View Full Version : Thrilled to be here!

10-08-2012, 11:33 AM
Our family adopted (rescued) a single squirrel-in-need in early April. Eyes closed, barely furred, guessed at only about 2 weeks old. After being warmed, de-flea'd, hand fed and loved immensely, he does not want to leave! His name is Peanut (real original - I know, but when we found him he was laying on his belly with a little middle and two "bumps" so his body looked very much like a peanut!) We have a very large cage for him, and his own room that he spends most of his time in especially while we're at work. I am able to stop home many times a day to play with him and keep him active. He also spends at least an hour with me every morning while I get up and get ready for work - we've turned our bathroom into a kind-of squirrel-jungle-gym! lol We've read up on their diets, have special lighting, etc. for him, but of course questions and challenges still come up. Hoping to make some connections on here to people that can confirm what I've learned so far and help me learn more! We love our ltitle fuzzbutt more than we could have ever imagined. He just turned 6 months old and even though he is a handfull he's been worth every second. He's spolied ROTTEN - we have huge cat trees and real branches (made into trees with platforms) in our living room for him to excercise on and we try to simulate through play and structure what his outdoor life would be like. Lots of stuffed toys he wrestles with, a freezer FULL of various nuts in shell for him to sharpen those teeth on, and a family that loves on him constantly. One thing we are desperately lacking is vet care. In our area there are no pet squirrels, so we have not found even an exotic vet that can or will see him yet. I'm sure with a little inside help as to who around here might be squirrel-friendly, we could find SOMEONE! Our first priority would be to get help in that area. A rehabber, vet, anything would be helpful! If someone could private message me for that, it would be great. Thanks!

island rehabber
10-08-2012, 11:46 AM
:Welcome and glad you found us! Looks like Peanut found a one-in-a-million family who is willing to design their home around his preferences :rotfl:thumbsup:thumbsup. Tell us where you live, or PM me with it, and I'll see if we can find a squirrel-friendly vet for you.