View Full Version : Squirrel noises

10-23-2012, 11:38 PM
I heard something add this morning, Whiskers was playing during their out of cage time and she was making this odd little buzzing or hum sound. It really sounded like a power line does or a toneless single note hum.... It was very soft and pretty continuous. I could barely hear it and my video camera caught a little of the sound. She didn't look upset and She and Biff were like hyperactive kids out at recess, bouncing off furniture tussling with each other is rowdy play, pushing each other off the bed posts, me, the bed etc...

Is this the purring people talk about?
Squirrel giggling? I have no idea... but it was pretty cute.

10-23-2012, 11:49 PM
I wonder if they grow out of using that sound. Mine used to do it. But I don't hear it anymore.

10-24-2012, 08:04 AM
The only noise my Squirt makes is his grunting and snorting like a piggy when he's in the cage and his chattering teeth when he's mad. I always hear about squirrels making noises but mine doesnt. Ive always thought something was wrong but i guess he's just not vocal. I would love to hear him purr or giggle but nope he's quiet as anything. :D

Foamy the squirrel
10-24-2012, 08:16 AM
oly make the piggy noise but when shes on me... hehe

10-24-2012, 08:21 AM
Sounds like purring! I love that sound. Sammy is 2 years old and he will do it sometimes in the morning when I first get him out of his cage. Often while rolling around in my hair. It seems to be a happy noise.:thumbsup

10-24-2012, 08:28 AM
hehe I am trying to work on the video so I can get the sound I heard so it can be heard easily. I think it is a happy sound but I don't know.
So far I've heard, mock growls, squeaks, and grunts when they play and sharp squeal when one or the other gets offended by a too hard nip or got displaced as king of the bedpost. A shrill squeal when they are scared (I hope not to hear that sound again) a soft muk muk grunt when they are wanted out of the cage or fed. A chattering of teeth when they are annoyed or concerned (usually when the dogs tail bangs on the door. Or when I find a stash.) and Biff did bark a couple of times as 7 week old when he claimed my knee as "his territory" and barked at me (hey it's MY knee) and his sister and he kept pushing her off it and barking at her. it lasted maybe a minute before I tickled his belly and he hopped off.

I heard the "buzz or purr when they were babies, I though it to be a way they located each other when they were blind and deaf as it is as much felt as heard. I'm trying make a list and gather sound bites for the squirrel sounds I hear.