View Full Version : have baby 7 wk old with broken leg

09-25-2012, 11:46 PM
I just got a baby squirrel brought to my work yesterday from a person who found her on the ground after a tree was cut down. I took her in and have been taking care of her since. I work at a dog & cat vet. I took an X-ray and it is indeed broken. I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm sure she's not able to be released. I'm thinking of taking her to the exotic vet tomorrow and see what I can do to make her comfortable. Does anyone have any suggestions for me on how to deal with this? Thx

09-26-2012, 12:37 AM
A broken leg does not mean that she will not be able to be released..... the healing process will determine that based on well the bone grows back together. Until you to get to see the exotic vet keep the baby squirrel confined to a small container as to decrease movement as much as possible. Motrin can be given for swelling and pain...... a few drops.

09-26-2012, 09:03 AM
I've released two squirrels and two chippies with broken leg/arms... sometimes they heal incredibly fast. One little chipmunk I had, I thought for sure his whole back end was paralyzed. Within a few days, he was getting his feet back up under him and he was 100% within two weeks, and I released him one week afterward.

Give the little guy a chance - you'd be shocked how they can heal with a little TLC <3

09-26-2012, 10:01 AM
Thank u both for the replies. I've been keeping her in a small dog carrier. She's been doing better as each day goes on. She's been warming up to me also. I will take it day by day. I love this site it gives me great tips and I can talk to fellow squirrel lovers! I will keep you posted on how she does. :thankyou :jump