View Full Version : Rj's Whisker

09-24-2012, 12:03 PM
Hello again! Well, Rj is doing good. His hair is finally growing back from the skin fungus. He finished all his meds. But, now he has this sore on his whisker. Does anyone know what this may be ? Looks like another trip to the vet. He is not in pain, he eats, plays and is happy!! I don't know what it could be. Thanks.

Jackie in Tampa
09-24-2012, 12:10 PM
could be wrong, but looks like an abcsess..
will need to be aspirated to verify what's inside mass..
if pus, will need drained/lanced..
if not, the vet may decide to send off for verification/identification/culture

what does it feel like? is it warm/hot?
is it tender?

sometimes if antibiotics are not given long enough, an abcsess will form following inital treatment..looks like he may need another round!

looks like an abcsess...:dono
let us know what the vet finds, good luck..
btw, his fur looks great, tails take awhile:thumbsup

towels are really a bad idea...can you please give him tshirts or fleece instead? TY!!

09-24-2012, 12:14 PM
Thanks, no it's not hot and doesn't seem to be tender, he lets me rub it. It's kind of hard. He was taking a med with steroids in it. Do you think it could be a side effect? I know they will do strange things. I only put the towel down while he's eating, then take it up.

Jackie in Tampa
09-24-2012, 12:29 PM
will he let you mash it?
is it a cyst?
I think it's odd it has no hair on it...and looks red...hmmmm:thinking
have no clue...tumor cyst, bite, abcess...beats me.. sorry!
I def would go to the vet and have it aspirated...
good luck..

Milo's Mom
09-24-2012, 12:35 PM
Is it possibly an ingrown whisker? The reason I am asking...you said his fur is growing back after having a skin fungus...did his whiskers fall out too or some of them and now they are growing back in...:thinking

This would of course still need a vet.

09-24-2012, 12:39 PM
Yes, I'm calling the vet. Thanks ya'll.:wave123

10-01-2012, 06:53 PM
Update: He has a tumor :dono The vet says he's pretty sure it's benign and wants to give him a round of antibiotics to shrink it down. He sent the sample to Dallas and will get results back in a few days. But, I have another question. I was eating whole grain melba toast, and Rj wanted some so I gave it to him...he loves it. Will it hurt him? Thanks