View Full Version : Nervous new mommy

10-09-2012, 12:35 PM
Hi everyone. My name is Xiomara and I hope to get to know everyone soon :) First though, I am hoping for some assistance.

On Friday, after I left for work, my husband found a baby squirrel at the bottom of a tree. This tree is well known to us because the feral cat I have been trying to trap (long story, she's too smart for her own good) hangs out under that tree. Lately the cat has been leaving me parts if squirrels so hubby brought the baby inside and left it in a cage we have w/ unsalted peanuts and water- then he went to work. No note, no call, nothing.

I got home, saw the cage out and went to investigate. The small Eastern Grey Squirrel was noshing on peanuts and when he saw me he leaped at me chattering wildly. I closed the cage, called hubby after he told me what happened I checked the tree where hubby found the squirrel... Sadly, I am fairly certain the little one is on his own thanks to the feral cat (the nest is destroyed) no squirrels in sight.

The squirrel (pics to come) is in good condition. No cuts or anything, he had a few fleas but I removed them. Mostly he was just hungry as heck. His eyes are open and he is fully furred, looking at pictures I estimate him to be about 7-8 weeks. I have been giving him formula (the Esbilac with water recipe, I wasn't sure about what kind of whipping cream and some sites say not to put it at all so I put mashed banana for extra fat in lunch and dinner feedings.*2am calls for food and 1st morning meal he will only take formula and water) He gets formula mixtures 4 times a day (6 mLs at a time) and I leave him cut up acorns, almonds, apples and bananas to nosh on as he wishes (I gave him a some sunflower seeds since several places said they're good for weening and he loved them... but then I read in other sites they block calcium so I stopped).

Everything has been good so far, no diarrhea, no mishaps of any kind.. (though he doesn't seem interested in cut up apples or bananas, just when they're mashed into his formula)

Unfortunately, though, last night we had our first mishap. He started crying for his 2am feeding so I got up and I started feeding him, he was suckling wildly at the syringe and he aspirated. He was sneezing a lot and I held him upside down for 10 seconds but no formula came out. I patted his back and he calmed down. Just a few sneezes after that. I was so worried I couldn't sleep at all (I'm running purely on caffeine today)

I have dealt with aspiration only once before, with my oldest ferret and her prednisone. She was fine, but the squirrel (we call him Catrachito which means little Honduran) is much more smaller and delicate. This morning at his feeding he was okay, active as normal, excited to eat (though I must admit I was nervous). He sneezed a little but was breathing normally. I know I should listen for clicks in breathing but how long after aspiration does that normally occur?

My grandmother raised a squirrel when she was my age, his name was Taxes. She said that Taxes aspirated his formula more than once and he was fine, she said it's pretty inevitable that it will happen at some point or another- so I shouldn't worry... But I can't help it. I am very worried, I can't even eat. Catrachito has already become an important part of our family.. He is such a symbol of pure hope and honest love. He has very much taken on the role of our baby, how could I not worry?

As far as legality, I am not sure if it is legal or not for me to have him. When we first moved to this state (8 years ago) we went on vacation to the mountains and saw 2 young Eastern Grey Squirrels in a pet-store.. So I assume they are legal in our state, however it was over an hour away and I don't know if that is something that varies by county or not.

To close, I am worried (IMHO rightfully worried) so I came here to ask how long after aspiration would the clicking occur and what is the next immediate step? Immediate antibiotics? If so, which ones (so I can get ahold of them to be prepared).

