View Full Version : Cage Toys???

09-26-2012, 08:02 AM
Just wondering what cage toys to buy for my 9week old Squirt??? He already has some fleece that hangs, femur bone to chew, a branch and a TP roll. He seems to be getting somewhat bored.

09-26-2012, 08:27 AM
yes, good post, I need answers too. lol.

If the General didn't have JEB to attack I am afraid he would be bored too!

09-26-2012, 08:29 AM
In addition to what you are using, I give my babies tissue boxes, just make sure you remove the plastic first. Also, you could give them branches that have leaves on them, they go crazy shredding/eating the leaves. You could toss in a tennis ball or a stuffed animal (make sure they have no eyes or anything that they can eat) too...they love to roll around and wrestle with them. Hope this helps! :)

09-26-2012, 09:36 AM
Thanks Sadie!! Ill have to try the tissue boxes. He doesnt play with his stuffies but he does cuddle with them when he goes to sleep(omg its so cute). The tree in my back yard that i took his branch from doesnt have any leaves on the lower half of it(at least where i can reach) but im sure i can find some somewhere. Thanks again:D

Foamy the squirrel
09-26-2012, 10:18 AM
in Olympia's cage at my house she has a stuffed turtle hammock pine cone paper towel roll a towel tied to top do cage so she can climb on it a tennis ball bunch of chewy including a salt lick in a squire type thing w a bell a skull thing oh and a rock that she can scrap her teeth on :)

At her fathers house she has a stuffed tiger her cage had 3 levels w a ram slide and a tunnel (ferret cage) she has a tp roll an elephant that she can sleep in and go throw nose... 2 different hammocks 1 a reg fleece one and one thats like a cats bed... she has a skull thing there to and a monkey that hangs so she can climb on him to :) she also has a squirre thing there two

There a pics of both cages on her photo bucket