27-2012, 07:19 AM
I know! I came in with the shopping and she was straight in there. the next thing i knew she had a whole slice of bread! ha ha.

She is one and a half now. I work in a vets in the UK and someone had bought her in as she had fallen from a tree and was bleeding from her nose. her eyes were not yet open, I think she was about 4 weeks old. We 'normally' have to put grey squirrels to sleep but i fell in love with so decided i would help her and raise her myself. I managed to get a licence to keep her but not to release her. She has a HUGE outside cage in the garden and a HUGE inside cage that my partner built for her. (She does not show her appreciation to him I might add!) She is one of the family now and puts my 3 cats and 2 dogs in their places! ha ha. I wouldnt be without her :)

10-27-2012, 07:20 AM
Thank you Nancy :D

10-27-2012, 08:12 AM
She is so cute!

Squirrel Girls Mom
10-27-2012, 09:29 AM
I know! I came in with the shopping and she was straight in there. the next thing i knew she had a whole slice of bread! ha ha.

She is one and a half now. I work in a vets in the UK and someone had bought her in as she had fallen from a tree and was bleeding from her nose. her eyes were not yet open, I think she was about 4 weeks old. We 'normally' have to put grey squirrels to sleep but i fell in love with so decided i would help her and raise her myself. I managed to get a licence to keep her but not to release her. She has a HUGE outside cage in the garden and a HUGE inside cage that my partner built for her. (She does not show her appreciation to him I might add!) She is one of the family now and puts my 3 cats and 2 dogs in their places! ha ha. I wouldnt be without her :)

I'm laughing about Peanut not showing appreciation to your partner. My husband built a huge beautiful cage for my Lucy, as well as a carrier, and has picked up walnuts, fished her out of a tree with the swimming pool net once when she got outside by accident, has let her eat out of his salad bowl, drink out of his glass, and the list goes on. Poor guy, he's been bitten pretty good a few times and that's about all the affection he's ever gotten from Miss Lucy. :rotfl

10-27-2012, 01:41 PM
Ha ha that is so funny! Poor man. David has been bitten by peanut a few times too. He tries so hard to make her like him but I don't see it happening somehow :rotfl
How long have u had lucy?

10-27-2012, 04:30 PM
that is so funny. Flip loves my husband. He is always ready to see him and play on him but he knows when he gets home he usually gets some kind of treat from him :thumbsup he will be more aggressive with my husband than with me tho if he is having a little hissy fit lol

10-27-2012, 09:02 PM
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to share some photos of my grey squirrel 'Peanut' with you all.
I have been a member on here for a while now and asked a few questions to which some of you have answered and helped me out! I LOVE this site and its nice to know there are lots of other squirrel lovers out there. :crazy

Sammy x

Hi, I have a Peanut and Sammy, they were found on the ground before Isaac came through, eyes still shut with flies on them...

Peanut was the smaller of the two so that is how he got his name :D

When first found...

Recent picture...

Keep posting the pictures I really like seeing everyone else's fuzzy little friends, you've got some cute pictures!

10-27-2012, 09:35 PM
Peanut looks GREAT !!!
Thanks for giving him a 2 nd. chance and a safe, happy life.
( I re-sized some of your photos, so I could see them better. )

I have 3....Rama and Cruiser... and LUNA

10-28-2012, 02:11 PM
Awww I love Sammy and peanut. Good names! :thumbsup
I would love to have two of them. How old are they now? Very cute photos!

10-28-2012, 02:13 PM
Thanks for re sizing the photos! Hope u like them. I think the ones of peanut and her stuffed toy 'walnut' are funny lol x

10-28-2012, 02:14 PM
Hey! Does flip let your husband hold her? Peanut just swears at David but will take treats from him. That's as far as it goes though! :rotfl

10-28-2012, 07:41 PM
Awww I love Sammy and peanut. Good names! :thumbsup
I would love to have two of them. How old are they now? Very cute photos!

They are about 14 weeks now give or take a few days...

Squirrel Girls Mom
10-28-2012, 10:25 PM
Ha ha that is so funny! Poor man. David has been bitten by peanut a few times too. He tries so hard to make her like him but I don't see it happening somehow :rotfl
How long have u had lucy?

Lucy is about 9 months old. I released her about 3 weeks ago. :( I miss her terribly, but she is where she belongs: in the trees. She started jumping/lunging at my husband when she was really young, like maybe 12-14 weeks. She started biting him and anyone else that got close to her, except me, shortly after that. As mean as she was was to the entire world, she never bit me except in play. That made me feel safe, tho, when I released her cuz then I knew she would never jump on anyone trying to get their attention or food or anything. Yes, Miss Lucy was not sociable at all.

10-28-2012, 10:32 PM
That is one beautiful young squirrel you've got there. Bright eyed, inquisitive, and playful. Lucky you that she got attached to you and not your partner. They tend to be one-person critters.

10-29-2012, 03:16 PM
cute squirrel....

10-30-2012, 03:37 AM
Thank you! yes she is very playful. loves to be with me as much as she can. she is into EVERYTHING! always getting into trouble by chewing neumerous things around the house. (this does not impress my boyfriend!) :rotfl
But i cant help but love her :D

Squirrel Girls Mom
10-30-2012, 08:18 AM
Thank you! yes she is very playful. loves to be with me as much as she can. she is into EVERYTHING! always getting into trouble by chewing neumerous things around the house. (this does not impress my boyfriend!) :rotfl
But i cant help but love her :D

Sounds like your boyfriend and my husband should get together and commiserate with one another!! :rotfl