View Full Version : Stealing treats.. How do I stop this?

10-09-2012, 12:31 PM
My mean little grey eats his treat and then wants to take his brother's away.

Today I had a fight over an almond. I took it away from General Forrest and gave it back to JEB...

Didn't get bit! surprise!

Is there anything I can do to keep one from eating the other's TREATS? too many treats are bad for one squirrel... one gets 2 treats other gets none... awww...

Jackie in Tampa
10-09-2012, 12:35 PM
the secret is to eat sq food yourself!!!:poke :rotfl
the sqs will fend for themselves...

10-09-2012, 12:37 PM
:rotfl :rotfl
the secret is to eat sq food yourself!!!:poke :rotfl
the sqs will fend for themselves...

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-09-2012, 12:37 PM
I would have separate out of cage time and they could have their treats then.
If out of cage time does not exist in your house, have a play cage for one at a time with treats.

10-09-2012, 12:39 PM
I would have separate out of cage time and they could have their treats then.
If out of cage time does not exist in your house, have a play cage for one at a time with treats.
good idea! I will need another cage soon anyways... I been thinking of connecting 2 Henry's cages, and then put little drawbridge connector between the two, like a tunnel? think that would work good?

10-09-2012, 12:45 PM
good idea! I will need another cage soon anyways... I been thinking of connecting 2 Henry's cages, and then put little drawbridge connector between the two, like a tunnel? think that would work good?

Yes, that will work perfectly!! Miss Hope LOVES her tunnel!!

Just remember to have a way to shut one cage off from the other.

Jackie in Tampa
10-09-2012, 12:45 PM
Riannas Miss Hope has a wrap around the entertainment center cage community all to herv self with tunnels connecting... check out her thread sometime...

baby Bon Bon has two cage connected with a tunnel too...
creative people on this board!!:thumbsup

edit...Rianna, we were typing same thing same time... you owe me a coke!

10-09-2012, 12:47 PM
Get outta my head Jackie!! :rotfl

edited...I almost wet my britches...lololol I owe you a coke:)

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-09-2012, 12:59 PM
Of course you will then need 2 more sets of
Jackie's CAGE GEAR!!!!!

10-09-2012, 01:01 PM
Of course you will then need 2 more sets of
Jackie's CAGE GEAR!!!!!
Yup there won't be no tie dye fleece left for miles around Tampa... hahahahaha

can't have too much cage gear.. they pee on it... heehee

Jackie in Tampa
10-09-2012, 01:24 PM
Of course you will then need 2 more sets of
Jackie's CAGE GEAR!!!!!but of course...tinfoil
my PR woman is in charge..
what candle scents are we making next?:rotfl

Sweet Simon's Mommy
10-09-2012, 01:31 PM
but of course...tinfoil
my PR woman is in charge..
what candle scents are we making next?:rotfl

Christmas of courseCM0712

10-10-2012, 07:06 AM
good idea! I will need another cage soon anyways... I been thinking of connecting 2 Henry's cages, and then put little drawbridge connector between the two, like a tunnel? think that would work good?

I connected a Henry's cage to a Critter Nation using an aluminum dryer vent. It will actually be easier to connect 2 Henry's cages because you can use the little door opening on both. The Critter Nation doesn't have the little doors so I had to block an entire door side on the Critter Nation with plywood. My Bonzai moved from his Henry's cage into the Critter Nation using the tunnel. After a while he stopped going to the Henry's cage so I did disconnect them. I used wire tie to secure the little door on the Henry's but you might want to get a heavier wire for a grey or fox squirrel. Bonzai is a flyer and he is NOT a chewer so the wire tie worked fine.
On the second picture, you can see (a little) I rolled the edge and put AC duct foil tape on the edge of the vent tube to cover the sharp edge. That's what the red is on the tube. (AC duct foil tape)