View Full Version : Finally saying Hello and Introducing myself!

10-24-2012, 06:16 PM
Hi everyone. I'd like to introduce myself and my 2 babies, Rocky and Princess(wondering if too late to change her name after having them for almost 3 weeks now).Btw. I've been on here for about 3 weeks now and have posted a few times since but haven't had the time to officially intro myself and my 2 baby squirrels.

A little info:
I first want to say I'm so thankful to have found TSB b/c prior I knew of another squirrel site that turns out was all misinformation and I'm lucky that my last 3 babies were as healthy as they were and am happy to report have since been released from a wildlife rehab. I had them for 2 weeks when 1 fell ill w/ what I "think" was a UTI as she woke crying and ea time she tried to urinate she would moan and even saw blood in urine. Poor baby b/c hurts to still think about that pain she had to endure while even taking her to a vet for small animals who didn't see a blockage but never dealt w/ a squirrel in his years of practice. I cldn't belev I cldn't even get some pain med to give the poor baby but I made the decision early in the day to get her and her siblings tot he wildlife rehab so they would dispense the proper meds. She recovered and they are all living their happy squirrel life in their habitat. let me say that they would have been with ME until release time if I didnt' encounter that b/c the pain I felt when I had to make that choice is undeniable and all too real. I can't believe I fell in LOVE w/ them and I am in love w/my 2 babies I have now. I never knew I cld expereince such a feeling and honeslty don't think I had ever done so before or at least I sure don';t recall.

A tree cutter who I know is the reason this has even come my way both times and why he thought I would be the one to turn to is beyond me, but I do know I did it so naturally and not a second thought to take them in. Rest assured all you rehabbers and squirrel people who hv a lot more experience that you should now know that I would immediately turn them over if I feel I can't take care of them, but I don't think I can just turn them over just because b/c I give them so much attention and maybe selfishly, but I feel they love me and depend on ME that to turn them over would be selfish and lazy of me if that makes any sense. However, I want to do 100% right by them all the way. I hope I can obtain every squirrel supply there is under the sun b/c I know this is a calling and I doubt I need to tell anyone how much$$$$$$ has been spent to date and will be spent. It doesn't even cross your mind when you need to get something about expense b/c you just do it. Trust me, I'm far from wealthy or even close, but it's not even a thought

Rocky and Princess, my baby boy and girl are about almost 7 weeks? They came to me on Friday, October 5th at about 3+ weeks old-and maybe almost 4? Their eyes were closed, just barely furred and bottom teeth only. Now they opened their eyes 1 1/2 weeks ago and tails getting furry, active and adorable as can be. They are my angels and my heart.

Timing was not the best as i was just preparing to move and my tiny place was all packed up and to add 2 babies to the mix was just insane but there was no putting it on hold until I was moved and settled but it's been some hek of a ride. I will be here in my new home 2 weeks tomorw and it looks like I moved in recently b/c they get ALL of me. My attitude is as long as my kitchen, beds, tv's, electronics and bathroom in working order and set up, the boxes can wait and they have and will! So many things HAD to be done and that was certainly a challenge and made for a very nervous, tired me, but that is calming down, thank God!. I think i finally just let the stress go and gave up on worrying about getting things done that will be here regardless. Sorry to rant but some know what I am talking about due to my nerve racking questions and even rather desperate ones. Thanks to those who took the time to answer me and reassure me! Truly, from my heart I thank you! idk if you'd want me to mention who you or I would type it in uppercase letters.

They are eating fine and I find on here that I'm making my mistakes along the way, but small ones and of course all in what to add to formula really. I will keep posting and asking and learning. I'm glad to be here and I now need to go to "how do i" threads on this forum ie; post pictures etc.. so i can interact w/the rest of you and share my stories from day to day. it's so exciting and fun to share from day to day what they did but in the "world" not many really want to hear your squirrel stories, although people are pretty fascinated when they do in fact see them and watch them just eat their formula. So many people never experienced the joy of interacting w/baby squirrels and when they do, every single one of them are litereally in awe.

My next challenge is to create the release cage. That thought is just crazy right now but I know the time will come and if they just can't or don't want to go, they certainly have a home for the rest of their lives right here w/me.

I pray they stay healthy and that I keep doing right by them as i want the best for them and couldn't bare for anything to ever happen to them. Even for a day or an hour is too much when they feel under the weather and the worrying begins b/c things can change so quickly w/in a feeding in squirrel life! I am open to all and any suggestions and advice. As a matter of fact PLEASE tell me what I need to be doing at this stage as it's all about my babies.

I have my sunlight lamp, monkey biscuits, HBB's, FV Formula, veggies galore, corn block, cuttlebone. Need to find deer antler! Toys toys toys and of course the cage they are in w/toys and a nest and a huge cage outside wating for me to put it together.

I hope this wasn't too long for an intro as I ddn't read others and will probably feel like a fool once I do and see i probably wrote a small book, but I didn't want to leave much out so I hope that's not considered a bad thing.

I love looking at your pix on here and can't wait to load mine and have fun when I can take the time to read some of the stories. i can't wait till I have my normal TIME back again and can actually spend hours on TSB w/o feeling like i need to be unpacking or putting somethign together, but that will come in time. Well I hope to interact w/many and thanks for letting me take the time to intro myself and my 2 babies!
:) Kassy

10-24-2012, 08:33 PM
:Welcome Thank you for sharing your and your babies story with us. So glad that you have joined us and hope you will stay with us a long, long time.
As you can tell we love being a help to others with fuzziers, and how we love pictures. Lots of information to read, I see you are busy going through the different bits and pieces.

10-24-2012, 10:10 PM
:Welcome glad your here Kassy, Rocky and Princess:D

10-24-2012, 11:27 PM

Squirrel Girls Mom
10-25-2012, 08:55 AM
:Welcome We like pictures, pictures, and more pictures!