Thank you in advance,

Ps. Sunflower seeds (and pine seeds since I have read controversial reports on those as well) good or bad? If they're bad- what is good for weening? Oh and mushrooms, yes or no? What kinds?... And since were talking food- I read to try one new food a day (and we have been) I want to start him on sweet potato, can I use the all natural baby food kind to get him used to the flavor? And tips to get him to eat chunks of non-mashed food... Or will he just start whenever he is ready to start? (though I would imagine that he'd be ready since he eats the acorns, his favorite, and almonds bits)

michael metts
10-09-2012, 01:07 PM
Hi there Nervous New Mommy, Welcome to the Squirrel Board, I have raised 10 babies and released them back to nature to be free, Please listen to the great people on here and they will help you through this. So far you are doing good But make sure the squirrel is getting plenty of sunlight, They really have to have that for it helps them. Make sure it gets Calcium or it can have Seizures and die from it. I lost one from that and the vet said it also had an Anirisum. It was the only squirrel I had that got that symtem in the 4+ years I have been doing this. I am not an Expert on these things but I do my best to take care for them. Shortly you should have more people on here to help you for different people have different ways of doing things, LISTEN TO THEM GOOD. The squirrel depends on that.

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-09-2012, 01:14 PM
:wave123 :Welcome

yes feeding is confusing. The best way to figure it out id to read this

also , let your baby wean himself, the longer he eats formula the better.

We recomend Fox Valley which can be ordered on line, and until then we recommend goats milk
3 parts goat’s milk
1 part heavy whipping cream*
1 part vanilla yogurt

Formula will last 48 hours in refrigerator.

10-09-2012, 01:57 PM
Thank you for the quick replies and the link. I will order the formula and pick up goats milk. I had read about squirrels getting seizures due to lack of calcium which is why I picked out a high calcium nut (Almonds). Does anyone have like a sample menu of daily meals (like.. How many different foods per meal and how much if each? For example- would 3 pieces of broccoli, a rose hip and an acorn be one meal? Just want to be sure I understand)

Should I leave meal-type foods out for noshing between formula meals or treats... Or both?

Also, thank you for reminding me to ask about sunlight- I keep the blinds open and he's right by the window- however the past two days it has been cloudy out. Will that affect him negatively? Should I leave a light on?

This question may be a bit off topic but: Does anyone know if bulb type/color makes a difference? I only ask because I read about the sunlight a bit and if I am not mistaken, what I read said something about sunlight affecting when Squirrels go into rut which reminded me of the ferrets since sunlight affects when ferrets rut too and I know that ferrets shouldn't be exposed to the newer energy saving bulbs at all because there have been studies showing a higher instance of Adrenal Cancer (adrenal gland regulates sex hormones) in ferrets exposed to energy saving bulbs... So seeing that sunlight affects both species' ruts, I was curious if anyone knew weather or not the bulb type/color would affect Catrachito. I know they are two entirely different species, of course, but since both's ruts are affected by sunlight exposure I wanted to be sure energy saving bulbs wouldn't be harmful (since Catrachito spends a lot of time on my shoulder he goes in my room some times and that's the only room with energy saving bulbs.)

10-09-2012, 02:06 PM
Which of theFox Valley's should I get? The Day one milk replacer or the Ultra Wean replacer?

Jackie in Tampa
10-09-2012, 02:32 PM
32/40 is for babies younger than 4 weeks and 20/50 is for older babies:thumbsup
Day One milk replacer

10-09-2012, 02:43 PM
32/40 is for babies younger than 4 weeks and 20/50 is for older babies:thumbsup
Day One milk replacer

Thank you :D I was just thinking the Ultra Wean would be good since he's at the weaning age

10-09-2012, 05:41 PM
:wave123 :Welcome

yes feeding is confusing. The best way to figure it out id to read this

also , let your baby wean himself, the longer he eats formula the better.

We recomend Fox Valley which can be ordered on line, and until then we recommend goats milk
3 parts goat’s milk
1 part heavy whipping cream*
1 part vanilla yogurt

Formula will last 48 hours in refrigerator.

Okay, so I went to the store but I am going to have to go back as soon as someone replies to this, lol.. I wasn't sure about the goat's milk they had. It's Meyenberg: Goat Milk ultra pasteurized Vitamin D. Is ultra pasteurized w/ vitamin D okay?